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Everything posted by Conspirata

  1. Yuzu was great, as were Satoko and Kaori, there are some really entertaining skaters who I like watching too (Jason, Mai, Kazuki etc) but I think the organizers didn't do a good enough job of pulling in ensembles or other things to liven up the show as a whole, kind of made me miss FAOI with it's over the top outfits and fun ensemble skaters filling in the group numbers and intervals. It's not the fault of the participating skaters, most of them came straight from Worlds and definitely didn't have time to practice together, it was the structure of the show that felt kind of disorganized so I'm hoping it'll find better footing in the next few shows.
  2. Yeah. My favorite one here (and all the other instances of it too) is when he makes Brian carry his Pooh bear and seems so entertained by him having to carry around that cutesy thing. He's done it a few times that I've noticed after performances, refused to take it when Brian offers it and then laughed when Brian has to tote it along, and it's been funny every time.
  3. Thanks, hadn't seen this one yet. Their videos are fun, the walking meme video cracks me up every time I see it. I know he's a full grown man but he's really so cute sometimes.
  4. Origin 2.0 purple version is one of the most stunning costumes I've ever seen and it looked so good on him but then Firebird came and sort of took its place at the top for spectacle, full size wings are just a level of stunningly over the top grandeur that can't be beat! Seimei is a classic, LGC is cute and gets lots of points for having unusual purple pants that look extremely stylish. Notte Stellata remains one of my favorite costumes to go with being one of my favorite programs though, a perfect package.
  5. If it wasn't for Yuzuru, I'd never have remembered how much I loved watching figure skating once ages ago or fallen in love with it again.
  6. Yes, some of her interpretation being a bit immature and disconnected is true, but the overall effect was quite impressive for her age. I look forward to seeing her come more into herself and mature it all. I keep forgetting how young Haein is, but I think they're the same age? Haein is a bit more expressive already. I hope Chaeyeon gets time and space to develop well too. It's always nice having multiple athletes to look forward to in competitions, without getting stressed over results lol.
  7. The worlds programs were the best Jun has ever looked, he's got a maturity to his moves now that I like and his jumps didn't have as much set up time as he sometimes does and so everything flowed a lot better. I'm looking forward to what he does next. I like Young Yoo's skating style more for the Korean women, but Haein is very nice to watch too and her personality is delightful. Chaeyeon is someone I'm going to be looking forward to as well, I thought she deserved more points for her gorgeous fs but early group pcs scoring shut her out.
  8. I've been enjoying watching Kaori so much. Her style of skating doesn't quite have the subtle nuance I love in in most of my other favorite skaters, but the power she has makes for such a compelling, confident presentation, and she looks so dedicated to whatever she's skating, I'm always into it. IMO, Jun should have won the men's, both his sp and fs deserved the points it would have taken to overtake Shoma, but the women's result was nice, I'm very happy for Kaori. After Yuzu retired I've been finding myself so much more invested in the women's programs because men's mostly doesn't offer what I like about figure skating.
  9. Sorry, this might be a really silly question, but how do tweets get posted as embeds? I tried posting the embed code in rich text format and that didn't work in preview and just the link itself didn't unfurl. I don't see a media embed option in the editor either, am I missing something? Thank you!
  10. Thank you for this video, I'd never seen it before. Baby mushroom hair Yuzuru is always a delight and it's fun to see that while the costumes have gotten sleek and professional, the sparkliness was always a constant.
  11. Hello all! It's been a while since I've posted on a forum so I'm hoping I'm doing this correctly, but this site is such a delight, I'm not sure how I would be able to get my fill of Yuzuru's skating without it. I was really into figure skating for a bit quite a few years ago but then completely lost interest, and then watching a Yuzuru program dragged me back in. I like a few of the current skaters too, but it's impossible to find someone as complete and intense as him. I hope he keeps skating and we get to all keep seeing him make art on ice
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