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23 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

Omg :smiley-laughing021:

Uhm team Japan Oly committee, how about NO? I can't believe I just said Yuzu looks good in anything before... I mean this is too much lmao :ohno:

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12 minutes ago, b138oo said:

Uhm team Japan Oly committee, how about NO? I can't believe I just said Yuzu looks good in anything before... I mean this is too much lmao :ohno:


They just ps'ed his face on it, tho! Let's judge after he actually puts the tomato jacket on lol

I feel like it will be cute

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Hmm, I'm not sure how much concentration constantly switching EXes, even past ones, require but I'd imagine for a perfectionist like him, it'd require a healthy amount still.


So sticking with one EX, and one that's familiar, seems more practical this particular season. Unlike the 2013/2014 season, he has a lot more on his plate now with just stabilizing his SP and FS alone. I mean, if he does switch it out with another EX that has choreography he's still familiar with at certain events for reasons, or presenting something completely new and sticking to it (though I find it highly unlikely), I'd get it, but doing what he did back in 2013/2014 seems kind of...impractical to me, with all that's at stake this season and the kind of performances he has to present with the kind of programs he has planned. Like if he had that kind of spare concentration, he'd probably have gone for a new short program instead.


So as much as I would love seeing him bring back LGC as EX on the Oly stage, I don't think it'll happen. And if it takes away his focus from his SP and FS even a little, I'd really rather it didn't as that monster of a piece requires a shit load of practice even if he were to switch all the jump elements to pure choreographic sequences and seriously, there's not much meaning to skating LGC if it wasn't to nail all the high-level jumps within its highly complex choreography. 


So yeah...I don't have a beef with NS (though I don't have any special feelings towards it either) but even if I did, I won't have any issues with him repeating this EX all through the season. Maybe that's why Wilson was there on those couple of media days back in August. Could be his way of announcing that he'd be using an EX choreo'd by the man all season. (: I sure hope those delicate feathers on his costume can withstand the extra dose of multiple washings. >_<


Speaking of which, if the recent news article were to be believed, its design would have been handled by Ms. Ito. Which means the Requeim one is hers as well. Huh...

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Not sure what we'll see at NHK or GPF, but I expect them to be Japanese exhibitions or Notte Stellata. I would expect his Olympic exhibition to be Notte Stellata as well, it has a nice symmetry to White Legend which he did in Sochi. If not Notte Stellata, then maybe Requiem.

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19 分, kichesさんが言いました:

Not sure what we'll see at NHK or GPF, but I expect them to be Japanese exhibitions or Notte Stellata. I would expect his Olympic exhibition to be Notte Stellata as well, it has a nice symmetry to White Legend which he did in Sochi. If not Notte Stellata, then maybe Requiem.


Hana ni Nare for NHK is possible, seeing as he last performed it only as recently as back in August. And seeing as he already did NS at NHK a year ago (wow can't believe that was a year ago...still feels like last week to me). Not so sure about Requiem but between that and NS, I'd pick NS if I were him. It seems more in line with WL, like you said, and less obviously raw and personal, which fits better for an event like Olys, if you asked me.


Ultimately, it depends on what he feels he's able to put out and with the amount of concentration his SP (since his 4Lo is giving him problems now) and FS seem to require, sticking to NS just seems like a no-brainer to me.

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Hm.. I don't dislike notte stellata, but it's not that special that it stands above all his other ex pieces imo. I just like others of them so much, so yeah, if it were wish for something it's variety for me. :slinkaway: 

But I won't die if it's notte stelatta again, so all good 

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