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3 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

I hope he will keep the music cut where there's only drum sound for his step sequence. :tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw:. Tbh, I hope he'll keep the same 34 edited music cut, how can any new cut music be more perfect than the old one:sadPooh::sadPooh::sadPooh:

drum sound is awesome! but people clapping may cover it :sadPooh:

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3 minutes ago, Amura365 said:

Honestly I'm disappointed. He's repeating Chopin for 3 time and now Seimei for a second time. No new content in the Olympic season a huge risk and one I don't think will pay off in his favor. I don't think the judges will like it if I were a judge I'd want skaters to do at least one program brand-new so I'm not seeing the same old thing over and over again. I'm praying that this decision won't come back and haunt him.

Exactly my sentiments  when Chopin 3.0  was announced. But this kid has taught me  that whenever I doubt his decisions ( and there have been quite a lot I must say)  he proves me wrong every  freaking time !  I have learnt to trust him , because, apparently, this visionary knows something that we don't .

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So...I'm happy to see that the eruption of Mt Irene didnt killed you all, guys!!! :003:  Finally I was able to go through 30 pages and SEIMEI is what I've got ... I must admit I have mixed feeling ... I mean, tbh, I was expecting it but in the same time I hoped for someting new ... anyway that's it ... we have recycling all over the place so Chopin and SEIMEI it is... Yuzu looks sharper than I've ever seen him, the jumps are to die for and the new SEIMEI has a great potential for new records ... what I dont understant is, why the big secrecy??? 

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13 minutes ago, Amura365 said:

Honestly I'm disappointed. He's repeating Chopin for 3 time and now Seimei for a second time. No new content in the Olympic season a huge risk and one I don't think will pay off in his favor. I don't think the judges will like it if I were a judge I'd want skaters to do at least one program brand-new so I'm not seeing the same old thing over and over again. I'm praying that this decision won't come back and haunt him.

I think he's taking a massive risk in that if he puts a foot wrong, it'll be ammo for judges to underscore or punish him more than the others (because there's the expectation that if you play it that safe, you better be perfect every time). But I hope he chose this because he has the confidence to consistently blow everyone away ;;

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Decided I need sleep, I'll backtrack those pages tommorow morning.


Before that tho, quick reminder for EVERYONE that the skaters themselves are ones risking the most by making their decisions. Disappointment is okay and questions are natural, but remember to try and put yourself into different perspectives before criticising anything. Keep an open mind, this last part is for everyone, regardless of if you're excited, disappointed, etc.

sorry, need to get it out

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