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Everything posted by Yuzuwinnie

  1. OK, but there's 1 that I don't think is happy just to see his face. That's right, because I read in the subtitle on the YT what Yuzu says to this mascot : so it's a monster ...... because I would have thought of a hen with the red crest and ALL the interactions between the mascots (from the time he was in competition) and Yuzu are memorable
  2. WOOOOOO it is superb and "would be perfect on my wrist" A new MAXRO
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDasROPMOw0
  4. Je m'ajoute à mes 2 AMIS : PERELANDRA qui m'a aidé MERCI avec GIFT et ANNIE aussi i'am the same in " fanart " i cant do nothing good and also no TALENT like you .......
  5. HAI Aligato FENRAVEN for this flamboyant choice of Yuzu as a firebird : his 1 year old must be worthily celebrated with all that has brought and I add freedom
  6. Pleasant surprise seeing that Yuzu posted a message via his YT and summary of these 1 year
  7. Je me suis faites aidée par une fanyu Anglaise ( je vis seule et mes grands enfants ne sont plus ici et mes petites filles sont trop jeune ) : sur Disney c'est en section SPORT et pour les sous titres faut aller dans les paramètres ( je ne le savais pas ) et HOP sous titres en Français
  8. Once again ALIGATO for your invaluable help : I didn't know what a parameter was and here is the French that appears : aussi c'est en section " SPORT "
  9. ALIGATO PERELANDRA : I typed in "search" and it's OK I FINALLY have this beautiful GIFT since February : but on the other hand no subtitles in French!?
  10. for explanations : so in Italy you have summer time (from the end of March/October which is + 1h) and winter time (from the end of October to March which is -1h): I just went see on the GIFT thread and there are fanyus who have it and "apparently?" on their TVs and like you I go through Disney on my computer and for the moment nothing via Disney and I will therefore wait tonight!? and I left a message on the French forum
  11. MERCI pour mon anniversaire Par contre , est ce que tu as GIFT par Disney ? Je viens d'aller dans le forum international et il y a des pays qui ont déjà accès à GIFT dont 1 sur sa TV et c'est quoi un VPN : j'ai cliqué partout et il n'y a rien pour le moment !? A+
  12. Ehhhhh I just went to see and no GIFT in France : on the other hand where do I have to click please? is this a movie/series? it's what ?
  13. Like all of you, I thought I would see GIFT and if I refer to the map (blue zone) like PERELANDRA it is noted that it will be visible!? at 8:00 PM (I don't know what CET is?: so I'll wait until tonight and subscribe only for GIFT because the general conditions of subscription (the list is long) are draconian
  14. Here is the article and I hope that this Chinese fan must treasure this rare letter from the young YUZU https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/97306518087/translation-yuzus-reply-to-fan-mail-jan-2012
  15. And here it is "Yuzuru Hanyu THE GOAT" and a MAXRO
  16. I bring you my support to ALL the German FANYUS (and Australia) and as Béatrice writes : why all these sharks .......
  17. your video has become "private"!? : Why ?
  18. Ohhhhhhh she's sad Annie and ALL the German fanyus : it's terribly frustrating ....... : it's noted July certainly, but maybe later
  19. Ahhhhhhh Yuzu's WILD cry , also with the "problem? of twitter, I can't get it translated and that actually "forces" me to tap into my memory and I'm getting there with difficulty since the base is always the same Wonderful memory of FOI 2019 at KOBEEEEEEE with Toshi and the passion of Yuzu And in terms of gastronomy, this is the right place to taste the succulent "Kobe beef" https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bœuf_de_Kobe which is 1 of the extra tender meats with its marbling (I would like to taste just one little piece )
  20. I think Spanish? The USA In the Philippines And here it is in France https://www.geekgeneration.fr/disney-plus-nouveautes-juillet-2023-en-france/ For you ANNIE, you wrote quite a bit that you are waiting for Germany
  21. La France : est ce que tu peux me confirmer que Disney nous mettra des sous titres Français pour GIFT ce 14 Juillet : le 13 c'est mon anniversaire
  22. It could be exhibited at the Louvre Museum : it looks like a painting on canvas
  23. This is what is called "simple beauty in its purest form" and without artifice
  24. Delighted for the Chinese fanyus , but I would really like (given my poor English) subtitles in French
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