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3 minutes ago, LiaRy said:


Photos 5&6 are with Yuzu. Click on the right arrow to navigate

That's amusing Yuzu, Keiiji and cardboard Keiiji, shame they couldn't find the cardboard Yuzu that was used for the announcement of the Olympic team before the PC Olys

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Yuzu's spiral is absolutely gorgeous! :girlsigh:




According to Google Translate, the caption says: "Is this what I am?"


LOL! :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

Come on, this wax figure really doesn't do Yuzu justice. It's too... waxen...

Apparently, Yuzu is too otherwordly beautiful to capture his looks and form them into a realistic looking figure. :grin:

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2 hours ago, Pammi said:

This emanates so much love for Yuzuru it makes me a bit :sorrow:


I agree. Also, I recommend watching short videos  - the place is so peaceful, the whole landscape is beautiful, birds are singing. 

You can see their hard work, patience and pure love. 


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5 hours ago, Xiupia said:

Sekkisei will release new content with Yuzu on the 20th! Our beauty vlogger~ 

Edit: it will be little audios, like they have done before by the way!





How nice ....again something to look forward to.:loveshower:



This clip on Tiktok with Yuzu's hydroblade has reached over 4 Mio views in a very short time.:O




The video was uploaded 3 days ago :coolio:




Here the clip :smiley-love017:

A user probably didn't know Yuzu yet. He wrote: "Who is this impressive man (surprised)".:tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:




To be honest I couldn't concentrate on Physics if I would see Yuzu on the screen either.:wink2:



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32 minutes ago, Anni said:



How nice ....again something to look forward to.:loveshower:



This clip on Tiktok with Yuzu's hydroblade has reached over 4 Mio views in a very short time.:O



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The video was uploaded 3 days ago :coolio:




Here the clip :smiley-love017:

A user probably didn't know Yuzu yet. He wrote: "Who is this impressive man (surprised)".:tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:




To be honest I couldn't concentrate on Physics if I would see Yuzu on the screen either.:wink2:



That is taking a risk on a school day. There will be one queue outside the first aid room later and another queue outside of this physics classroom to view "this impressive man"

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3 hours ago, Anni said:



How nice....still something to look forward to.:loveshower:



This clip on Tiktok with Yuzu's hydroblade has reached over 4 million views in a very short time.:O



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The video was uploaded 3 days ago :coolio:




Here the clip :smiley-amour017:

A user probably didn't know Yuzu yet. He wrote: " Who is this awesome (surprised) man".:tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp :




To be honest, I also couldn't focus on physics if I saw Yuzu on screen.:wink2:




Are we surprised ALL of us fanyus in front of 4 million views  :girlsigh: and I clicked on the "TikTok?" link and scrolled through countless Yuzu  :softyuzu:'impressive man' : is not it  :coolio: :happy0158: and 


2 hours ago, Perelandra said:

It's taking a risk on a school day. There will be a queue outside the first aid room later and another queue outside this physics room to see "this awesome man"



YES YES for bruises/bruises between girls to be 1st in line  :animated-smileys-angry-052: and :pouty:for

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1 hour ago, lajoitko said:

Kobe interview by Axelwithwings



So heartening to hear from Yuzu himself that he is feeling confident about his skating abilities.

Glad that he is ignoring the nonsense along the lines of being the "only active skater whose abilities are deteriorating", it was nonsensical and made up and it's good that Yuzu does not believe that ridiculous set of narratives. Yuzu speaks the truth and the viewers can see it when he performs

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5 hours ago, Xiupia said:

Spreading positivity

Our Yuzu is loved, I know we tend to focus on the negative and get protective, but this social butterfly has been doing just fine :YuzuPoohLove:




Best thread on tw today and perhaps recently, in general. 

Just about how charismatic and magnetic Yuzuru is and his effect on people. 

Pure positivity and celebration of this man that also brings so many together. 

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Thank you for posting this lovely, marabou fluffy thread.

Nobu's reaction to Ballade, that's how family feel about their loved ones when they have done amazingly well and everyone's been anxious with worry hoping that all the hard work will come together when it matters most

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Tomorrow the ISU Grand Prix will have confirmed locations for all six events of the series

Hope there won't be too much of a wait before the skater assignments will be announced.

Exciting, it's like Christmas Eve in July

Twitter will be lit up like wildfire methinks

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