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5 minutes ago, Xen said:

I would propose that we just emergency drop you into the exhibition, where no smelling salts will be needed. As a Yuzu fan, you'll naturally feel the vibe around you has changed, and just wake up. And probably faint again in front of a giant poster of him.


So Mr Hanyu is both cause and cure of what ails me? That's a pretty evil scheme he's got going, there. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

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11 minutes ago, Sammie said:

Oh wow. I wonder how much that cost :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:


Only 2500yen!


SEIMEI kewpie and PW acrylic stand also sold out. :13877886: I think they've also started limiting the amount of time you can spend in the exhibition.



This lucky person bought so much!

I think this person says people are getting sick from standing in line. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:


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1 hour ago, SparkleSalad said:


Holy... is it a public holiday or something? After going to two art exhibitions in Japan on my last trip, both of which involved just shuffling along in a line against the glass for over an hour and having to run out of one before I fainted, I'm not sure I could handle any of this. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: It looks like paradise but it's probably hell.

[cackles maniacally in frequent disneyland goer voice]

50 minutes ago, Mineeal said:

OMG Why don't i live in Japan!? And Why am i so poor!?! I couldnt even ordered a Sendai Parade t-Shirt cause im a poor Uni Student that spent the little money she had on an impulsive purchase of waterproof mp3-earphones set :2::1::headdesk2:

why!! Why!! Seriously! I need the tshirt, all the mini Yuzus for cellphone, the Posters, the Keychains(all), i am absolutely feeling this uncontrollable need for all this merch!! :waffle:


the shipping to Mexico isn't as expensive as i thought it would be tho :9: [but i did have to use my emergency credit card for the t-shirt, ouch, justo en lo godinez]

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I'm pretty sure it's only this crowded now because it's the opening - and everyone is scrambling to buy goods before they sell out ^_^; - but it will get better later on. I remember the Sendai exhibition was super crowded on the first day, too, but it was quite ok when I went, towards the end. I guess by the 20th when I can get there it'll be deserted in every sense... ^_^;;;

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hace 2 minutos , Hydroblade said:

[cackles maniacally in frequent disneyland lover voice]

the shipping to Mexico isn't as expensive as i thought it would be tho :9: [but i did have to use my emergency credit card for the t-shirt, ouch]

How much was it in total?? Mxn? If its Not that much.....

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