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39 minutes ago, Yuzurella said:


I think this should be the complete interview.

Now I just hope Yuzu gets some good rest, recovers soon, and finds comfort in the knowledge that he is loved and supported more than ever. :tumblr_inline_mto5i3wxFW1qid2nw:




So, well, I was skating on the edge of my limit, thinking that if I didn’t do jumps that use my right foot such as the loop, flip or lutz (*), well, then,.. I could survive the landing! The rest, I managed with fun and adrenaline.

Why he has to be like this....:dpooh:

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57 minutes ago, Paskud said:

Why he has to be like this....:dpooh:


Ikr! At least his self-preservation instincts seem to be getting stronger with age, but still... If we feel about him this way and worry so much about him, I can't even imagine how his family must be feeling. :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi2T9v1qz4rgp:






Let's enjoy a beautiful ice fairy to comfort our hearts and souls. :tumblr_inline_nhkf04zUM41qid2nw:

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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3 hours ago, Yuzurella said:


I think this should be the complete interview.

Now I just hope Yuzu gets some good rest, recovers soon, and finds comfort in the knowledge that he is loved and supported more than ever. :tumblr_inline_mto5i3wxFW1qid2nw:



Thank you, this was a really informative interview. Somehow this part made me really happy: "That’s why I was happy. I realised that I really like having others watch me while I skate. It’s my origin, but I went back to it and thought about it again." I'm so glad that he's regained his love for skating

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Some of my thoughts on Yuzuru's interview from above (axelwithwings)  and what I am reading between the lines....maybe mistakenly, maybe not...



Yuzuru makes some indication of the way he is thinking currently about the future in my opinion - he mentions not being rewarded (I think he is alluding to judging and an awareness that this is likely to continue, especially with Yuma's rise, Ilia in the USA, and indications from JSF how they disapprove of this tall flower that is Yuzu) -  he mentions a few times how he likes people watching him (here I thought to myself that competitions are not that frequent, esp during this Covid pandemic, training is daily and alone and lonely and unrewarding, what he likes best is being watched and his skating making people happy), He says he wants to make his skating much much more convincing to watch (maybe that tends to happen at ice shows a la Masquerade, Blinding Lights, in an arena that allows him to more freely express than in competition?? where he really can raise the dramatic stakes knowing people love it, whereas in competition he cannot be sure about the judges and their attitude to such). He says it could be in ice shows or competition, he's not decided yet, but the way he talks about them, in this interview at least, makes me suspect he is leaning towards the ice shows as a better way for him to continue skating, where he is watched and adored, where he can appear more regularly than he does for competitions (I really think he doesn't like travelling at all at the moment, I wonder if, more than because of this injury, he'll be put off coming to France because of the way Covid is managed (or isn't managed!) in European countries compared to East Asian countries like Japan and China - ofc Id love to see him at Worlds as N isnt competing there by the look of things and Id love Yuzu to get another WC title...but there are risks for him). 

Ice shows would be easier, more freedom, no more JSF BS to consider!! and lots of happy people attending, in Japan where he feels safest (pandemic) and maybe China where his popularity is astronomical and he also feels safe and valued...

This was the feeling I got from this interview following these Beijing Olys.

I always feel I have to say again this is just my opinion, I am not saying this is what I want for Yuzuru, and ofc I always want him to make his own decisions without pressure and I will support him whatever he decides.


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6 minutes ago, Kat said:

Can someone help? I've been seeing articles floating that his 4A wasnt ratified...true or false? My poor nerves...

To be ratified he needs to land it. It was not ratified. Japan media have used the word certified, meaning it wasn't downgraded to a 3A, that it was a quad axel and that it was underrotated so lost 2.5 points from its base value of 12.5.  So it WAS a quad axel, but underrotated and not landed. (not sure if that's what you are asking - maybe you are just asking if it's ratified - no it isn't and never was)

Please correct me if I am wrong, anyone!

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3 minutes ago, Yuzurella said:


Yuzu's 4A wasn't ratified, it was certified. I think in order for a jump to be ratified, it has to be fully rotated and landed cleanly.

Ok...sorry, but I had read an article that they basically retracted even recognizing it and had a burst of anxiety 


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Just now, YuDai said:

What would that even mean? Surely points cannot be deducted from his score at this point?

I dont know. Maybe someone being petty or a trash article? It showed up on my phones news feed.


Im having trouble linking the article...i think though, since I cant find another to corroborate, it is probably a click bait one.


Title: FS body did not "recognize" figure skaters 4A At Beijing Winter Olympics"


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23 minutes ago, Pammi said:

Some of my thoughts on Yuzuru's interview from above (axelwithwings)  and what I am reading between the lines....maybe mistakenly, maybe not...


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Yuzuru makes some indication of the way he is thinking currently about the future in my opinion - he mentions not being rewarded (I think he is alluding to judging and an awareness that this is likely to continue, especially with Yuma's rise, Ilia in the USA, and indications from JSF how they disapprove of this tall flower that is Yuzu) -  he mentions a few times how he likes people watching him (here I thought to myself that competitions are not that frequent, esp during this Covid pandemic, training is daily and alone and lonely and unrewarding, what he likes best is being watched and his skating making people happy), He says he wants to make his skating much much more convincing to watch (maybe that tends to happen at ice shows a la Masquerade, Blinding Lights, in an arena that allows him to more freely express than in competition?? where he really can raise the dramatic stakes knowing people love it, whereas in competition he cannot be sure about the judges and their attitude to such). He says it could be in ice shows or competition, he's not decided yet, but the way he talks about them, in this interview at least, makes me suspect he is leaning towards the ice shows as a better way for him to continue skating, where he is watched and adored, where he can appear more regularly than he does for competitions (I really think he doesn't like travelling at all at the moment, I wonder if, more than because of this injury, he'll be put off coming to France because of the way Covid is managed (or isn't managed!) in European countries compared to East Asian countries like Japan and China - ofc Id love to see him at Worlds as N isnt competing there by the look of things and Id love Yuzu to get another WC title...but there are risks for him). 

Ice shows would be easier, more freedom, no more JSF BS to consider!! and lots of happy people attending, in Japan where he feels safest (pandemic) and maybe China where his popularity is astronomical and he also feels safe and valued...

This was the feeling I got from this interview following these Beijing Olys.

I always feel I have to say again this is just my opinion, I am not saying this is what I want for Yuzuru, and ofc I always want him to make his own decisions without pressure and I will support him whatever he decides.



The problem is that ice shows are even less frequent than competitions and more likely to get cancelled because of covid.

Not to mention how access to them is heavily gatekeeped.


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7 minutes ago, Kat said:

I dont know. Maybe someone being petty or a trash article? It showed up on my phones news feed.


Im having trouble linking the article...i think though, since I cant find another to corroborate, it is probably a click bait one.


Title: FS body did not "recognize" figure skaters 4A At Beijing Winter Olympics"


The protocols were already out on the day of the Men's FS. Yuzu got 10 Base value points for the 4A. It was judged as UR. Because of the fall it was -5 pts.

3A is 8 pts in 1st half and 8.8 pts on 2nd half. It's definitely a 4A

It's certified, not ratified cos Yuzu fell on the jump. This already established days ago before the Olympics ended.



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5 minutes ago, Purple said:

The protocols were already out on the day of the Men's FS. Yuzu got 10 Base value points for the 4A. It was judged as UR. Because of the fall it was -5 pts.

3A is 8 pts in 1st half and 8.8 pts on 2nd half. It's definitely a 4A

It's certified, not ratified cos Yuzu fell on the jump. This already established days ago before the Olympics ended.



I know, and I thought case closed. But the article came out today. Im writing it off as trash article now.

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