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Okay, so I can't even handle all the videos right now (CASUAL HYDROBLADE + SMOL CHILD IMITATION HYDROBLADE) so I'm just gonna translate some of the commonly repeated things here and wait for more competent people to do a proper translation:

  • The clip of him talking to the audience (300 fans) that's been repeated in like 9481028401 clips: He basically says this rink is special because thanks to this rink, he was able to continue skate in after the earthquake. He's very happy to be able to skate in front of everyone. 
  • Said to smol hydroblading kid: if you don't give up and practise hard, you will be able to do it! 
  • Comments from interviewing attendees - Older attendee said he's skinner, taller (longer? maybe she meant his limbs) and cooler than on TV so she was very moved. Loads of kids were like 'he's really cool' but what's really touching was some kids said the lesson they learned was that 'even if you fall down you can still get better' ; u ; another kid: 'Explanation/teaching from an athlete that's stood on the world stage has a different power'. 
  • One video followed the journey of two sisters chosen for the workshop (Koizumi Suzuka and Chiharu). Their grandma and mother seemed as excited as they were LOL (I think grandma said, 'it's like a dream right?'). Suzuka (older one) was praised by Yuzu when she was skating on the ice and they said they want to support him and want the medal colour to be gold. 
  • Same video highlighted the fact that a lot of female fans gathered at the park next door to the ice rink because they didn't have tickets, hoping to catch a glimpse of him entering/leaving (there's apparently a special term for it LOL 出待つ??), including overseas fans (#same). The two girls they interviewed were from China and they basically said they loved his smile and how cool he was when he skated and that it'd be cool if they could meet him. 
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4 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Okay, so I can't even handle all the videos right now (CASUAL HYDROBLADE + SMOL CHILD IMITATION HYDROBLADE) so I'm just gonna translate some of the commonly repeated things here and wait for more competent people to do a proper translation:

  • The clip of him talking to the audience (300 fans) that's been repeated in like 9481028401 clips: He basically says this rink is special because thanks to this rink, he was able to continue skate in after the earthquake. He's very happy to be able to skate in front of everyone. 
  • Said to smol hydroblading kid: if you don't give up and practise hard, you will be able to do it! 
  • Comments from interviewing attendees - Older attendee said he's skinner, taller (longer? maybe she meant his limbs) and cooler than on TV so she was very moved. Loads of kids were like 'he's really cool' but what's really touching was some kids said the lesson they learned was that 'even if you fall down you can still get better' ; u ; another kid: 'Explanation/teaching from an athlete that's stood on the world stage has a different power'. 
  • One video followed the journey of two sisters chosen for the workshop (Koizumi Suzuka and Chiharu). Their grandma and mother seemed as excited as they were LOL (I think grandma said, 'it's like a dream right?'). Suzuka (older one) was praised by Yuzu when she was skating on the ice and they said they want to support him and want the medal colour to be gold. 
  • Same video highlighted the fact that a lot of female fans gathered at the park next door to the ice rink because they didn't have tickets, hoping to catch a glimpse of him entering/leaving (there's apparently a special term for it LOL 出待つ??), including overseas fans (#same). The two girls they interviewed were from China and they basically said they loved his smile and how cool he was when he skated and that it'd be cool if they could meet him. 

Thank you for the translation @kaerb !!! 


Yuzu-sensei and children... what a deadly combo... 


But so happy to see him happy and so happy to know that he inspires so many little children. I have a feeling that the small hydroblading kid will be great in the future 

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3 minutes ago, Floria said:

New clip?



When he helps that little fella who fell on the ice...


I would probably pretend to fall just to be picked up by him :dpooh: (or maybe I wouldn't need to pretend at all lol, what's balance when you're in the same rink as Yuzuru Hanyu???!!!)

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7 minutes ago, Floria said:

New clip?



Ah, so he did do two 4Ts. There seemed to be some doubt, but it was definitely two different 4Ts plus the SE-3A. :biggrin: 

The more I watch these clips the more I'm the mothers and fathers and grandmas in the background grinning in delight at all of this. 

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