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Hopefully this channel won't troll the viewers meza mashi style otherwise it will just 10-20 seconds of Yuzu saying "Hello, It's Yuzuru Hanyu," cuts away to car chase or disgraced celebrity and then Yuzu again "Thank you, I will work hard, please continue to support me" :space:End of show.

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6 minutes ago, Perelandra said:

Hopefully this channel won't troll the viewers meza mashi style otherwise it will just 10-20 seconds of Yuzu saying "Hello, It's Yuzuru Hanyu," cuts away to car chase or disgraced celebrity and then Yuzu again "Thank you, I will work hard, please continue to support me" :space:End of show.

That's why I'm reluctant to renew my Japan TV subscription. But there must be some channel out there broadcasting the whole thing. I don't how reliable the info is, but I saw someone say that YT channels of several news broadcasters will stream the conference. It's just a rumour, so don't quote me on that.

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Just read regarding that news article on twitter,dont know whether its true or not.But one thing for sure,the presscon is must be about something big because it will be showing live on some channel..I think most of newsoutlet must have speculation that the announcement is regarding his retirement because like in previous seasons if he is continuing he will not make any presscon about it

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5 minutes ago, lynnidolz said:

..I think most of newsoutlet must have speculation that the announcement is regarding his retirement because like in previous seasons if he is continuing he will not make any presscon about it

In previous seasons we had the media day. 

After corona, everything was uncertain, and there's no media day now. 

It could be either thing tbh 

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1 minute ago, Hydroblade said:

In previous seasons we had the media day. 

After corona, everything was uncertain, and there's no media day now. 

It could be either thing tbh 

I was hoping for its just like media day then when he will tell about his new program and such..as a new fan i have never experience any media day from him.What ever his decision is regarding his future i will support him,its just tiny selfish part of me that want him to continue a bit longer so that i can see him in competitions.But at the end of the day it his life and he knows what best for him and i will support him for his future plan.I just wish i had been  his fan and knew him earlier

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Whatever the decision is I hope Yuzu has decided everything on his own terms. To be honest, the timing of this is a bit strange to me but tomorrow we'll know a lot more and until then I find it not necessary to speculate about things (and I wish media would also left him alone, though sadly there is already those who jump on the opportunity and want to get clicks and money from this news, it's better not to engage with them in any form). 


I'm sending everyone on the Planet positive vibes because tomorrow it'll be a bit stressful :grouphug:.


Let's hope for the best for Yuzu <3

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1 hour ago, YuDai said:

I wonder if any of the usual Chinese (live.qq) streamers would stream it? (I mean, they are clearly all fanyus).

So far haven't heard anything about Chinese streamers.... all CFan, according to my Chinese friends on Weibo/Red Book, are panic about the fake news and where to find the live for viewing.....

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we're gonna have a dedicate thread for the presscon or just posting everything here?

they'll better offer a livestreaming of the whole thing, agonizing waiting for tweets is a lot worse than wathcing (even with the caveat of not understanding one word. At least I can busy myself looking at Zuzu's expression)



the calmer part of my brain has been on and off throught the day, but trying to stay positive whatever will come! (*inserts ! to look more upbeat than she really feels* LMAOOO)

3 hours ago, liv said:

I continue to not to read Twitter, so anything there I remain blissfully unaware of... lalalala.....

great choice! I'm not that strong, but I take it as a good thing that the unfamous article hasn't actually landed on my TL, only the reaction to it (took the chance to block those scums. Should have done it after the Beijing supposed DT mess)


20 minutes ago, Xiupia said:



I'm actually tearing up a bit at this.

At a media being respectful.

It should be a given, but we've seen that, for some outlets, even this is too much of a tall order.

Anyway, grateful to see that not all media chose to be scums in the name of clicks



2 hours ago, LiaRy said:

I'm putting in this post every positive thing that we know so far (or at least, all the positive things that I remember)


I mean, news about r. aren't necessarily "negative":tumblr_inline_mm2wnxgTbV1qz4rgp:

but ngl, once I had gotten into the post-FaOI mindset of "another comp season yay!" it's kinda hard to backtrack, no matter how much I still hate the idea of ISU making money out of Yuzu and competition probably meaning more scoring s*itshow at his expeses... no matter how the thought of Zu giving all of them an unexpected middle finger pleases me (a lot)


I've thought it over.

In part it's because I wish Yuzuru's last comp to be one with audience cheering loudly every single moment of his performance.... which is what he couldn't have in the past 2 years, because no matter the half-capacity in Jpn comps (claps only), or Beijing sparse attendees supplying the numers with enthusiasm, a full house allowed to scream their lungs out still hits different. I want Yuzu to feel that thrill, to be carried by it:tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow:

And another part is because after r. things will change, in terms of our own routine, not only Yuzuru's.

The expected schedule of his appearance, the place, the how... all of those had settled through the years into some kind of a familiar, comforting routine (even with all the pandemic &injuries disruptions we got lately, one more reason why I wished for one normal season before seeing him go start a new journey). We'll -- I'll -- need to reframe this kind of expectations. Though, maybe, if Yuzuru were to do more shows, we might even end seeing him more then these past few seasons...  So, if he is really r., I hope he's also gonna give us a hint about a CiONTU 2.0 (possibly world tour, so int fans have actual chance to watch him live) so we won't spend months wondering and waiting:snonegai: Zuzu please have mercy on us and water us sometimes!

LOL, these kinds of thoughts are how I'm barganing.



Still, I really am confuses, As far as we know, Yuzuru had been already thinking about the presscon around - or shortly after - the July the 1st JSF announcement already. Last FaOI stop was on June 26th. Even with the unpredictable tragic fact on July 8th, I'm curious about the reason why this presscon is happening now (had it been called in August, I would have easily believed it was media day, but...it's July. And we still don't have GP assignments even, to give us clues:shame:)



2 hours ago, Floria said:

The more I think of it less sense it makes.

yeah, I'm confused too, because to me some things just don't add up.

But maybe they'll make sense after Zuzu will tell us. No matter how much I think I get him, he's still able to surprise me (and then, in hindsight, I'd realize he had actually been dropping hints all along)

well, I guess we'll know everything in a few hours(but now gotta go to sleep):bed:

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