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Everything posted by Yuzuwinnie

  1. I can put myself in his place and I had a bit of the same thoughts, after the storm at the end of 1999 (17 days without water/no electricity) and living at the time in the countryside and I had starlight and that of the sentences of the cars on the highway and I saw like a "luminous snake" Annabelle, speculate on what?????
  2. YES there is 1 and here is a compilation from his Olympics until the end of 2022 and in 5 minutes it's really
  3. The year 2023 has just arrived and I wish you happy and joyful to the whole planet, as well as to Yuzu who has brought us so much joy and we are waiting for GIFT
  4. Forget it..... NEVER and don't even think about it Yuzu
  5. RHOOOOOOOOO and in my country this "place" is named : "the most fleshy part" of the body and the "behind" is also said and you see it from behind in its AU https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/fleshy/14797 Long live tomorrow and ANNIE
  6. Here is an idea that it is good (Coluche's favorite expression) and delighted to be able to watch it on YT Good for you too HENNI and for resting your eyes and I will wait as long as you need for the wiki and with your writing on Yuzu : peace FINALLY found
  7. Oh oh and selected, in addition, by Yuzu and therefore must like the smell of lavender which is very calming and has qualities : antiseptic / bactericidal / anxiolytic / regenerative and I adore it too and France is a big producer of lavender in the south of the country and on the link to be able to admire videos, including 1 by drone of Lavender fields and take a trip to Provence https://www.fizzer.com/fr/journal/champs-lavande-provence/#:~:text=La Provence%2C land of lavender To see, However%2C it is not visible there all the time year. I saw that the price is 2,000 yen and € 14.11 and not including shipping costs : but this bottle of salt does not appear in the GIFT page??
  8. In my opinion, if TV Asahi is sponsor of GIFT I really have a positive opinion for a diffusion I see it from the inside and will be very useful, because I have just seen that Japan (well a part) is under snow and with power cuts and a thought to the Japanese people with families in distress and I give you the link : https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/actualite/monde/funeste-noël-blanc-au-japon-17-dead-and-90-wounded/ar-AA15FS58?cvid=c15d314b99f243fc84a4fbd11a397464
  9. Alas NO, I just put this video on YT and the translation "unavailable" and also delighted that it is in the video section with a little translation and hearing the sweet voice of Yuzu and also Yuming will be enough
  10. Pleasantly surprised to hear French (in addition to English) in a Japanese melody and he is a very small "hooked" (I would be unable to speak or sing in Japanese) and with a charming accent So, French is well learned in Japanese schools? and shared
  11. Here is a "plus" of the year 2015 and an ATMOSPHERE and for a moment hear HWS singing by everyone (including Yuzu too) with Yoshiki on the piano and Toshi from X JAPAN https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/155244244122/after-kouhaku-utagassen-ended-guest-judge-yuzuru I left it for you in English and I was still able to watch the DaiIymotion 7 years later : good question for what will he wear?
  12. And after Wembley London, passage to the Stade de France and also happy for all these lucky fanyus
  13. YES we are ALL in the same basket (French expression) of not being able to go to Japan which is the financier and you have to think about food (good think about Yuzu gyosa), alas.... and there is only 'a way and I'm really happy that everyone who has a GIFT ticket
  14. YES a video at 11:11 and this list of comments ALIGATO
  15. OUPPPSSSS I'm coming back : the lyrics (but not all) and it's warm and especially those of the children and this SURPRISE from him and of course that I put a LIKE Ahhhhhh he was at the football world championship : sacred Yuzu and as a "loser" and quite 2nd , I liked it for the captain and of course the GOLD for Yuzu
  16. Je viens de le visionné et fait traduire les p
  17. I wish you a lot of courage and you will get there and it is clear that an excellent physiotherapist is essential + your participation because it is a work that goes hand in hand for a good healing, because I know it only too well : because I I had surgery in early 2020 for the right shoulder rotator cuff and 9 months of physio and at the end went to the gym for 1 hour and I found EVERYTHING and I sometimes "grit my teeth" GANBATTE
  18. Imagine the SURPRISE (it is the case to say it moreover) for these young people and the public to see THE Hanyu Yuzuru san appear and not surprised by the words of debt young girl who had to be and wise words as usual and I put you a YT with the lyrics in English and French which talks about Paris and the views on the clip are very Parisian and Yuzu does not appear in Paris in his black down jacket and insulated bag
  19. Like you, I had to enlarge the image and it is and found the same the 8 Yuzu in down jackets on the beach I don't have twitter and it would be cool to see Yuzu in front of the Eiffel Tower and her down jacket is perfect with the cold in France : -10 this morning.....
  20. I do not know this "French polar institute" station and I discovered it thanks to you YASEI NO HANA which has a French flag (so understands it and speaks it?) : https://institut-polaire.fr/fr/antlastique/la-station-dumont-durville/ and for the first time I was able to easily read what this Mr is holding in his hand with an Adélie penguin and therefore is a fanyu and it is to your honor to send it to us as well as to Yuzu
  21. because I read Yuzu's words in French thanks to YT's auto translate and he is really a promotion agent for his dear city of SENDAI and will Yuzu skate on the one outside? and beware of a RIOT I also have a Dôme in PARIS, but only 5000 places : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dôme_de_Paris_-_Palais_des_Sports and Holiday on Ice came there in February 2019 with P Candeloro, but here is the size of the ice rink and not very big at the sight of the little zamboni : https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=le+dome+de+paris+palais+des+sports&docid=607997542346008569&mid=C218E501D3374AF16914C218E501D3374AF16914&view=detail&FORM=VIRE _ a little hope to see him live and Yuzu will be well received in France
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