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Everything posted by Dori6886

  1. I have not ride a bike for years, but I want this one! It's beautiful I'm more worried about him getting all of his jumps back, and how well his ankle will heal for now.
  2. He looked great at the Garden Party If he keeps wearing good suits, the photos from banquets will kill us next season
  3. The Daily Mail "article" is hilarious They probably just googled some pics from Olympics and put together the ones they could come up with something negative to say, because I see every "category" of skating costumesin there- from bling bling to suits and "not a costume" in men's, dresses with a lot of cutouts and the more modest ones for ladies. Some of these costumes are actually fitted to skater's music, so the article only show the lack of knowledge about FS and that there wasn't any true research done.
  4. It didn't cross my mind before, that someone would think about throwing stuff during parade, but now I actually want to see it
  5. I would never guess, that the one thing that would make go from "what a shame I can't be there" to "I desperately need to be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" would be Yuzu's cowboy costume With all the Yuzu goods to buy too, please! I would start to save money for the trip immediately
  6. PR and wrong edge at take-off, fall and << instead of landing? Can't think of anything more
  7. Now they just needs to change PCS to 1-10 points range and we will have "dancing with the stars" on ice
  8. I have no idea when excactly the new rules will be published, but I would bet on after the ISU congress (or whatever is the name of that thing when all of the federations meet). Oficially new season starts on july 1st, but first club competitions starts around mid to late august. Junior GP starts in late august too. Then in september starts Senior B competitions. Many top skaters take part in one of them to test their new programs. Senior GP starts in october. GP Final is at the begining of december. In late december (Japan, Russia) and january (USA, Canada) there are nationals. Euros are in late january, 4 Continents around mid february and Worlds are in late march of course 2 times in oly cycle there is this thing called World Team Trophy (in april). It's basically a fluff competition with crazy judging (means more crazy than usual ) there will be one next year and then in 2021, as it's once per 2 years comp. But don't worry, we have ice shows in the off season! Hope I didn't mess up anything
  9. There was a bear skating after the men's short. I guess they had something to do with it (my first thought: is Yuzu still in Japan for sure? ) I'm so happy that he's back on the ice, even if just for gliding a little. Hope it means that the healing is going as it should this time
  10. I can confirm Figure Skaters vol 9 is great! I also bought Ice Jewels YH PC 2018 photobook and Sportiva. Ice Jewels is even a little bit bigger that Figure Skaters (like 1 cm probably)! 100% Yuzu content (well, you can tell already by the name of it ), almost half of it is Yuzu in UA, so it's a great choice for UA lovers but has no gala pics. All pictures are beautiful. Sportiva looks really small in comparison has gala pictures! Great pics, about half of the magazine is Yuzu content, rest is about other JPN skaters and other sports (mostly speed skaters). Summarizing, I can sincerely recommend all 3 magazines
  11. You can see "Ice Jewels" here, and someone posted vid from unpacking of all 3 Yuzu's books, including "Yume wo ikiru", on the facebook group (Yuzuru Hanyu International Fan Group), so you can see what you prefer If you really buy only one then you will have my utmost respect, I pre-ordered 3 magazines after Olympic, and I bought Aera and "Yuzuru Photobook" a little bit earlier What is money anyway
  12. To be honest it almost feel like a good news After what he was saying about this injury in PC, 2 weeks of rest and 3 months of rehabilitation does not sound so bad. Even if it will take a little longer than that.
  13. I bought Aera with blue cover and one older photobook I always wanted and like a 1,5 week after I accidentally pre-ordered new Figure Skaters, New Ice Jewels and new Sportiva At first I freaked out, but couldn't make myself cancel it, so now I can't wait to get them! And I'm going to Milan. At least I have good motivation for working hard I promised myself I won't buy any more Yuzu's stuff until the next season photobook will come out in summer. I need to be strong
  14. If anyone interested AERA is again available on amazon japan! But you need to make at least 2000 yen order. (I still bought it )
  15. I need a DIY how to do a thing like that! Can't belive Olympics is so close. I'm not ready
  16. Mezamashi paper version! I bet there is nothing about Yuzu inside
  17. Didn't know Yuzu has a twin brother Yuduru
  18. Yuzu should stay with the square ones. I know the round ones are super cool, but they don't look as good on him as the square ones. Or maybe it's just my bias, every time I change my glasses I always want the cool ones, but looks ridiculous in them and I end up with another square ones When I was a teenager (13, maybe 14) my mum started to listen again to a band that she really liked when she was in her teenage/ early 20s. At first I was closing the doors when she was turning on the CD player, but after a year or two we were going to concerts together with the whole family, so there is a hope
  19. Congratulations @Hydroblade! First swan invasion, now the map. You are amazing!
  20. https://78.media.tumblr.com/fbbb9127db45c97c1aee3034aa0960ac/tumblr_p08kybGUJ21rojh56o2_500.gif source I saw this in the happy birthday gifset on tumblr. I've never seen it before and I need to fix it! Someone knows from which vid is it?
  21. I'm pretty sure it's from backstage at SC 2016. He landed 4Lo on his knee in both SP and FP, so it probably hurt This discussion made me curious, so I did the test and I've got INFJ too. But the only thing I'm sure about it, is that I'm too complicated for this test
  22. I put my marker on the sport/entertainment arena in my city that is called "UFO" (I thought it was very appropriate for a space kitty. And there is an ice rink too!) I used Pooh because we have "Disney on Ice" show there This map is a great idea! Thank you very much for creating this @Hydroblade
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