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So... if I could ask him one question... I'm cheating: I'd ask him to teach me how to do a spin on ice, and to return the favour, I would teach him whatever he wants on the piano (like, the beginning of Chopin Ballade 1, or whatever). I always lose myself in words and I think he's the type that does it as well, so... the nicest thing would be a little exchange of abilities... 

*I'm too squishy at the thought. Oh dear* 

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1 hour ago, Aotoshiro said:


Way to discover new co-fans? Throw in a PoT reference in Yuzuru Gen Chat!


@DeliverpoohI never tried to match Yuzu to any of the boys, because his competitive/gala/on-ice/off-ice differences makes him suitable to be at least a separate team all by himself (Now, imagine that-seven Yuzuru brothers, three dominating singles and four destroying people in Doubles [but I guess if there were so many of them, they would go on to conquer ice dance and pairs...hmmm]), but if I seriously had to choose, he's a mix of Tezuka, Tachibana and Fuji, with a pinch of Eiji (guess which is my fav team, lol) off ice and during Galas, when he's on a catnip or any other happy pills.

The rest...Yep, Fuji, skating-wise (nothing you cannot pull off, and if you can't you just start singing about being reborn anew-sorry for off topic, but which 'Boku wa kawaru' is your favorite @Hydroblade?), and personality... Tachibana-Tezuka mix of 'I behave like an adult twice my actual age, but in the end I just want to take part in the sport I adore' and 'teamwork is important, supporting youngsters is important, being amazed by other's talent and strive to cultivate both them and myself is important'. With a pinch of a cat on a catnip, as I said previously. If we're speaking about the teams, didn't Yuzu and Javi mentioned more than once that TCC is more like a family thanks to Brian and Tracy? (so Rokkaku?)


@XenI forgot Rikkaidai O.o He's definitely Yukimura material (*Kami no Ko playing in the background*) if only he wasn't the absolute kindest person in the world to everybody including his rivals...


@Hydro, which Tenimyu, or are you one of those most beautiful people that while having their favs, support all of them?


Ugh, my nerd is showing up, I'm sorryyyy:Poohgaveup:

You're not the only nerd showing up here, haha. When I joined this forum I planned to not act like a total nerd, but it only took less than two weeks :P Guess you fellow nerds are at fault ;) 


I see the pinch of Eiji too. He can be quite dorky.


The seven Yuzu brothers would be too much, even for a show like Prince of Tennis. Instead of 'just' causing the extinction of the dinosaurs, they'll probably set the Big Bang in motion. (And for those of you that only watched Tenimyu; Tezuka causing the extinction of the dinosaurs is actually a thing in the anime :p)

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5 minutes ago, Deliverpooh said:

The seven Yuzu brothers would be too much, even for a show like Prince of Tennis. Instead of 'just' causing the extinction of the dinosaurs, they'll probably set the Big Bang in motion. (And for those of you that only watched Tenimyu; Tezuka causing the extinction of the dinosaurs is actually a thing in the anime :p)

Well, yes, but with the new film coming out sometime soon, something like that will probably happen anyway.

Plus, can you imagine seven Yuzus in a Sport's day filler?

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Things are a bit confusing.  The thread advances so rapidly I long ago decided to get back into it on the current last page and maybe backtrack a page or two until I get some sense what the current concerns are.  That being said, my sense right now is that there's some problem with reaching page 2000, which I figured we'd have done so by now, since I can remember one time reading page 1980, which is the page number I'm writing this on right now.  So, no explanations needed.  I'm just glad to know that my memory wasn't deceiving me.  As for the other matter, Yuzu's birthday, well, I hope decisions can be made before December 7 rolls around.  It would have been nice if the problem with pages was such that we could hit page 1994 on 12/7.  A nice coincidence there but I imagine by then, which is over a week away, we'll have passed the magic 2000.  As for his birthday greetings, it would be nice if something could be worked up physically, perhaps a thumb (flash) drive with messages from all those on the forum wishing him a happy birthday and telling him he has our back as he gets back on the ice.  I mention the thumb drive because it is something that should be able to be delivered by a forum member to the TCC to be passed onto Yuzu, perhaps even physically presented to him.  We'd need somebody savvy enough to created a virtual happy birthday card to be put on the drive.  Since it is becoming increasingly apparent that Yuzu is a techno-nerd (50 sets of headphones and majoring in a strongly computer-related field at university), I think he'd appreciate the novelty of a birthday card of that sort.  And it would be probably quite different from what I anticipate will be a ton of Poohs of various sizes seeking his presence on that day.  TCC might need some flower girls and boys of its own (just joking here).  Slightly off-topic, I have an idea for a poll.  I'm not good enough with this sort of situation to actually do it myself but I'm sure one of our moderators can set it up in less than five minutes.  The question?  Should Yuzu compete in Japanese Nationals?  I think that might spark some lively discussion, also.  So, that's it for now.  I'm just glad to know I wasn't imagining that page 1980 several days ago.

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4 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

Lol did I miss something :rofl: What is this?


2 hours ago, Mastyaeva said:

Guys, it seems I still didn't run out of odd ideas about possible Planet projects to celebrate Yuzu's birthday. :facepalm: I remember many pages ago somebody already spoke about it. My idea: to take world map, mark our locations by little Poohs and make a title like: "Happy birthday from all over the world". 


It makes me look like i am doing something useful at work so my co workers won't think i'm just... doing Yuzu stuff lol

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Yo this took me too long.. I couldn't put a yuzu 'icon' because my laptop kept showing white background so I got fed up.. I just wasted too much time when I should be doing my essay :facepalm:

Anyways.. this is just a something I did for fun. Lets see if we predict this correctly :smiley-happy085::rofl:


For anyone that does not know.. that is the venue for Wolds 2018 :LOL:

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9 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

Lets see if we predict this correctly :smiley-happy085::rofl:


For anyone that does not know.. that is the venue for Wolds 2018 :LOL:

Me:  Huh, this is ice rink in Mediolan, right? I wonder if it's the one hosting Worlds...

*reads small notice, YT decides to play Yuki Kajiura's The World in the bg*

Me: holy shit...That, children, is the story how not to unconsciously make even innocent scrolling through the forum a friggin sound tarot.

(For those interested: The World's lyrics include this line that just happened to play when I wondered about Milan: "There's only you to answer you forever"-which I interpret basically as Yuzu do whatever Yuzu wants xD)

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3 hours ago, Aotoshiro said:

Well, yes, but with the new film coming out sometime soon, something like that will probably happen anyway.

Plus, can you imagine seven Yuzus in a Sport's day filler?

Hahah, can't wait to see it. And somehow I wouldn't be too surprised if an anime came out about 7 Yuzuru's. Watching anime for many years has inoculated me from feeling surprised about most things :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


Wouldn't mind a Yuzuru cameo in a random sports anime, maybe the third seasone of Free! :xD:

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