Guest turquoiseblue Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 On 2/9/2022 at 5:09 AM, Yuzu_GOAT said: Maybe don't check the Olympic practice thread out... he u h did not have a good practice Expand I did... I hope he is OK and not seriously injured. I will support Yuzu in whatever decision he makes Link to comment
Yuzu_GOAT Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 On 2/9/2022 at 5:34 AM, turquoiseblue said: I did... I hope he is OK and not seriously injured. I will support Yuzu in whatever decision he makes Expand Praying to the ankle gods once again it seems Link to comment
Guest turquoiseblue Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 On 2/8/2022 at 5:47 AM, evas4786 said: as someone who doesn’t know much about figure skating and is still a bit of a new hanyu fan, how are his chances for medaling looking right now? is there hope? Expand On 2/8/2022 at 8:53 AM, witch said: Regarding Beijing Men Short Program of yesterday, Mr. Yuma Kagyiama, Mr. Jason Brown and Mr. Daniel Grassl could express so much artistry in their features... Such a joy in their performances! All skaters and undoubtedly Mr. Nathan Chen are to be congratulated indeed... Now Mr. Hanyu Yuzuru presentation brought me a lot of thinking... When you try to accomplish something very unusual and much more difficult from what everyone is normally doing, an enormous pressure stands in your shoulders because the chances of failure are so high. This is why we all repeat the same in all aspects of our lives and do not try to surpass ourselves. ...and it explains why all skaters will continue repeating the known elements in the Olympics which will come and go. However their names will not be remembered like yours, Mr. Yuzuru. When you were alone waiting for your scores right after your performance, feeling a bit frustrated, millions were by your side, because you already stand in a higher ground than the one in which athletes compete for more points simply. You already walk the path of inspiration models for virtuous human beings who try to transcend standards in many aspects of their lives ... and this is so urgent in our days! Even if we have high probability of defeat, we must try the impossible in the daily and ordinary battles of our lives, but also in the big fights, against war, inequality, famine, climate change, nescience, and so forth. This way for us around the world you are a hero no matter what, even if you invalidate an element, or fall, or whatever, because of your courage in trying to defy yourself spite of being at the same time a God and, - guess what? - a human like all of us! .... so have fun in your free program tomorrow, just do what you are so passionate about. ... we will continue cheering for you forever and unconditionally! Love from Brazil and all its Yuzurettes. Fly Yuzu the GOAT! Expand On 2/8/2022 at 3:55 PM, Sophia said: Hi everyone, I'm new here. I really like this community. Expand On 2/8/2022 at 8:16 PM, Omoshiroi_Zuzu said: Hi Everyone. I'm not actually new here, but this is my first post. I've started reading this forum before JNats 2020 but decided to join in March 2021. But since I'm too shy I didn't have the courage to write (and well I think I choose the wrong username, not that I don't believe in it, but now I think it's cheesy, is there a way to change it? I know, I digress...). I'm sorry that it took this event to give me courage to write and come out of lurker status but I should learn from Yuzuru and go for it, right? I'm here and I'm crying (and feeling stupid about that but I am an empathic person and a lot of things make me cry). KendallKlaire's words made me cry, because they made me remember when I found Yuzuru. KendallKlaire said: And that's what happened to me. Unfortunately I need to thank the ISU for making me a fanyu (can you believe that?). I've never watched figure skating, I was never interested in jumps and that's what I thought FS was all about, at most I preferred ice dance because people don't fall (in theory) and the performance is all smooth (always, in theory). I was a fan of Virtue and Moir just because they were the Olympic champions in 2018 not because I knew of them (this just to tell you that I really didn't follow figure skating that much, I didn't even know that an Italian couple was world champion in 2014! I only knew of Carolina Kostner as a skater and nobody else, and the "like" of VM and ice dance didn't last much since I didn't follow anything after a few months of the Olymics), so when ISU posted all world 2017 championships I said why not? I mean it was march or april 2020 and we were in lockdown, I didn't have anything better to do than watch videos on youtube, or read books, or clean the house or cook, right? We all went through that fase. So I watched all the videos, all the performances and the gala. And that's when Yuzuru saved my sanity. I wasn't in a good place back then even if I didn't want to admit it. Covid was and is still hard on anyone right? But watching Yuzu's H&L in that video made me curious about this man, who in the video before was dressed in purple pants and rocking Prince (and boy did I enjoyed that performance even if it wasn't his best) and the next day skated that masterpiece so different from the SP. So day after day I watched every competition and every show and knew about him more and my mental state got better. First I was moved by his skating, then I was moved by his life story. How can a person be this good? So humble? I was touched by him. And it's true that his skating touches people like no other. After that I learnt everything about FS, I can recognise jumps even better than the judges, I learnt that FS is not all about jumps as I previously thought but I even learned about the sad part of FS. But I'm not here for that. By the way, I'm Laura, sorry for the lengthy post. Yuzuru may have saved my sanity during 2020, but I need to say a big thank you to all of you for saving my sanity during Yuzu's competitions. I didn't know it was so hard, since I wasn't here for all his competitions! Today I was really down, I didn't eat a lot, I didn't read, I didn't want to study Japanese (another thing I did again because of him after trying a few years ago and giving up) because I was too sad and couldn't concentrate. I know it may be stupid but that's what an emphatic person does. Coming here and reading all your support made me feel better. My greatest fear was about the backlash of journalists (I do think it was a smart move to address the hole soon) but at the end of the day, who cares? It's okay to not wanting them to slaughter him, we love him right? But real fans don't care. Common people will read the articles and move on and won't remember what was said. And seeing the love from people and other skaters made me realise that words are just words, they may hurt but the actions of other people matter the most. So sorry for the long read, I just really wanted to share my story of how I found Yuzu and thank you all for keeping me sane during his competitions. I may not post a lot, it did take me a lot to come out of the shadow but I will support him in whatever he decide to do. As for now, Yuzu, go for the quad axel! You don't need a third gold olypmic medal to show us your value. You already did your part, now follow your heart. (I don't know why I'm saying this to Yuzu since he's not here - and if you are, what are you doing! go back to sleep and rest! - but I'm sending positive thoughts to him...) By the way, I found consolation in the fact that he wasn't at the press conference so no stupid question for him. Expand On 2/8/2022 at 9:26 PM, desteva said: Hey everyone! New member here: I've mostly been lurking around but I'm confused on something- if anyone could help me understand that would be great! I think it's pretty common knowledge here that both the ISU and JSF dislike yuzu and have constantly underscored him in the past few years, but I've always struggled to understand why they dislike him so much to this extent. I really don't understand why the JSF hates yuzu so much. Like, he's their most respected, highest achieving, and popular skater over all of these years. So why are they so cold to him and prefer/push Shoma and Yuma over him? Is it since they want to move on from Yuzu and promote a new generation of Japanese skaters, AKA Yuma? I can't really put my head around this one. And also for the ISU, I guess this directly correlates to the JSF not liking Yuzu. Since the JSF has substaintial power as a federation similar to the Russians and the Americans -- so you would expect that to work to Yuzu's favor, but it really doesn't because his own federation doesn't like him This is just me being really frustrated with all the federations, scoring, etc. At this point it really seems like Yuzu (and Fanyus) vs. the world, and it really makes me sad that it's not going to change. But it really shows how committed Yuzu is to this sport and how much he loves it. He doesn't care so much for the scores but I'm glad he continues to enjoy the sport and push himself further. Expand On 2/9/2022 at 12:24 AM, HiskeVeronicaMaria said: Thought of Mao Osada, seeing something happen like that, now again. It's not your fault. People's bullshit in this world makes the beauty suffer, makes nature suffer, makes hard work and kind dedication suffer and troubles numerous souls. Let us get away from all bullshit as fast as we can. Let us continue. What we have in the back, we don't have in the front. an ice floor, carry me doesn't want to support my jump? what happened to thee? have I been lump? to overcome me, I should fail? where is the end of thy tail? you want to meet my sword? this is a mountain my friend and heaven a lord earth is my ground ice, I am sound whatever breeze and fire may do this is nothing, to be true heaven and earth, I will play with you, support or no support we both suffer but when I recall my Nature it is only Grace that I offer Expand Hello and welcome to the Planet, @evas4786 , @witch , @Sophia , @Omoshiroi_Zuzu , @desteva and @HiskeVeronicaMaria Thank you for joining us I'm grateful to have all the new and old satellites and to be able to support Yuzu and follow his incredible journey together @Omoshiroi_Zuzu Your username can be changed only once. You can ask @yuzuangel Link to comment
kingbanana Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 On 2/9/2022 at 5:09 AM, Yuzu_GOAT said: Maybe don't check the Olympic practice thread out... he u h did not have a good practice Expand Are you talking about Twitter? I have resisted making a twt account for a long time but it gets news fastest and I can't take the suspense right now. Do you guys have accounts you recommend following for updates? Link to comment
hamaguri Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 On 2/9/2022 at 5:34 AM, turquoiseblue said: I did... I hope he is OK and not seriously injured. I will support Yuzu in whatever decision he makes Expand Me either... I hope he is ok... I will accept everything tomorrow. Link to comment
kingbanana Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 Prayer circle for Yuzu 🙏🙏😿 Link to comment
rockstaryuzu Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 On 2/9/2022 at 2:34 AM, liv said: Ice is slippery, or can have ruts and holes... and the greatest can get caught in them on the biggest stage. Snow is no different. I just watched Mikaela Schiffren, the GOAT, or close to GOAT in alpine skiing, ski off course in her second event. It's a total shock, disaster of epic proportions in the race. Thses things happen at the Olympics, even to the legends. Expand Ack! Oh no Mikaela! Link to comment
Yuzu_GOAT Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 On 2/9/2022 at 5:59 AM, kingbanana said: Are you talking about Twitter? I have resisted making a twt account for a long time but it gets news fastest and I can't take the suspense right now. Do you guys have accounts you recommend following for updates? Expand I mean yeah maybe avoid Twitter, it's a hellhole, but in this instance I was talking about a chat thread under the ISU championships section here on the planet Link to comment
Yuzu_GOAT Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 Not Yuzu related, but we have potential updates on the TE ceremony delay. Apparently inside sources are saying ROC are under investigation for doping and ISU are releasing an update sometime today from Beijing. Link to comment
rockstaryuzu Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 On 2/9/2022 at 5:09 AM, Yuzu_GOAT said: Maybe don't check the Olympic practice thread out... he u h did not have a good practice Expand I heard. Couldn't watch because work. But to me it sounded like he had a moment of intense frustration because he was popping axels, and pushed a little bit too hard to get the 4A done, and fell really hard. Those are the times when I wish someone could tell him to hold up a bit, take a breath, and reset his thoughts, before he tries the jump that one last time too many. After all, no one wants to see him hurt himself in a moment like that. Because he's probably too focused to realize he needs that reset. Our hearts can only take so much. Link to comment
Yuzu_GOAT Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 On 2/9/2022 at 6:25 AM, rockstaryuzu said: I heard. Couldn't watch because work. But to me it sounded like he had a moment of intense frustration because he was popping axels, and pushed a little bit too hard to get the 4A done. Those are the times when I wish someone could tell him to hold up a bit, take a breath, and reset his thoughts before trying the jump again. After all, no one wants to see him hurt himself in a moment like that. Our hearts can only take so much. Expand Yeah, I reckon he was sick of popping so forced himself to rotate and it didn't work out well Link to comment
yumeaki Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 After this morning practice, I am just going to stare at this post. For peace. Link to comment
Guest turquoiseblue Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 Just a reminder for our new satellites We have dedicated threads for Practice & Fluff and Men's SP: Link to comment
YuzuSkating_IsTheTruth Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 Finally caught up with the postings here. Sorry to hear the loss of loved ones of some of our satellites in recent years. And welcome the new ones to the planet. We all have our own battles to fight on daily basis but Yuzu's skating have helped us to cope. Hence, more than anything, he deserves to have his happiness and dreams fulfilled. The silver lining to the popped 4S is him avoiding falls/injuries which might affect his FS performance on 10 Feb (Just watched his practice and am worried for his health now). Hence, I consider it a wise move on his part. I was indignant at his SP scores. Despite the popped 4S, he completed the rest of the routine brilliantly without compromising on jumps and skating qualities, musicality and artistry. Nathan has always been the one singled out for benefitting from overscoring but imo, so does his compatriot, Jason Brown. To think that one-dimensional skater like Jason, known for his artistry (sorry somehow it doesn't't work on me) scored higher than Yuzu with no quads in his routine.. Unpopular opinion (since he’s popular with many satellites here) but this doesn’t sit well with me. In fact, I'm baffled he can be on the podium in a quad era. At least in Nathan, one can see him improving technically by taking on more jumps over the years (I don’t agree with more jumps = auto high PCS). Doing multi quads in a routine is (highly) physically demanding while presenting high level of artistry concurrently requires even much more from the athletes . Hence to me, PCS scoring of non-quad and multi-quad routines should be pitched at different levels. As Jason Brown stated in an earlier interview, it is challenging to focus on jumps while maintaining artistry. That’s why I’m in awe of Yuzu’s abilities to present multi-quad routines with high level of artistry over the years. And he is still improving both technically and artistically. Whatever decisions he takes regarding his FS comp tomorrow, I will support him. Link to comment
Anni Posted February 9, 2022 Share Posted February 9, 2022 🙏 Panfilova (Russian Pair skater) has shared this photo in her IG Storie [NEWS] Link to comment
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