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Are people seriously worrying he won't be picked for the Olympic team?? There are three places, not one, he'll be fine. The only way he's not going is if his own body prevents it, which is what we need to really hope won't happen. The only thing I can see World Standings affecting is the start order for Olympic SPs and I don't even know if they decide that based on World Standings (someone verify? It doesn't seem to have been the case for Sochi but things may have changed).  

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Re: World standings... I really don't care? World standings are accumulated points/scores (with a little bit of maths thown in) not an indication of how good you are (example V/M and Mao when they came back for competition were pretty low in the world standings because they missed a season or 2). Granted being number one sounds/reads good on paper.


RE: Yuzu being chosen for the Olympics. Um.... unless some disaster occurs there is literally no one else in the JPN men's field other that Yuzu and Shoma that are capable of acquiring medals for Japan.

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  On 11/13/2017 at 1:59 AM, kaeryth said:

Re: World standings... I really don't care? World standings are accumulated points/scores (with a little bit of maths thown in) not an indication of how good you are (example V/M and Mao when they came back for competition were pretty low in the world standings because they missed a season or 2). Granted being number one sounds/reads good on paper.


RE: Yuzu being chosen for the Olympics. Um.... unless some disaster occurs there is literally no one else in the JPN men's field other that Yuzu and Shoma that are capable of acquiring medals for Japan.


Tbh World Standings are fake anyways. Remind you the top 6 men aren't top 6, Wakaba and Mai are both lower than Wagner and Chen and Sui/Han are 8th according to the world standings so like :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

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Why are we getting our panties in a twist over world standings? In so far as skating order goes, it is not like he will fall out of the top 6, which is probably the more important number.


@the50person: thanks for pointing that out. And I do not think that will be the last one we will hear. Media just loves clickbait cr*p like this. So a reminder to everyone, we cannot panic, if no other reason than just spite, cause some corners of the media would love to see us panic.

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There is no way Yuzu will not be going to the Olympics. He'll skate on crutches there if he has to, but he will skate. And there's no way JSF won't send him. Who could they send in his place? Remember Nationals 2014. He won by a big margin with an infection and a bleeding hole in his navel. Shoma has since gotten closer, but I doubt any of the others have, not enough to get a place ahead of him, even if injured.


And let's be honest, if this injury had happened at the Olympics, he would have skated through it, gritting his teeth, crying if he had to, but he would not have withdrawn. Unless he absolutely cannot stand, he'll be on the ice in Pyeongchang. It's what he's aimed for his entire career.


ETA: they just had a headline about him in the message/news scroll thing in the Shinkansen. I think that he plans to come back at nationals (I only saw Hanyu Yuzuru and all Japan Championship)

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  On 11/13/2017 at 1:53 AM, yuzuuu said:

wait so if let's say shoma win GPF, will Yuzu still be first in world rankings? I'm so confused cos some of y'all seem to imply ye but others no?



If Shoma wins GPF, he will not be the first in world ranking this season before Olympics unless he does 4CC or other B level competitions which give him more points.

At the beginning of next season, he might become the first in world randings... considering the big 800 points gap in GP.

It does not matter, maybe matter to JSF who can use this to hype someone. but to skaters, not really, it is just reputation but our baby has more than enough.


God's trick to distribute stress out :2thumbsup:

And I don't understand why there is worry about Yuzu not going to Olympics.

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