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Everything posted by Valkyria
I was thinking about a simple +-5 spread, no percentages, since we don't know how (or if) they're going to be applied. It's still a sizeable chunk to give or take from a jump's BV. The percentages are crazy, imo. If they use them like in these examples, they would be too extreme (but yes, falls on quads that costly would stop the race in its tracks for sure :__D)
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I pretty much agree with all these. The +-5 GOE thing could be good in theory to reward outstanding quality, but then again it leaves such a big grey area that it could end up being, as you say, punishing. It feels reactive to the quad race, a power-grab (as has been mentioned here before) to get things back into their hands and out of the skater's, instead of proactive to help the system work better and promote the complete package. As we still don't have information about how GOE should be awarded under the new rules, we can't predict much more either besides that politicking will happen; we'll see to how much extent
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This cleansed my soul, which was needed to dilute all the SaltTM from these days. Thank you XD
The thing with the PCS ceiling being fixed is that it encourages skaters to go for the jumps as a surefire point grab in the TES, since the PCS take a much longer time to develop for a lesser reward, in detriment of more "artistic" and/or intricate programs. Raising the bar would give a boost to skaters that lean more towards the "artistic" side so they have a chance not to be left behind by underdeveloped jumpsters (ergo ~saving~ the artistry and leveling the two parts of a score), while also rewarding those who take the time and effort to go for the complete package. Of course, this is all an ideal situation. Nothing pertaining to PCS can ever truly work as long as politicking is rampant, but that's not a problem inherent to the system but to the people. As it is, I don't think there's a way to get rid of that, unfortunately
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I'm with you on the weight of TES and PCS being 50/50, which is what the CoP was initially built for. Since the tech increase has caught up to the limits imposed at the beginning and "broken" the system, they should have a look at the PCS multipliers so the ceiling gets raised to be even again with current TES. I still think working these kinks out of the current system + a more defined/stricter way of awarding GOE and PCS for judges would benefit the sport more than reworking it alltogether *le sigh* Besides that, you bring up the issue of culture and/or racial bias and how it plays into the areas of scoring that are subjective, which is much more serious, imo. I get different tastes, but there are more ways to be expressive and "artistic" than what one personally likes: it goes back to training and supervising judges to limit these biases, but since ISU itself works in biases depending on where the wind blows... I don't see how it could go away. And once again they're shooting themselves in the foot, since one of the areas where FS is actually popular is East Asia. So yeah ¬¬
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The trolling is what I enjoyed the most, too. He's just so chill but playful at the same time, helpful and caring when others are in need, and then he has a couple of oh shit moments that you see him drop the lightness and get serious and... yep, very good match for Yuzuru
I'm still getting Vancouver flashbacks with all these numbers. Yes, the added risk on falls with the diminished gain in BV might make skaters think twice before filling up a layout with #allthequads and put a stop to the race, but consistent layouts of 2-3 quads would still get a significant advantage. So we'd get guys with stable quads probably keeping (some of) them and taking that risk vs guys with less tech trying to maximize GOE and "artistry" to compensate and... I've been through this before. The moment someone with quads has a not perfect but still good program and loses to someone with all triples, drama is going to unfold. The quads will always be considered harder because of the extra rotation, that's just how it is, and the perception of situations like these will always leave a lot of room for speculation because "artistry" can't be quantified but BV can. And if enough guys keep their quads and manage some consistency, there still won't be much room for the less tech-savvy, anyway. The problem is still there
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Pity that menial things like sleep and now uni get in the way of my binge watching. I need more holidays, please
Welp, it's been a while since I was this excited to pull all-nighters. Only a handful of days left, now
...that was painful, and I say this as a Javier fan. When will people learn the difference between taste and quality in skating? One person might enjoy different types of style in performance and that's fine, you do you; but negating quality that is quantifiable just because aesthetically it's not the kind of skating that you personally like best is bonkers. Figure skating's supposed to be a sport: the one who wins it's not necessarily the one you enjoy watching the most, but the one who is more efficient and has more quality under the scoring system or would be if applied correctly, obvs
If they're really trying to benefit some skaters over others, I wonder how that would even work. These changes are medium-term at least, so many of the skaters involved in politiking now wouldn't be competing anymore by then. Why go against Yuzuru, Javier and Patrick's complete package when they probably won't be around for that? Boyang I kind of understand, but still. Skaters like Nathan and Zhou are on the same boat as him because they've grown with the same system, so a complete overhaul like this would hit them, too. If you think about it, all current skaters have already spent their whole lives training and skating to profit from the CoP in their own way, so turning the sport on its head like this would take so much effort to adapt to: the older ones would probably just retire to avoid the hassle, and then you'd have a generational vacuum while those who choose to stay deal with the aftermath and wait for new skaters to grow with the new system. In short: it's deeply stupid and they can't even really predict who's gonna benefit from it because some of the current skaters won't be here for it and the rest are still primed for the current system. (Also, big thanks to @xeyra for bringing the comparison of the new proposed BV with the ones pre-Vancouver. I was here for the platinum medal shitshow and I can't believe the ISU would be stupid enough to risk another one)
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Can I say how ironic I find that they always seem to forget about Boyang when talking about the future and making predictions but they still choose his pictures to illustrate this kind of thing? Because it is. Very ironic. (yep, this user's salinity levels are now over 9000)
I slept on this but I'm still mad as all hell. It just makes no sense, especially when you see they claim the changes are to try and get more people into the sport. Who have they consulted about this? Have they asked audiences (who pay for their event tickets and can spread awareness by word-of-mouth), or skaters and coaches (who have to live and compete with the system)? Because it doesn't seem like it Still, I took comfort in reminding myself that this is just the beginnings of a proposal, that it is not yet set in stone, but what @meoima et all are saying about it being on the works for years is very discouraging. They took all this time to sit down and think about positive changes and only came up with this? Wow. Just... wow. And they say the quads are killing the sport; the quads are just an organic trend that came about because the way they've been applying their own rules makes it the fastest way to the top by upping the TES and dragging the PCS up with it just because. The CoP system, while not perfect, actually works when you use it correctly; why not focus on fixing that instead of this chaos
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Even if we leave aside that trying to separate such intrinsec parts of figure skating kind of murders what the sport even is (which, lol ), there's so much grey area there that I don't think they've even thought about what exactly it would entail, yet. Where do you draw the line between tech and artistry? Because there are many things that contribute to both (ideally most of them. Which is what some of the current skaters are trying to achieve and what the system was designed to promote in the first place). These proposed changes seem like the ISU scrambling around throwing things at the wall to see what sticks before even thinking about the consequences.
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Gosh darn it, I'm so mad. They pretend to ~revive~ figure skating by killing what sets it apart and putting a cap on the technical progress that defines sport itself. Good job shooting yourselves in the foot there, ISU.
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Um, wow. Seems like ISU's policy just flip-flops from one extreme to another depending on the current trend: complaints after Olys because the more difficult quads are not compensated enough vs triples? Here, have some bigger BV to prevent that. Unprecedented quad race because training jumps is the quickest way to the top? Let's bring those BV down again even though the quads are still significantly harder Have they even though about maaaybe taking a look at the PCS? You know, if you want the TES and PCS to have a similar weight in the final score and the tech is rising, it might be a good idea to consider raising the components' ceiling so they stay more even to achieve the ideal of rewarding "the best all-round skater" or just work on the way your current rules are implemented to stop the quads' wow factor from automatically raising PCS, no biggie ¬¬ Don't get me started on the separating tech and artistry in two programs idea. That could so easily end up being a jumping contest first + laying the drama on thick without any regards to actual skating skills second. Isn't figure skating's whole thing to meld athleticism, skill and performance at the same time? *le sigh* ...I feel a bit like the "old man yells at cloud" meme.
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I'm sorry about the pessimistic look, but sadly I don't see FS getting much traction here in Spain, even if Javi's success has indeed done something towards the awareness of the sport. At the end of the day, it's very much a case of the snake that bites its own tail: you need available facilities so people can actually get the idea to start skating and act on it, but to build those you need funding and to get that there needs to be a big enough interest to justify the spenditure, which inevitably comes from the exposure to the sport and the availability of rinks Thus, it never really takes off, and as long as you don't have a good base population in the sport, the outliers that show special talent (like Javier) might be lucky enough to get scouted, but will always have to leave because they can't grow to their full potential here. I appreciate very much what Javi's trying to do and I hope his plans to be a coach and help out here go as well as possible, but things would really have to change a lot to get any long-lasting results before the momentum of his own career disappears from people's minds... and now I'm all depressed because I will miss him so much when he retires and FS goes back to being even more obscure T__T
Oh, I totally get the feeling of not wanting to leave your cozy cave and go be social, especially if you have to make nice with a bunch of people you don't know or have few things in common; that's pretty much an introvert's nightmare fuel Still, even us introverts need socialization from time to time with the people we're comfortable with. In Yuzu's case, we can only hope he gets that in any way he deems fit and doesn't completely isolate himself. As long as he's happy and healthy, who cares how he goes around it *shrugs*
Loved reading Brian's thoughts in that interview (big thanks to @gladi for translating the behemoth!). It's always nice to see how much he and the rest of the TCC team care about their skaters, how much effort they put into helping them achieve their goals and how proud they are to see them grow and Brian's "don't talk shit about my skater's recycled masterpieces programs or I'LL CUT YOU". I lol'ed XD. Seems like such a healthy, cozy environment to be in, especially considering the pressure that's out there on Olys season. Once again, bless last season's Big Talk after Skate Canada. I still think that was a game changer for how Yuzuru and the coaching team communicate, and it shows
Still fully in camp 4Lz-is-coming over here, too. Love me some Trollzuru, but don't trust him and his angelic face when he talks about plan-B axels and shit XD
It's the Hanyu Effect: axels are automatically dependable (unless it's a double. We don't talk about double axels), flips are fine as long as you dance a million steps into them, never fully trust the salchow This is how convos about quints get started. Also the reason why we can't have nice things *faints*
Witnessing SEIMEI at the Olympics seems like a funeral fit for royals. Godspeed to all of you going, the rest of us will have our (more modest) pires at home
Can't help but think about all the rumours about him going for that all-quads collection. We expect the 4A eventually (and wow, it's weird that saying that doesn't feel weird because it should) but if he ever comes out with a 4F...
I'll happily go to my demise for that. Death by awesomeness, here we come!
Also, as much as I love watching the jumps, I find him leaving out the StSq and the ChSq the biggest tease of all; I'm sitting here making grabby hands at the screen XD (bless him for at least showing us the entry to the 3F, though, of course, we know he needs that for the jump itself )