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6 hours ago, Old Cat Lady said:

I don't know what's normal for idols leaving the military, but I'm happy for Jin that he seems to have formed genuine bonds in the military. The one guy looks like he's crying  ETA: actually, looks like at least a couple are crying



I'm so happy to see this. It shows he had a good time while serving and it wasn't a horrible experience😊.

Hope he made some friends.


6 hours ago, Old Cat Lady said:

If I were a bit more delulu, I'd start believing in JinMin. I know they all have taken each of their services to heart, but I was struck by how deeply Jimin seemed to have felt Jin's service

ETA: I read that Joon was playing Dynamite - tbh, didn't recognize it at all :redface:


This is so wholesome and healing and the soulmate hug!!!! You can see how they missed each other💜


And damn, Jimin looks tiny next to "Hulk"-Tae. Tae looks even wider/bigger then JK😳.

And Namjoon with the sax🥹....my heart melted...


3 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:




I'm a crying mess! Look at them!!!!!! :cry:


Same, same.....best family picture ever, so incredible happy to see them together😍🤩😍💜🥰

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I literally spent 3 hours watching that livestream on youtube yesterday while doing other stuff wondering what I would even be able to see. Nothing? Just more black cars with dark windows passing by?


I was not disappointed. I recognised Hobi's beanie as soon as it peeked out from behind the car seconds before they changed over to Jin. By that time is was almost 1am here and my 36 yo ass was tired as hell so after excitedly scrolling through twitter for a while and sharing funny posts with my friend and sister I went to bed.


Only to find out that I missed his live. I should have expected it I guess...


My heart is full though. I'm happy and full of energy.

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26 minutes ago, Whoopiewoop said:

I literally spent 3 hours watching that livestream on youtube yesterday while doing other stuff wondering what I would even be able to see. Nothing? Just more black cars with dark windows passing by?


I was not disappointed. I recognised Hobi's beanie as soon as it peeked out from behind the car seconds before they changed over to Jin. By that time is was almost 1am here and my 36 yo ass was tired as hell so after excitedly scrolling through twitter for a while and sharing funny posts with my friend and sister.


Sounds great though, even if you were tired😊.


26 minutes ago, Whoopiewoop said:

Only to find out that I missed his live. I should have expected it I guess...


Watch it later as a goody to look forward to after finishing work😉

(might do the same, but will probably give in and watch during lunch break😅)


26 minutes ago, Whoopiewoop said:

My heart is full though. I'm happy and full of energy.


I know what you mean.


Group hug everyone:grouphug:, one is back, only six to go and Hobi will be back "soon" as well😎💪😁 

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11 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

He was explaining the hug event. Apparently he originally proposed doing free hugs in a park for everyone who wanted one, even if it took him a month to hug them all. The company, from what I can gather, told him that was nuts and gave him a flat no... so in the end Jin got his way but hugging 1000 ARMYs in an indoor setting was the compromise.


The world does not deserve this man, wow. :tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow:


He's so sweet :love:  I knew it was his idea as soon as I heard it. I'm glad the company put the reigns on him - honestly, free hugs in the park would be downright dangerous. 


I haven't caught the live yet. Is Weverse down for everyone else? ETA: it's been so long that I had the wrong url but it's working. I thought maybe Jin's return crashed the site, lol

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18 hours ago, Whoopiewoop said:


You didn't buy a ticket beforehand? Is stand by still I thing? I thought it got scrapped years ago.

I fly free standby IF a seat is open -- which is the big deal with United tending to fill their flights up.  I wouldn;t have gotten on the direct flight to Seoul.  They make me crazy.  The biggest plus with Osaka is that they don't upgrade regular passengers so standbys -me - can get first class.   

It was all day traveling and I got to the hotel too late to make the food fest and the giant RJ.  Boo.

Going to Jeju tomorrow so will miss anything happening here.  Just catching up with all the posting and will watch the JIN live as I go to sleep.  It just make me cry tto see how much Jimin misses Tae.  And their genuine love and concern for each other.  I hope the coming year goes quickly.

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5 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:


And not only is this such an amazingly sweet family photo, only Jin is wearing military gear.  I hope, because it's clear that they all did get a leave, even if a short one, that they had a long dinner together.  Even if Yoongi didn't get the day off -- he lives in Seoul.  I rewatched the Suchwita with Jin and Jin pointed out that they would see each other throughout the military time because they live about five minutes apart.  That will mean, I hope, that Jin won't be going into friend-withdrawal.

OK -- i need to go to bed.

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1 hour ago, Old Cat Lady said:


He's so sweet :love:  I knew it was his idea as soon as I heard it. I'm glad the company put the reigns on him - honestly, free hugs in the park would be downright dangerous. 


I haven't caught the live yet. Is Weverse down for everyone else? ETA: it's been so long that I had the wrong url but it's working. I thought maybe Jin's return crashed the site, lol


The subs aren't up yet, but I have seen snippets.

Him fighting for the hug event is so sweet🥰. I hope it will go smoothly and just like he imagind, so that he has a great time.


Another snippet I saw made me a bit sad though, under spoiler...


Had hoped that the 18months got rid of some idol thoughts, but I guess you can't change 10years of thoughts. I don't know how often he appologized for not looking his best and his puffy eyes and he wanted to look better for Armys, it was way too often.

Jin, you look freaking handsome! Please, there is no need to apologize for anything. Sigh....


By the way: 

Anyone else thinks it's funny that Namjoon is playing the sax when Tae is the one who learned it when he was young?😂

Maybe we will get a duett one day😉. But I did recognize Dynamite, so, well done Namjoon😁.

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4 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:



!!!!!!!!  That's after Hobi is back, too.


And global announcements of Jin.  I am so proud to be ARMY.  He is just as sweet and sincere and lovable.  And WWH, even if he doesn't see it.


Off to Jeju - have to prepare some questions for the live!

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