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Everything posted by Yuzuwinnie
I have a delicatessen not far from my house and can buy some butter from Isigny : but I think it's too late to get to Sendai
Coucou , c'est clair qu'ici en Francophones , il n'y a pas grand monde et je vais sur le mondial et fait traduire par google translate mon écrit en Français car mon Anglais est très mauvais ......
I just found the practices of Gaby and Guillaume in Montreal, I saw French there : "ON VOULAIT JUSTE DIRE TE ...... GOOD GAME" for FAITH for the 1st sight of FOI Sendai
Ahhhhhh that would be my dream
Not surprised that this is SOLD OUT, because the pastry chef has incorporated Isigny butter https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beurre_d'Isigny which is THE BEST AOC and Guerande salt https://agriculture.gouv .fr/le-sel-de-guerande which is label Rouge sign of high quality with red bean paste as in Dorayaki (I thought it was chocolate at first sight ...... ) https://www.instagram.com/maison_coelacanthe/ https://tabelog.com/miyagi/A0401/A040101/4024741/
Yuzu always thinks of his dear city of Sendai and very good taste with this pastry chef who passed through Paris because he does many French pastries in Sendai such as canelés de Bordeaux / the famous FLAN / dry walnut cake / galettes des rois à la frangipane with beans / macaroons on the Eiffel Tower box (MAKARON in Japanese) https://www.kazunoriikeda.com/ : you can have it translated and what is basically : passion! / new! / surprise ! and clicked on the chef's profile (there is a photo of the Arc de Triomphe) and it is clear that French gastronomy is known throughout the world I think those are clogs!? his feet must rest in this kind of shoes
........ While reading SOI, I made a discovery about the music at the end of this show and it comes from the Paris Opera by Crystal Pite "Body and Soul" : https://www.facebook.com/francetvarts/videos/body-and-soul-de-crystal-pite/183774949309729/ all comments are in French: "hypnotizing / grandiose / magnificent / impressive and unusual in classical ballet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Pite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eySFgDrlaxg Here is the version with Yuzu
Yes as always he captivates the French spectators and, therefore, it is a practice and there is only him who is in UA clothes, the others are in costumes D-9 for FAITH Here is a MAXRO with the "very old Yuzu"
I am not surprised, alas, by the fact that the Sendai ice rink closes due to high electricity costs (of course I am thinking of Yuzu): imagine the high load already to make the ice / interior light: you are both Europeans from Germany and England, because in France, like all the French people, I had to face restrictions since the fall : https://www.linternaute.com/actualite/societe/2667358-coupure-d -electricity-the-forecasts-today-and-in-the-coming-days/ and threat of a power cut for 2 hours during the day, which did not happen, but the municipal square was half lit and 50% less in Christmas decorations and some neighborhoods completely in the dark..... and HIGH increase in the electricity bill (some bakers had to go bankrupt because of this increase ....) : but really I thought that Japan would not have a spike in electricity YES Perelandra : think about a less energy-intensive design for an ice rink of the future .......
Ohhhh another disaster in your country Japan and everyone be safe and rescued : COURAGE
Ahhhhh 3 more countries : the whole world is almost green Gorgeous And here is a MAXRO
Ohhhhh and to say that for 3 days, I have had pain in my lower back and seeing him do this OUILLLEEEE movement for my part and his flexibility is a secret for no fanyus
with you Sorry ALL the fanyu to writte in my verry bad English and after in French : ohhhhhh je t'apporte beaucoup de courage dans ta lutte et c'est clair que Yuzu nous aide vraiment quand on n'est pas bien et il apaise vraiment
Ohhhhhh ANNIE you were very fast and it's really I also add a huge ALIGATO to ALL the fanyus for their tweets which allows me to admire behind the scenes of PROLOGUE and a vast subject on Yuzu
YES happy birthday for this wonder planet with my discovery by pure chance 2 years ago and it was a kind of revelation in front of the flood of writings / videos etc..... and seeing that I did not tweet a lot of information too and ALIGATO for EVERYTHING
indeed, here is our young firebird in full and towards the end the panic of Yuzu who does not know where to go and also in the medals : but there are only 2 winners? and to think that 15 years later he would offer us this wonderful opening of his GIFT show
I am also delighted that those who have ordered PROLOGUE products are finally arriving home and are happy when they open the box and I also confirm that PERELANDRA customs fees are very HARD in France: €30 for a single tee . -shirt that is of very good quality Now (good to wait October) for good to get comfortable warm with this soft blanket I guess Mr OLD WINNIE is now back in Japan
Ohhhhhhhh Mr Old would like to come back to Japan...... Here is, as the title indicates, a very WILD Yuzu
Ahhhhh sacred Yuzu and music of the "French cancan" which fits very well with these situations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OddjQA4q1_M appearance on a French Sunday afternoon show YES Yuzu likes to have fun with mascots : go see here in the video section his performance at his last NHK 2019, it's unforgettable
I really LOVE this Storm from the Yoshida brothers with this harmony from Team Japan and since it's here in the video section in 2015, I don't go a week without clicking on it
The Yuzuwinnie (isn't it ) is for sale on EBAY https://www.ebay.fr/itm/393935722169?hash=item5bb86616b9:g:0kAAAOSwruZiCh-I&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4DH7yDJ7MmaU8sgo8PFFNN6TAcgsS8IjO2i1cN3Os%2FJ2u8ebpl82CdW%2FUZ%2FQW23Ru5X%2FZiEiqq%2BB8GF1tKTEnNSnxKnO%2B9D22YjVJcMT5hgjkrjV8eK%2FfY1t7HnYok2vx79r020uE5gxf38yWbvRNQphj6LHpLk2M84AtdR2%2F4tQpQ%2B4eCOrPUWzeaPalpF6Qox0UfHbwM%2F0TVLOt1E%2BaOGCCrRL7JcCvIY663t1Ud% 2BtnziQjlzw7MpbU1r6oKDjPvJ13ECnMbDn26L08zeJyzamvOzVlj3xYALjb%2B3kRM4I|tkp%3ABFBMsPHPyfJh This is just a selection, as there are many more. and I just saw that there is the old basic model (is it still in Toronto?) https://www.ebay.fr/itm/374168514112?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110018%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.COMPLISTINGS%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20220526131132%26meid%3Ddada36eeb1c44e6083d1d271b560f9d0%26pid%3D101519%26rk%3D4% 26RKT%3D12%26SD%3D393935722169%26itm%3D374168514112%26pmt%3D1%26NA 3D0%26pg%3D2495736%26algv%3ditemstripv101highadfeewith compuis.amdata=cksum%3A374168514112dada36eeb1c44e6083d1d271b560f9d0|enc%3AAQAIAAABANwrXthd5PhhRo%2Bds3sLMyvwkr4MDpZQyQLKKnXpDm9QL7exqaJaF57JxPTqerXDmIl7ATt4oWomm6un6OTg%2BPkSZJ%2BvilNnmW%2ByLhCW5dq2tbk95j%2BVGfzpNQygFSh4sWCq96XYBlnrvNtW81SKqJI8DAtA1XSXZGjL9jyPcAde0RCNcxe0TNwJ%2BrOHkKMk%2BUc35b2wv6eupURlvI9kjxfjV3OgzmbyAurVUOOidfprtAUtoKE1YqfWhPCiPypwjSBHUA1cJvc%2BQVaMH7QJEwL8Inn3VBP4z7lruzBSiiaBxaRdiep187px9K2LMgisHeW8Fwm3yabmVWRijY0e6So%3D|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2495736 and well deserved that Requiem (music + skating) reaches 500,000 views, because I saw that it was not progressing very quickly despite the power of its skating and a kind of "rage" + its little cry.....
Ahhhhh I close my eyes to imagine Yuzu flying in her magnificent costume Here is a MAXRO with Yuzu in moments of joy, but OMG the "famous" podium that is shaking in Marseille
YES this melody tells a pretty strong story and the "NE ME QUITTE PAS" is a cry for help, in fact, in addition at the beginning she reads the beginning of the letter well in French (well she had to learn it) : these expressions tell very well the distress / sadness of a love that will break and the supreme interpreter Mr Jacques BREL is as always perfect : how did you non-French-speaking fanyus understand French words? BRAVO Satoko WOOOOOO superb
SUPERB and here is POTO in slow mo It's not just him who is very moved