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  On 11/16/2017 at 9:38 AM, kaerb said:

A question that just occurred to me: is...that actually old footage of him in the mirror or a child dressed up like him? I somehow assumed the former since I know there was footage of child Yuzu jumping in those clothes and it looks very similar but then I looked at the lighting and was like 'how could they isolate old footage + adjust lighting so well....' 


So uh, I guess more likely it's an actor (I noticed he only did a 2 turn spin so maybe they found some kid with Yuzu's body type from the local skating school??? What a find...)



I actually think it's him..


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  On 11/16/2017 at 9:38 AM, kaerb said:

A question that just occurred to me: is...that actually old footage of him in the mirror or a child dressed up like him? I somehow assumed the former since I know there was footage of child Yuzu jumping in those clothes and it looks very similar but then I looked at the lighting and was like 'how could they isolate old footage + adjust lighting so well....' 


So uh, I guess more likely it's an actor (I noticed he only did a 2 turn spin so maybe they found some kid with Yuzu's body type from the local skating school??? What a find...)


I'm positive I have seen that jumping bb mush before... 


And don't underestimate the power of CGI


Edit: Oh there you go. Our @kaeryth. videographic memory strikes again!! 

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  On 11/16/2017 at 10:31 AM, Floria said:



It makes me wish for more footage like this.

Iirc they did something like this for Ghana CM. Or just painted the ice in red :laughing:

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Ah, but this is much easier to do since the background is a single block of color (white), though green or blue work much better for CGI. With the footage from his childhood, though, they had to extract him from a much busier background. And the final product looks great!

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  On 11/16/2017 at 10:40 AM, xeyra said:


Ah, but this is much easier to do since the background is a single block of color (white), though green or blue work much better for CGI. With the footage from his childhood, though, they had to extract him from a much busier background. And the final product looks great!


Which is why I’m amazed - that’s a tricky background! They even added some of the lighting I think? It must have have been almost frame by frame. And if you look closely, they got all his flying hair too (how??? Granted I have no idea what video editing/masking witchcraft exists now, maybe they can track colours or motion or something now)


(lol what Yuzu bts, show me the editing room and their screens!)

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  On 11/16/2017 at 8:04 AM, freeyafanfan said:

Sending virtual hugs :10742289: family doesn't have to be the one connected to you by blood, I hope you will find this family and feel the love someday :10742289::10742289:

Yuzu is all grown up he can advertised gillette now :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:



Finally a P&G product that he actually uses :smiley-laughing021:


  On 11/16/2017 at 8:22 AM, Floria said:

I still think that Plushenko was sincere about praising Yuzuru at the P&G event yesterday. Probably some part of it was PR, I wouldn't deny it and we know Plushenko earns big $$$ from his shows in Japan. But his recent interviews for Russian media show how much he admires Yuzuru and Plushenko doesn't need to say that in Russia. In the most recent one (source) when asked which current skater could skate his iconic programs, he said that only Yuzuru could do them justice.

In the same interview he also said that both Patrick and Javi still have great chances to medal at Olys.



I agree. He only holds back his praise in some countries for PR reasons, but never contradicts himself by praising someone else as highly as he did Yuzu. I believe Sasha looks up to Yuzu because Plushenko has shown him videos of Yuzu as the ideal skater. That, and also because the Pooh rain is adorable to watch. =P



  On 11/16/2017 at 8:24 AM, CupidsBow said:

idk about in japan but in the uk P&G had made like full 5 minute adverts for these kinds of things. they tend to not be ran very frequently because they have to rent out the entire advertisement block to show it, so they'll have shorter variations, but i bet with things like the Yuzu ad and youtube being a thing it's way worth making a really long one.



With so many trailers, it wouldn't make sense for the commercial to be short....unless P&G is as extra as Zuzu? :pouty:


  On 11/16/2017 at 8:30 AM, CupidsBow said:

I lowkey can't wait to hear some high grade bullshit from Yuzuru about how shaving is important to figure skating in some way.



"Moustache will trap dust, which is bad for my asthma."


"I won't be able to make cute faces with Pooh like this one :waffle::squishedPooh: if I have a moustache.  "

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