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General Yuzuru Chat

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Hello everyone i was away for couple of days. i know in this forum satellites dont like to talk about yuzu’s privacy and actually me neither but this time something different happend and i didnt see anyone talked this here untill now. anyway recently i saw a lot of “yuzuru’s potential wife” rumors again. The japanese media made lot of fake news and have said many names already and most of the people didnt believe it and so didnt i. But this time they are saying that yuzuru married with a violinist Suenobu Mayuko and i researched her a bit and all of her videos on YouTube are filled with “congratulations on your marriage with hanyu” comments. And nearly everyone i saw accepted it. I guess they finally found the right person. If she is really his wife then i would be happy because she really seems like a lovely, talented and a mature woman but i am not sure should i believe it or not because yuzuru still didnt say anything. Is there anyone who knows about this topic?


edit: thank you for ghosting

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2 hours ago, Yuzurella said:
I absolutely love these new pics! Santa Yuzu is so gorgeous! :girlsigh:
I wish I could also get the Sekkisei products here, especially the Yuzu themed gift sets and the Yuzu goodies. :angel3-smiley:

Tried to reserve the coffret, but sold out within few hours of reservations opening:tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:


Sekkisei please launch the Yuzu promoted line in Europe/UK

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