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Newbie question... I've noticed that on sit spins Yuzu moves his arms, which I love, but I don't recall seeing it on other skaters... Is it just because I don't pay as much attention to them as Yuzu or is it really something I only Yuzu usually do?

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On 6/17/2022 at 6:06 PM, rockstaryuzu said:

Why do you think I chose it? I've known since the day he debuted LGC...

Although Yuzu has the ability to turn every piece of music into magic and I wholeheartedly enjoy his classical and "calm" programs, I must say I am relieved he has now debuted two fast and energetic programs in a row. He is a young man full of power and in my opinion it fits him perfectly. 

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2 hours ago, Anabel said:

Newbie question... I've noticed that on sit spins Yuzu moves his arms, which I love, but I don't recall seeing it on other skaters... Is it just because I don't pay as much attention to them as Yuzu or is it really something I only Yuzu usually do?

Yuzu himself has mentioned this in interviews, that he feels the music and moves accordingly, not only because of the music itself but also how his mood or emotions make him feel with the music. So the movements which are planned may differ from one performance to another, depending how he is feeling


A commentator once mentioned that the music seemed to be emanating from Yuzu's hands during the performance of Ballade


The hand and arm movements are most expressive in Yuzu's performances compared with most other skaters, it is one of Yuzu's artistic trademarks.

In comparison, a lot of other skaters look very wooden and unnatural, I've mentioned before it is almost like the arm movements peculiar to ski aerials, which is to aid rotation and turns in the air. In reality there are a lot of people in the world who are not very musical, so that may show in the skating performance. 

There has been a great deal of discussion about music for skating programmes, one of the reasons that war horses exist, because for many people musical interpretation is difficult, the warhorse is the guide through the music rather than battle.


For Yuzu skating the ability to express and interpret the music is innate, which makes his performance and movement outstandingly and artistically complete

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1 hour ago, Perelandra said:

Yuzu himself has mentioned this in interviews, that he feels the music and moves accordingly, not only because of the music itself but also how his mood or emotions make him feel with the music. So the movements which are planned may differ from one performance to another, depending how he is feeling


A commentator once mentioned that the music seemed to be emanating from Yuzu's hands during the performance of Ballade


The hand and arm movements are most expressive in Yuzu's performances compared with most other skaters, it is one of Yuzu's artistic trademarks.

In comparison, a lot of other skaters look very wooden and unnatural, I've mentioned before it is almost like the arm movements peculiar to ski aerials, which is to aid rotation and turns in the air. In reality there are a lot of people in the world who are not very musical, so that may show in the skating performance. 

There has been a great deal of discussion about music for skating programmes, one of the reasons that war horses exist, because for many people musical interpretation is difficult, the warhorse is the guide through the music rather than battle.


For Yuzu skating the ability to express and interpret the music is innate, which makes his performance and movement outstandingly and artistically complete

Let's not forget that moving one's arms during a spin is also a more difficult technique as every move made by the skater alters the momentum of the spin. So Yuzu's arm variations in spins are a perfect example of how his technical mastery of the sport allows for the artistic expression of his soul .

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4 hours ago, Ulrinis said:

Although Yuzu has the ability to turn every piece of music into magic and I wholeheartedly enjoy his classical and "calm" programs, I must say I am relieved he has now debuted two fast and energetic programs in a row. He is a young man full of power and in my opinion it fits him perfectly. 



2 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

Exactly! He's in the full flower of his capabilities - show them off! 


I have not much to add to your guys’ observations, because I couldn’t agree more, so I’m actually relieved to see these opinions here LOL 

Don’t get me wrong, Rondo is probably my favorite sp of his - it managed to surpass Chopin! - and H&L still creeps up to my top list of fs programs, but I felt for a while that some of us have restrained our own expectations of what Yuzu is “good at”. Which is so unfortunate, because he clearly enjoys branching out and challenging himself. And! He is good at it! LOL 


Who knows what will he come up with now after Raison? So exciting! 

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I watched the broadcast of Fantasy on Ice Kobe held at a movie theater. :loveshower:

For the past two Fantasy on Ice live broadcasts, I went to a movie theater in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.

But this time, I went to a movie theater in Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture.

Natori City is a small city next to Sendai.

This time, there was no live broadcast of the Kobe show at the movie theater in Sendai.

Distributors want people to go to different movie theaters.

All movie theaters would like to take advantage of the economic benefits that Yuzuru Hanyu brings.  :happydance:

When I checked the ticket sales website on the 16th, ticket sales for the theater in Natori had been closed.

So the theater in Natori was full. :yes2:


Yuzuru on the big screen for the opening number is always wonderful to see. :heartpound:

Both the new choreography and the black costumes suit Yuzuru very well.

Whenever Yuzuru appeared on the screen, the audience applauded. 


This song, Raison, has philosophical, abstract lyrics. It seems to be about human consciousness.

Also, the lyrics describe midnight to dawn, but it is also a love song.

The song is open to various interpretations.

Yuzuru has shown us a new expression.

We were mesmerized by his every move. :10742290:

I want to write about how wonderful Yuzuru is, but I can't think of the words. 

Even in my native language, Japanese, I cannot think of a sentence expression. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

When I see Yuzuru in the hall or on the screen, I look at him desperately, but then I quickly lose my memory. :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:

 I can't wait to see the video of the performance.

When Yuzuru said "Thank you very much" at the end, applause echoed throughout the theater, just as it did at the Kobe venue.

It was a wonderful experience. :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:


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1 hour ago, Xiupia said:

Who knows what will he come up with now after Raison? So exciting! 

This is what makes him so good to watch. And even if he did another classical piano program, it would still be different from anything he's done previously. Yuzu doesn't believe in standing still or resting on his laurels, as he has shown many times over.

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1 hour ago, umeko said:

This song, Raison, has philosophical, abstract lyrics. It seems to be about human consciousness.

Also, the lyrics describe midnight to dawn, but it is also a love song.

The song is open to various interpretations.

Yuzuru has shown us a new expression.

We were mesmerized by his every move. :10742290:

I want to write about how wonderful Yuzuru is, but I can't think of the words. 

Even in my native language, Japanese, I cannot think of a sentence expression. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

When I see Yuzuru in the hall or on the screen, I look at him desperately, but then I quickly lose my memory. :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:

 I can't wait to see the video of the performance.

When Yuzuru said "Thank you very much" at the end, applause echoed throughout the theater, just as it did at the Kobe venue.

It was a wonderful experience. :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:


Umeko, thank you so much for sharing. Your description is eloquent and poetic. I'm glad you and everyone at the theater had such an amazing, transcendent experience watching Yuzuru perform on screen. I also can't wait to see the video of the performance in it's entirety, I have no doubt we will all be mezmerized!

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2 hours ago, umeko said:

I watched the broadcast of Fantasy on Ice Kobe held at a movie theater. :loveshower:

For the past two Fantasy on Ice live broadcasts, I went to a movie theater in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.

But this time, I went to a movie theater in Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture.

Natori City is a small city next to Sendai.

This time, there was no live broadcast of the Kobe show at the movie theater in Sendai.

Distributors want people to go to different movie theaters.

All movie theaters would like to take advantage of the economic benefits that Yuzuru Hanyu brings.  :happydance:

When I checked the ticket sales website on the 16th, ticket sales for the theater in Natori had been closed.

So the theater in Natori was full. :yes2:


Yuzuru on the big screen for the opening number is always wonderful to see. :heartpound:

Both the new choreography and the black costumes suit Yuzuru very well.

Whenever Yuzuru appeared on the screen, the audience applauded. 


This song, Raison, has philosophical, abstract lyrics. It seems to be about human consciousness.

Also, the lyrics describe midnight to dawn, but it is also a love song.

The song is open to various interpretations.

Yuzuru has shown us a new expression.

We were mesmerized by his every move. :10742290:

I want to write about how wonderful Yuzuru is, but I can't think of the words. 

Even in my native language, Japanese, I cannot think of a sentence expression. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

When I see Yuzuru in the hall or on the screen, I look at him desperately, but then I quickly lose my memory. :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:

 I can't wait to see the video of the performance.

When Yuzuru said "Thank you very much" at the end, applause echoed throughout the theater, just as it did at the Kobe venue.

It was a wonderful experience. :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:


Thanks so much Umeko for the honest description. Also thank you for trying to describe Raison. I have been reading different translations of the lyrics to have more context to enjoy Yuzu's new choreography. Love has many forms and can be directed to people, ideals, or even ourself, so it sounds that we will need to carefully watch and sort out our own interpretations once we watch the performance.

It's funny that many fans mentioned they lost their memory and cannot provide more details about Yuzu's performance :O The effect he can have on people! I cannot wait to watch the show next weekend!!!! :clapclap4:

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4 hours ago, umeko said:

I watched the broadcast of Fantasy on Ice Kobe held at a movie theater. :loveshower:

For the past two Fantasy on Ice live broadcasts, I went to a movie theater in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.

But this time, I went to a movie theater in Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture.

Natori City is a small city next to Sendai.

This time, there was no live broadcast of the Kobe show at the movie theater in Sendai.

Distributors want people to go to different movie theaters.

All movie theaters would like to take advantage of the economic benefits that Yuzuru Hanyu brings.  :happydance:

When I checked the ticket sales website on the 16th, ticket sales for the theater in Natori had been closed.

So the theater in Natori was full. :yes2:


Yuzuru on the big screen for the opening number is always wonderful to see. :heartpound:

Both the new choreography and the black costumes suit Yuzuru very well.

Whenever Yuzuru appeared on the screen, the audience applauded. 


This song, Raison, has philosophical, abstract lyrics. It seems to be about human consciousness.

Also, the lyrics describe midnight to dawn, but it is also a love song.

The song is open to various interpretations.

Yuzuru has shown us a new expression.

We were mesmerized by his every move. :10742290:

I want to write about how wonderful Yuzuru is, but I can't think of the words. 

Even in my native language, Japanese, I cannot think of a sentence expression. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

When I see Yuzuru in the hall or on the screen, I look at him desperately, but then I quickly lose my memory. :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:

 I can't wait to see the video of the performance.

When Yuzuru said "Thank you very much" at the end, applause echoed throughout the theater, just as it did at the Kobe venue.

It was a wonderful experience. :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:


Thank you for sharing your experience with us. It's lovely to get these kind of descriptions. I can now clearly imagine the atmosphere within the theatre and what it'd be like to experience this alongside other fans of Yuzu's. Living half-way across the world from Japan, it's heavily unlikely for me to ever get to experience that in person.

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@Perelandra @rockstaryuzu That was my impression. Obviously the musicality that Yuzu expresses with each part of his body, but also the technical difficulty of making those movements. I was wondering if I was correct and you have confirmed it. Thanks! :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:

I will often ask silly questions, but I like to understand what I see from other points of view, especially in this case where my knowledge about FS is almost nil :13877886:


13 hours ago, Ulrinis said:

Although Yuzu has the ability to turn every piece of music into magic and I wholeheartedly enjoy his classical and "calm" programs, I must say I am relieved he has now debuted two fast and energetic programs in a row. He is a young man full of power and in my opinion it fits him perfectly. 

I totally agree. I really like how Yuzu can be so many different Yuzus. It makes me fall in love over and over again with him. Not knowing what he's going to do next is also very exciting :10636614:

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