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15 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


Now that you're saying it like this... you're making me have doubts about what is the more realistic outcome :rofl:

Nathan Chen without proper transitions also only did maximum 4 clean performance back to back (National and 4CC) and he did that without huge pressure. So I guess the maximum of male skaters going clean with multi quads is not high. 

I am sure Yuzuru isn't unrealistically thinking that he can skate whole season clean. 

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34 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


The reasons people give for the disappointment... can be taken into consideration, and I have. But, to me, disappointment is a very specific feeling that comes out of expectations, and every single one of us probably has different expectations. 



You wrote we, and as a statement of fact, which it is not. Your opinion, singular, of course, is your own.


The reasons people give for the disappointment are the only reasons that need to be taken into account. Please do not attribute anything else to them, the negative implications are not pleasant. It may be a specific feeling to you, and that is perfectly valid, but if someone here states that this-and-this is the reason why they feel disappointed, then that needs to be respected.

That in particular, when it comes to Yuzuru fans, who have quite often been accused of secondary motives to the point where it was/is almost not possible to comment in regards to another skater, as their opinions had been dismissed, is something we should hold on to. If our fellow posters state that those are their reasons, then those are their reasons. 


As for whether he worries or not, well I already said why I do believe he very much does take all of that into account. We'll agree to disagree on that one ;)

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6 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


The reasons people give for the disappointment are the only reasons that need to be taken into account. Please do not attribute anything else to them, the negative implications are not pleasant. It may be a specific feeling to you, and that is perfectly valid, but if someone here states that this-and-this is the reason why they feel disappointed, then that needs to be respected.

That in particular, when it comes to Yuzuru fans, who have quite often been accused of secondary motives to the point where it was/is almost not possible to comment in regards to another skater, as their opinions had been dismissed, is something we should hold on to. If our fellow posters state that those are their reasons, then those are their reasons. 


I guess there are a lot of ways to respect people, and there are a lot of ways not to respect people. But I don't like the word respect, cause it feels a bit cold to me, in this friendly context, I'd prefer something like... consider other people's feelings. 
I think all of us went through a lot of feelings these days, and we've affected one another. That cannot be avoided. When I perceive too much negativity might be affecting me or someone else, I feel like I have to speak out. So I did. 
But here, no one has the power to stop people from sharing their feelings. Luckily. This is the beauty of a place like this.

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I think he would have to do it at gpf too.... gain real momentum. I firmly believe his 2013 gpf sp set him up for the Olys and established him as major contender. We already know he is one now, but he has to keep the young ones from doing what he did 4 yrs ago. 

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7 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


I guess there are a lot of ways to respect people, and there are a lot of ways not to respect people. But I don't like the word respect, cause it feels a bit cold to me, in this friendly context, I'd prefer something like... consider other people's feelings. 
I think all of us went through a lot of feelings these days, and we've affected one another. That cannot be avoided. When I perceive too much negativity might be affecting me or someone else, I feel like I have to speak out. So I did. 
But here, no one has the power to stop people from sharing their feelings. Luckily. This is the beauty of a place like this.


You are free to share your feelings, just as much as others, respectfully of course, and I do believe we've kept a pretty nice discussion here.


Once again though, for the last time, it is not good to assign motivations other than what they have stated, especially negative ones, to posters here.

It keeps the discussion cordial, respectful and chugging along. Thank you!

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Anyone remembers how many times did Yuzu go clean with PW at the 2013-2014 season? I know it's a record breaking program and I think he went clean 3 times back to back gpf-Oly team-Oly. Just as a comparison for the 8-times-clean-Chopin-performances I said before :space:

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18 minutes ago, b138oo said:

Anyone remembers how many times did Yuzu go clean with PW at the 2013-2014 season? I know it's a record breaking program and I think he went clean 3 times back to back gpf-Oly team-Oly. Just as a comparison for the 8-times-clean-Chopin-performances I said before :space:

If I'm not mistaken I think only twice, at SA and NHK. Because I remember at FT, GPF and Worlds he wasn't 1st after SP... and if he went clean he would've been. At 4CC he was 1st after SP but I remember his score was in 80s..

Oh man thinking about all this reminds me of ndp. Watching SA and 4CC ndp makes my heart hurt lol.

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31 minutes ago, akaokitty said:

If I'm not mistaken I think only twice, at SA and NHK. Because I remember at FT, GPF and Worlds he wasn't 1st after SP... and if he went clean he would've been. At 4CC he was 1st after SP but I remember his score was in 80s..

Oh man thinking about all this reminds me of ndp. Watching SA and 4CC ndp makes my heart hurt lol.

PW 1.0 he was clean at SA, NHK and National 2012.

PW 2.0 he was clean at TEB, GPF, National 2013, Olympic team, Olympic individual. 

But those was the time of 4T 3A and 3lz3T.

His current SP will have 2 quads... so we should not expect that kind of consistency. 

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11 minutes ago, meoima said:

PW 1.0 he was clean at SA, NHK and National 2012.

PW 2.0 he was clean at TEB, GPF, National 2013, Olympic team, Olympic individual. 

But those was the time of 4T 3A and 3lz3T.

His current SP will have 2 quads... so we should not expect that kind of consistency. 

Yuzuru "I'm starting to have negative feelings about the short program" Hanyu had 5 clean back-to-back short program skates culminating in his WR breaking Olympic performance. :smiley-happy085: And 2 WR skates to that program the season before. :laughing: That doesn't sound like a non-SP skater to me, Yuzu.

Psychologically, having a program that he's comfortable with must be such a benefit that we can't even imagine. This couldn't have been a decision he made lightly, he's very in tuned to the reaction and reception of his programs (how he knew about the lukewarm reception to H&L, how he talked about not repeating SEIMEI after the 2015-16 season because he'd felt he'd done enough with it, how he prefaced his 2014 Worlds EX to R+J as saying "he knows he can never replicate the emotions and exact circumstances that contributed to that singular performance [at Worlds 2012]") and I'm sure he knew of the reaction he'd get for repeating Chopin. Or, if he didn't predict it, I'm absolutely certain he's now aware of the backlash. But above all, this is the choice he decided to make and the criticisms he's choosing to answer. It certainly brings its own set of challenges.

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17 minutes ago, meoima said:

PW 1.0 he was clean at SA, NHK and National 2012.

PW 2.0 he was clean at TEB, GPF, National 2013, Olympic team, Olympic individual. 

But those was the time of 4T 3A and 3lz3T.

His current SP will have 2 quads... so we should not expect that kind of consistency. 

Oooh yes I forgot about Nationals. Yeah I'm not expecting a PW 2.0 kind of clean streak, considering he has a 4Lo (maybe 4Lz?) now. I just want him to go into each competition with a good mindset (I think he had that with PW and it helped).


Oh wow I just realized the original question was for 2013-2014 season.. silly me :facepalm:

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41 minutes ago, unicorn said:

Yuzuru "I'm starting to have negative feelings about the short program" Hanyu had 5 clean back-to-back short program skates culminating in his WR breaking Olympic performance. :smiley-happy085: And 2 WR skates to that program the season before. :laughing: That doesn't sound like a non-SP skater to me, Yuzu.

Psychologically, having a program that he's comfortable with must be such a benefit that we can't even imagine. This couldn't have been a decision he made lightly, he's very in tuned to the reaction and reception of his programs (how he knew about the lukewarm reception to H&L, how he talked about not repeating SEIMEI after the 2015-16 season because he'd felt he'd done enough with it, how he prefaced his 2014 Worlds EX to R+J as saying "he knows he can never replicate the emotions and exact circumstances that contributed to that singular performance [at Worlds 2012]") and I'm sure he knew of the reaction he'd get for repeating Chopin. Or, if he didn't predict it, I'm absolutely certain he's now aware of the backlash. But above all, this is the choice he decided to make and the criticisms he's choosing to answer. It certainly brings its own set of challenges.

I am sure Yuzuru knows repeating a program 3 times is no easy at all. So I still think we should not rule out the possibility of a new SP after FaOI when Jeff has time with him.

However, even if he indeed will skate to a new version of Chopin again, I doubt that judges will give him lower PCS than 48 if he goes clean. And his elements for sure won't get below +2 if he does it perfectly. Because judges can not give less than that with the quality he has.

Look at Hope and Legacy... Yuzuru might have been underscored around 5 points there, but LP has more elements than SP. So, if we take into account that judges act coldly towards Chopin 3.0, a great performance from him will not get underscored more than 2.5-3 points.

I doubt that they will go further than that. A score around 105-110 is enough to keep him in the last group, thus will help with the PCS and GOE in the LP.

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47 minutes ago, meoima said:

PW 1.0 he was clean at SA, NHK and National 2012.

PW 2.0 he was clean at TEB, GPF, National 2013, Olympic team, Olympic individual. 

But those was the time of 4T 3A and 3lz3T.

His current SP will have 2 quads... so we should not expect that kind of consistency. 

Okay so he had 5 clean streaks? Is that back to back? I mean GPF, Nats, Oly team, Oly are back to back for sure. Not sure when was TEB. Well, yeah the current layout is harder, but PW 2.0 layout was hard for an eighteen-turned-nineteen-at-Dec-2013 Yuzu too. So, another 5 clean streak is still possible for the 22 y.o Yuzu :fingerscrossed:


Looking at the record, PW's ridiculous consistency was the main reason Yuzu broke the 100 pts barrier at Sochi then. I guess Yuzu probably wants to go this route once again. A reliable SP with the consistency of his current 4T. 


seriously Yuzu just bring back that consistency once every 4 years :0006:

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7 minutes ago, b138oo said:


Okay so he had 5 clean streaks? Is that back to back? I mean GPF, Nats, Oly team, Oly are back to back for sure. Not sure when was TEB. Well, yeah the current layout is harder, but PW 2.0 layout was hard for an eighteen-turned-nineteen-at-Dec-2013 Yuzu too. So, another 5 clean streak is still possible for the 22 y.o Yuzu :fingerscrossed:


Looking at the record, PW's ridiculous consistency was the main reason Yuzu broke the 100 pts barrier at Sochi then. I guess Yuzu probably wants to go this route once again. A reliable SP with the consistency of his current 4T. 


seriously Yuzu just bring back that consistency once every 4 years :0006:

Yes, TEB-GPF-National-OlympicTeam-Olympic individual... 5 clean SP back to back.

But PW had weaker layout compared to Yuzuru's current ambition. So I don't expect Yuzuru to be that consistent in SP.

My friend even joked she's not shocked had Yuzuru decided to put 4lz3T as the last jump pass in SP lol.... and I was like: "Well Yuzuru is saner than that." 

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