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General Yuzuru Chat

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So Yuzu was saying Pooh is his coach (background is he always pinch the face of Pooh before the SP/FS starts, because he want to feel some touches on hand and coach might not be there to shake hands) 


Anchor: So what do you think Coach Pooh will say to you?

Yuzu: My face is so painful....


:YuzuPoohSad:  :sadPooh::YuzuPoohSad:  :sadPooh:

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I have thanked TV asahi  @tv_asahi_PR  on twitter under this short vid of Yuzuru on the live programme thanking them for the show - I see some other fans have been asking about the possibility of Eng subs in future if anyone wants to join in thanking/making requests.


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15 minutes ago, SummerMemories said:

So Yuzu was saying Pooh is his coach (background is he always pinch the face of Pooh before the SP/FS starts, because he want to feel some touches on hand and coach might not be there to shake hands) 


Anchor: So what do you think Coach Pooh will say to you?

Yuzu: My face is so painful....


:YuzuPoohSad:  :sadPooh::YuzuPoohSad:  :sadPooh:


LOL! Yuzu is so funny! Poor Coach Pooh. :roll:



This is a hilarious edit. Yuzu is finally free and kicking the ISU's ass! :ganba:

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4 hours ago, Perelandra said:



Good Day Lovely Satellites


It seems that people are interested to send a support messages to Yuzu.

Anabel and I have investigated using a high quality photobook service to compile messages


A separate thread will open shortly to discuss the project


General idea, take a photo of Virtual Pooh Rain with a written message for Yuzu and in which country you reside. We will put a Pooh on a map to show that support is Global.

Send photo, for inclusion in the project. Of course if you don't have a Pooh any visual tribute for Yuzu will be just as good

The most important aspect of this is that we would like Yuzu to see that lots of fans are excited about the future projects that Yuzu is planning and will continue to support him.

We want everyone orbiting the Planet to be included, if they would like to be involved.


The intention will be to send the completed photo book to Ice RInk Sendai

*As a matter of courtesy, we are appealing to any of the Japanese speaking satellites.*

Please could one of you volunteer to approach them, to check if it will be alright for the Planet to ask for their help to ensure that the gift reaches Yuzu.

I have already opened the thread about the project. You will find all the information there.


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4 minutes ago, shina07 said:

Wonder if he’s going to just leave it there as a memento or get him next time he comes to Canada

im getting emotional about old man pooh :YuzuPoohSad: since it is a reminder of the old days lol. it would be nice if he left it in canada, i suppose borser and co could put it in a place of honor haha

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