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    Yukihito Taguchi
  • Location
    in the sky without stars

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Let's Go Crazy!

Let's Go Crazy! (6/67)

  1. We know you're enjoying SOI with us, Max
  2. Thank you! A special thread would be great. I remember how this year's Jnats fluff thread became a tech support topic and apparently, JapanTV doesn't have a download option.
  3. That's JapanTV package interface, not Isakura. I'm not sure they have the channel that we need. I'm trying to find the list.
  4. Japannet is just another website where you can buy an isakura suscription. You will be using isakura system anyway. For now, both sites (http://www.isakuraiptv.com/ and https://japannettv.com/wpshop/index.php/isakurapro-plus/) have problems registering new accounts.
  5. Do you need all of them? I've put three photos with Yuzu under spoiler.
  6. I think I've found a Haru yo koi cathedral. (Credit: my own photo). It's St. Nicholas Church in Leipzig.
  7. This is getting crazier and crazier but I'm here for it. What next?
  8. Let me die in peace The best photo of the event.
  9. She had the same problem with that spin at Russian Nationals iirc. I had a slight light of hope she would fix it for Worlds
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