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wow all this future talk is getting me excited! I really hope he will continue to be in the scene, and a future career as a technical coach/specialist seems very suitable for him

(no way in hell should he choreograph though lmaoo he has fun coming up with moves to move to the music on the fly, but choreography is a different ball game, and from what I've seen so far.. he should stay away from it :rofl2: sorry but that's my honest opinion)

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meoima said:
Yuzuru's choreography for team Japan was horrible. No choice of Yuzuru being a choreographer.


He can be a technical specialist. Bless those who might get called though...


It's so true, and somehow I find it really funny :rofl2:  I'd like him to become a coach in future. I would be watching competitions only to see him at the board and in K&C.


Sendai boys (I didn't see this pic before):


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anyanee said:
meoima said:
Yuzuru's choreography for team Japan was horrible. No choice of Yuzuru being a choreographer.

He can be a technical specialist. Bless those who might get called though...

Do you think he will be Shin Amano 2 ?? :grin: :grin: :grin: 

Shin Amano will never be as strict as Yuzuru if Yuzuru wants to become a tech specialist.


But honestly, a successful skater like Yuzuru can do shows for 10-15 years and care nothing about ISU test lol. The chance of Yuzuru working for ISU is technically Zero. They do not have enough money to pay him. Unless he wants to do it for the sake of skating.

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Does he have an interest in doing choreography? I have to say, when I envision his future, it seems more likely to me that he would follow Brian's path of being a technical coach/leading a skating program. And now Plushenko's path also.


I rmb seeing on weibo that when he was still in Sendai (with mushroom hair iirc), he helped to coach a intellectually-disadvantaged boy in skating skills (Im guessing it's like the buddy system of pairing strong students with weaker ones), but he lost contact with their family after the quake. But the boy and his family kept watching him skate on tv and the younger brother of the boy once went to an ice show (i think PIW?) and asked him if he rmbered his brother. Yuzu said yes and was pleasantly surprised.

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What this shows: a steady increase in BV is matched by PCS but the rise in PCS was pretty rapid, Yuzu has a comfy PCS cushion for when his TES goes sideways, even if tech issues are reflected in PCS. Average score increase is balanced between BV rise, PCS rise and GOE rise (program quality) but the sharp BV rise this season didn't exactly pay off - PCS is either a reflection of the problems he had with jumps or the judges' lack of enthusiasm for the programs (H&L is likely a bit of both)


The main reason why this season Yuzuru has lower PCS than he should is because:

- His programs are not well-liked by the judges. Again, thanks to the like of many stupid comments from the so-called "experts" like TSL that "Hanyu's programs are empty". And the music choice for LP is not in the face for them.

- The bad LP at Boston harmed Yuzuru's image worse than it should be.

- He didn't have any clean performance since Boston. And only by Helsinki he manages to get good LP.


This win at Helsinki means a lot. So his programs were not liked, his image wasn't favored, he still won.


The importance of a well-liked program means a lot. I think that's why he repeatedly talks about improving his programs.


This is so interesting. I guess it means that until this last season he was able to up his BV in a measured way to get the GOE and PCS but the added complexity + the Boston LP disappointment means upping the tech may not have paid off as much last season. I'm sure Yuzu has done all these stats himself too so he can determine how much he wants to up his tech.


But I know he will have some great choices. In my dream, he skates to an explosive program like Romeo 1.0

I think he wants to bring that fire back.


I also think something like R&J 1 would be ideal. R&J 1 was dramatic, easy storytelling with familiar music (Des'ree's Kissing You) and generally well-liked but not a stereotypical warhorse.


On warhorses, although I would prefer more original music, I'm not against them if Yuzu finds something he and the choreographer connect to. They are warhorses for a reason. However, for Yuzu, I have a feeling if he picks a warhorse and doesn't deliver, he runs the risk of underwhelming the judges even more and being entirely forgettable. On the other hand, if he does deliver with a performance he can be proud of backed by a warhorse, he'll own the piece forever. Every time someone skates to this warhorse, they will do so under the shadow of Yuzuru Hanyu. It will help with the legend building. So it will either be brilliant or a disaster- nothing in between.

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I am glad that we have the analysis video to counter attack those in the FS world who do not care to do any research and dare say that "Hanyu's programs are empty". Now every time I see such stupid comments, I reply them with the video that Gladi, Fay and others did. I am so glad you guys did it.

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Dori6886 said:


It's so true, and somehow I find it really funny :rofl2: I'd like him to become a coach in future. I would be watching competitions only to see him at the board and in K&C.


Sendai boys (I didn't see this pic before):



That's so cute. Yuzuru seems to be good with children :space: 

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It's so true, and somehow I find it really funny :rofl2: I'd like him to become a coach in future. I would be watching competitions only to see him at the board and in K&C.


Sendai boys (I didn't see this pic before):



That's so cute. Yuzuru seems to be good with children :space:


He will prolly want to be based in Sendai since he loves his home so much. Headcanon: what if Nobu and Yuzu hold a class for kids together....

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I have to say, when I envision his future, it seems more likely to me that he would follow Brian's path of being a technical coach/leading a skating program. And now Plushenko's path also.


Me too. I am only very much speculating but maybe, just maybe his pie-in-the-sky dream would be to lead Sendai's skating program and turn it into a powerhouse like Nagoya or Kansai.

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meoima said:
I am glad that we have the analysis video to counter attack those in the FS world who do not care to do any research and dare say that "Hanyu's programs are empty". Now every time I see such stupid comments, I reply them with the video that Gladi, Fay and others did. I am so glad you guys did it.

:goe:  When I watch Seimei and H&L back to back, H&L looks more complicated to me. What does everyone think? I still see statements like: Hanyu watered down the choreography/artistry to include another quad (same haters).

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