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5 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


My mother made me play every Notte Stellata video for an hour the first time she saw it. A goddamn hour! 60 minutes of non-stop swanning! It nearly killed me. I nearly killed a swan. Thank god that delayed axel purifies my soul every time I see it. She's now trying to Chopin-bomb all her friends and relatives. I feel so proud. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

I'm laughing so hard. If only my mum will evangelise like that. Though she is extremely obsessed with her Chinese dramas (and so is my grandmother - her mother) so fangirling is definitely hereditary :xD:

3 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


My brain didn't even register it as a shirt, such is its hideousness! I thought shirt under gray jumper, for sure. Why would anyone design and then sign off on and then send to factory to have made and then receive sample and then say okay please put into production and then receive shipment and then put in shops and then recommend to skater and then WHY WOULD SKATER BUY/AGREE TO WEAR THIS?!


Beautiful people can get away with hideous clothes, though, the lucky bastards.

LOL I thought it was a collared shirt under one of those Year 12 jerseys because like. dude. The shirt comes down to the mid-thigh. Whyyyyyy. I cry every day at the beautiful fashion Yuzu could rock if he were even remotely interested (and/or if he had someone on his team invested in styling him nicely). Alas. He is but human. 

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1 hour ago, kaeryth said:


But.. but... he can't decide where to put it! #justyuzuruproblems :rofl:


Is it possible that he's feeling sorry about leaving out that perfected 3F? Or maybe leaving out that perfected 4Salchow?

Imo he should keep the 3F because he does it automatically. He needs some parts in the program that he can do with his eyes closed. He risks to approach Chen area, if not.

Chen area: a program made of quads and moments of void during which the athlete prepares himself for the next quad.

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23 hours ago, PPOS said:

May I lighten the mood a little?. Was thinking of ways to gush about the wonderful young man we have the pleasure of being a fan of, so after discussion with a fellow fan,  we came up with the idea of us writing limericks to his amaziness....a limerick is a little 5 lined ditty with the first, second and last line rhyming....And the middle couplet too...,they're intended to amuse..:notamused:


This is an example!  I'd love to see what others can come up with 


There was a beautiful young man
Who beguiled many a fan
With his goergous face
He made hearts race 
And win gold medals he can!,

The only poems or literary related things I've done are 


and this (you have to travel backwards to see the parody in its entirety):



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7 minutes ago, kaerb said:

LOL I thought it was a collared shirt under one of those Year 12 jerseys because like. dude. The shirt comes down to the mid-thigh. Whyyyyyy. I cry every day at the beautiful fashion Yuzu could rock if he were even remotely interested (and/or if he had someone on his team invested in styling him nicely). Alas. He is but human. 


The ones who styled him for his P&G Yuzu Days series should do volunteer work for this. :rofl:

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6 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


The ones who styled him for his P&G Yuzu Days series should do volunteer work for this. :rofl:

He needs a proper fashion stylist to slap some style sense into him (and some slim-cut pants and patterned shirts and blazers that fit and edgy streetwear......), but that's only because I'm unreasonably invested in Yuzu's unlikely future career as a fashion model :laughing: At least we - mercifully - see him mostly in his training gear and/or haute couture competitions costumes

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:oops: SORRY I WILL BE A LITTLE BIT :offtopic:


Watching Kenji no Heya and there is this line that intrigue me...


"I never thing 'if' I'm going to win the Olympic. I think, I will definitely win it!"


And suddenly have a prompt of fanfic like this:


Imagine young Yuzuru just came back from his All-Japan Novice competition. As he approached the rink the next day he realized that he is alone in the building. The only voice came from the rink. There was someone there practicing (or he think someone is practicing alone). So he quietly went to the rink. Afraid it may be a top-notch skater that practicing and he interrupted them.


When he went to the board he saw a young man in his 20s practicing Quads and Axels. It was so beautiful, young Yuzuru felt goosebumps. He immediately vow, "I will land Quads and Axels as beautiful as that person." But young Yuzuru didn't know who he is. He accidentally tripped on a wire and pushed a wheeled rack. Obviously made a loud noise. The man stopped his training and skated back to the board.


"Are you okay?" the man asked. The young man equipped his blade guardand helped him to stand up. Yuzuru looked up at him, felt familiar, but he didn't know who he is. The man then said, "What is your name? Are you training here as well?" Yuzuru could only nod and the man smiled so brightly.


'Ahh... so beautiful...' he thought.


The man asked again, "What is your name?" And now young Yuzuru answered. "Yuzu.. Yuzuru..." he said. The man expression unreadable but his smile became soft. "Yuzuru, do you love skating?" he asked. Yuzuru nodded his head quiet vigorously. The man then squatted so their height was the same. "You know... Skating may not be easy... You will find so many hardships and challenge. But that doesn't mean you should quit. In fact, you should use those hardship as a motivation to aim higher. No matter what happen, never give up. Okay?" said the man. Young Yuzuru could only nod and listened. The man ruffled his hair and unexpectedly, he wasn't bothered with that. The man gave him the brightest smile. The man then stood up and walk away. Yuzuru felt panic arise in his chest. He felt like need to ssay something, but he was confused.


"Anoo... I want to win the olympic! Can I win the olympic even though I have asthma?!" he half-shouted. The man stopped and turn. "You will! Not just the Olympic but other championship as well!" the man answered also half-shouting.


When the young man disappear behind the door, his coach, Tsuzuki-sensei came immediately. "What are you doing here so early?" he asked. "There was this an practicing Quads and Axels and they are so beautiful. But I didn't know who he is." Young Yuzuru answered. The coach made a weird face but didn't answer. They then started the practice.




Now imagine Yuzuru has forgotten about this encounter for a long time but before his free skate at Helsinki dream about that. And finally he realized that the man he encountered is himself from the future....

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31 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


My mother made me play every Notte Stellata video for an hour the first time she saw it. A goddamn hour! 60 minutes of non-stop swanning! It nearly killed me. I nearly killed a swan. Thank god that delayed axel purifies my soul every time I see it. She's now trying to Chopin-bomb all her friends and relatives. I feel so proud. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


How do you guys do this??? :rofl:

My mom said she liked the swan but she was so calm about it :8122879: I feel sort of betrayed because she started it all - we used to watch fs together when I was a kid and now that I'm so full of emotions I'm left alone in this :10640793: Uhhhhh 

But! We are making progress here - yesterday she asked me if single tickets for Worlds had gone on sale, yaaay :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01: 

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