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Everything posted by Dori6886

  1. It's so true, and somehow I find it really funny I'd like him to become a coach in future. I would be watching competitions only to see him at the board and in K&C. Sendai boys (I didn't see this pic before):
  2. All the Yuzu smileys are great and the pooh is cute! Thank you very much
  3. I must say, this off-season is interesting When I read those "choreographer battle" rumors I couldn't stop laughing Whoever wrote it probably watched too much of "Yurii on Ice" I really like Shae's works for Yuzu, but I won't mind change as long as music cuts will be good.
  4. Dobrą stroną jest to, że masz mnóstwo rzeczy do obejrzenia przed sezonem olimpijskim :space: trafiłaś już na kanał lub tumblr nonchan1023? Przetłumaczyła wiele japońskich programów o Yuzuru na angielski.
  5. Ja oprócz solistów najbardziej lubię pary sportowe (głównie programy krótkie, w dowolnych zazwyczaj mi czegoś brakuje). A o istnieniu tańców dowiedziałam się dopiero w sezonie 2015/2016 :rofl2:
  6. I just wanted to note that D6886 is me on GS, so I'm twice on the list. Sorry for inconvenience.
  7. Lol you sound like C*G or 4*C And it's Yuzu actually (<- big thank for that!!!) He said that Patrick is sun and he (Yuzu) is in his shadow or something like that after SC 2015 if I remember correctly (if not, then please correct me) The pink bow!!! Congratulations for being approved by fanboy no 1 Also very happy to read about Mura's kanji. Yuzu and him are fellow audiophiles after all
  8. Cześć wszystkim! Fajnie że jest nas tu więcej :grin: wcześniej nie miałam z kim rozmawiać o łyżwiarstwie po polsku, więc cieszę się, że powstał ten wątek :yes: długo oglądacie łyżwiarstwo? Ja oglądałam trochę jako dziecko, w czasach państwa Siudków. Potem całkiem zapomniałam o tym sporcie i wróciłam po tym, jak przypadkiem trafiłam na Mistrzostwa Świata 2015.
  9. That's the first version (from summer ice shows). Blue version was the second one. I have no idea why he changed it :s_dunno
  10. I prefer Chopin 2.0 too! I like the shade of blue more than the first one and Yuzu and gold really match together :)
  11. I love all Yuzu's costumes (not counting blue Final Time Traveler- I want to forget about it), but my favourite for now is Requiem. It's crazy and the details are amazing :love: I also share the sentiment for costumes with waist belt. He look gorgeous in them!
  12. I'd love to also claim Yuzu's mermaid costume (Requiem of course :love: ) and actually whole Requiem if it's not taken yet!
  13. I did the save site google thing (?)- sorry, my english is still limited. I can help with sorting media links. Are you going through YH: media links only thread on GS or you have it somewhere else? Congratulations to the founders and admins of planethanyu for such a great start! I don't know when I will be able to read everything, there's so much content already
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