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16 minutes ago, kelly said:

Omg that reminds me i have to upload my pictures on there. I desperately want to go back too can we invent a time machine already my bracelet is still waiting on my night table besides your swan

I want to go baaaaack please i need a time machineeeee :sadPooh:

16 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


So rad. Professional photo shoot with the GOAT. 

I WISH. It was just a pic taken by chance. I wish it had been a few milliseconds earlier, it would have been more epic but still... it is a bit heartbreaking when i look at it :sadPooh:

ETA: I just looked through the BEHIND pics and there are two pics lol. One of them is everyone around me taking pics of him and i am right in the middle just looking at him like :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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19 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

We wanted to, but i guess that in the end we decided that just being there was enough. We only wanted to show support anyway. I think we didn't even call him out? We just stood there holding the banners. As crazy as we might have appeared (although we weren't really stalking him but we happened to be there when he went in) i hope he appreciated that we didn't ambush him like the fans the security guard told us about that were on the back of the building lol

We were all just waving, and when he started bowing we all bowed. I recall we all gathered afterwards and realized no one managed to snatch a photo.

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2 minutes ago, kamotejojo said:

I was about to make an alcohol joke. Thank heavens I read the comments first...:slinkaway:

Chin up, guys! Until he hasn't landed the 4A and maybe a quint, there will be plenty of chances to see him again!:10742289:

we do not talk about that!

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2 minutes ago, kamotejojo said:

I was about to make an alcohol joke. Thank heavens I read the comments first...:slinkaway:

Chin up, guys! Until he hasn't landed the 4A and maybe a quint, there will be plenty of chances to see him again!:10742289:


The way Orser Coachi has been talking about post-Olympics seems to have shifted. Before it was “if he decides to continue” now it seems to be a focus on how he’s still maturing physically, mentally, and in terms of his skills. It would be strange if he would stop at the Olympics when he still hasn’t explored the limits of his more muscular body. I can’t imagine he’d throw it all in before he’s mastered it. A guy with no limits is going to want to try to see if there are any, right?

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4 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


The way Orser Coachi has been talking about post-Olympics seems to have shifted. Before it was “if he decides to continue” now it seems to be a focus on how he’s still maturing physically, mentally, and in terms of his skills. It would be strange if he would stop at the Olympics when he still hasn’t explored the limits of his more muscular body. I can’t imagine he’d throw it all in before he’s mastered it. A guy with no limits is going to want to try to see if there are any, right?

I don't know, maybe Yuzu heard news of the ISU rules changes and decides he wants to go and break them, again. :facepalm: Granted, his Idol Plushenko-sama participated in 3, so maybe he thinks he also needs to participate in 3? 

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14 minutes ago, kelly said:

I could live with that :sadPooh:


maybe I'd die first when i see him in front of me

I was sure i'd die but i had never felt so alive

8 minutes ago, kamotejojo said:

I was about to make an alcohol joke. Thank heavens I read the comments first...:slinkaway:

Chin up, guys! Until he hasn't landed the 4A and maybe a quint, there will be plenty of chances to see him again!:10742289:

I really hope he does the Grand Prix series next season. Mom really wants to visit Vancouver.

6 minutes ago, katonice said:

I'm so jealous of all of you!

To see him up close like that. I'm amazed you survived...

I didn't die as stated above but man, it is really hard to recover. I was able to see the details of the Seimei costume VERY CLOSE. I feel like my brain hasn't processed the magnitude of what happened yet.

3 minutes ago, kamotejojo said:

Hey, it means he'll stay post-Olympics. MOAR NEW PROGRAMS!!! :tumblr_m9gcttgdYF1qzckow:

Unless he brings out LGC (and those pants) again! :tumblr_m9gcveIckR1qzckow:

I don't really care if he keeps on being eco-friendly. I am just happy to watch him skate....

1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:


The way Orser Coachi has been talking about post-Olympics seems to have shifted. Before it was “if he decides to continue” now it seems to be a focus on how he’s still maturing physically, mentally, and in terms of his skills. It would be strange if he would stop at the Olympics when he still hasn’t explored the limits of his more muscular body. I can’t imagine he’d throw it all in before he’s mastered it. A guy with no limits is going to want to try to see if there are any, right?

That is very exciting too, i really hope he doesn't call it a day after PC.

1 minute ago, kelly said:

I'm not opposed to see those pants again :devilYuzu:

I'm sure that if he stays, he will bring LGC again. Preferably next season, i want death by Purple, please.

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Just now, Hydroblade said:


I'm sure that if he stays, he will bring LGC again. Preferably next season, i want death by Purple, please.

 I want to see him try Bohemian Rhapsody. Maybe an all electric blue version of the LGC costume?

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