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  On 9/28/2017 at 6:33 PM, yuzuangel said:

Well, that's alarming. This should be the #1 thing on the agenda to fix, then -_- 



Fact was, the issues we talk about today about judging were already in the minds of the ISU Council back in 2015, even before Yuzu broke the TES/PCS balance. But the only changes they seem to propose is lowering BV and increasing GOE range. What about going to the issue they identified already: the judging itself? 

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  On 9/28/2017 at 6:24 PM, xeyra said:


I'd like to see that. With the 4S at ACI, he might end the season with 3 different solo jumps in the SP!


But I think the 4Lo may be taking a rest since he's currently confined to 1 a day for now. 


Random thought: next competition, Yuzu says in order to protect his body, 4lo is not allowed, so he will go ...:darklordyuzu::dpooh:

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  On 9/28/2017 at 6:11 PM, fireovertheice said:


Ambesi didn't say anything about the transitions in and out of this jump. Just that he is training with the two versions of the program, with this difference in the first jump. I image possibly with different transitions. Before he was saying that Yuzuru could win OG also with a "simplified" SP program, i.e. with the 4S, as we have seen in ACI, but he would not do it, but rather go for 4Loop or 4Lutz because we know... he is Yuzuru  Hanyu :). He is an athlete who wants to push the sport and himself to the limit.


Also about the 4A he said only that thing about the 30% rate of success. He said also in an other occasion before, if I remember correctly.





What was the success rate of 4A before...:13877886:

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He really does not beat around any bushes, does he?



No, he is very clear and straightforward :happy:. But what I likes in him that it seems to not have particular biases, and at least not that of nationality one. For example in the same podcast he said important things about Carolina Kostner, among which the fact that, in spite to be a beautifull and skilled skater, her skating programs now are "surpassed" by a FS that is changed from 2014 also in the ladies field.

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At this point, I want him to do the SP that has the highest success rate so he doesn't eff it up and drop off the Top 3 for the FS. So I'm quite content with 4S and 4Lo, especially because I'd like the solo jump to keep the SE-quad-SE structure. 

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  On 9/28/2017 at 6:50 PM, SSS said:

Judges do love SE...Only love SE...


yeah, maybe because spread eagles are a "grand" element, elegant and easy to see...I mean, anyone can recognize a spread eagle at any speed, back-counter is way more tricky...


About 4Lz... I still don't feel I can trust Yuzu's 4Lz (waiting in anxiety to see how he'll land it :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:). I hope that he trusts it with good reason, as he's including it in his FP as the first jump (that pretty much will set the tone for the rest of the skate). I guess that if he is training it for the SP too, it must be quite trusted in training, he knows the importance of a cleanish SP. Just praying for smooth addition in competition too (and please no pops Yuzu:tumblr_inline_mzx8t1Yuvn1r8msi5:and no suicidal training either, keep being a good child:10742289: you don't want to kill your warm and supportive fanbase, right?)


(Also...remember when last year 4Lz reportedly had 30% of success rate? Now 4A...:10742290: though I have to listen that passage again, to be sure)

edited because my memory majorly blundered, I messed with the stats


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  On 9/28/2017 at 7:13 PM, LadyLou said:

yeah, maybe because spread eagles are a "grand" element, elegant and easy to see...I mean, anyone can recognize a spread eagle at any speed, back-counter is way more tricky...


About 4Lz... I still don't feel I can trust Yuzu's 4Lz (waiting in anxiety to see how he'll land it :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:). I hope that he trusts it with good reason, as he's including it in his FP as the first jump (that pretty much will set the tone for the rest of the skate). I guess that if he is training it for the SP too, it must be quite trusted in training, he knows the importance of a cleanish SP. Just praying for smooth addition in competition too (and please no pops Yuzu:tumblr_inline_mzx8t1Yuvn1r8msi5:and no suicidal training either, keep being a good child:10742289: you don't want to kill your warm and supportive fanbase, right?)


(Also...remember when last year 4Lz reportedly had 30% of success rate? Now 4A...:10742290: though I have to listen that passage again, to be sure)



Wow there once was 30%?! I only heard of 60 or something..

Who started the SE sandwich jumps...Just curious hahaha

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  On 9/28/2017 at 7:12 PM, axelnojutsu said:

My question is how Max would know what his success rate is? It doesn't sound unreasonable to me but I guess I also don't understand where the certain number comes from


maybe he found the way to turn into a fly and slip inside TCC...:devilYuzu:

more seriously, are there italian skaters or coaches at TCC? Or maybe Max has so many international buddies... btw he's not always right, back in 2015 he thought Yuzuru would rather drop his 3F as third jump and put 4Lo instead for a 3 types of quads layout, and we all know the 3F stayed:laughing:

  On 9/28/2017 at 7:17 PM, SSS said:

Wow there once was 30%?! I only heard of 60 or something..

Who started the SE sandwich jumps...Just curious hahaha


:oops:sorry, maybe I'm wrong, my brain is kinda scrambled right now (and I'm following a thousand threads). I remembered by GPF 2016 the success rate was 30% for Lz, I'll have to check

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