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  1. Top 20, not rounded up numbers but I don't think it makes a difference anywhere:
  2. It's 24 hours minimum flight time to Krasnoyarsk from both Toronto and Tokyo. I imagine he'll stay in Japan on the 23rd, then travel on the 24th to arrive in Russia on the 25th.
  3. Fuji TV can be watched here: https://mov3.co/en/fujitv/ BS Fuji will probably need iSakura though.
  4. Honestly I think you could massively improve the whole awards thing just by tweaking the categories.
  5. It depends where Nathan finishes. Yuzu is currently 101 points behind Nathan. If Yuzu wins and Nathan is second Yuzu gets 800 points, but Nathan gets 720, and they both drop a 400, so Yuzu only 'gains' 80 points on Nathan. If Nathan is 3rd then he gets 648 points and Yuzu does get the number 1 back because he'll gain 152 points over Nathan. (But he will jump Shoma to 2nd no matter what the result is.) ETA: I imagine he likes being number 1, but probably doesn't really care about it too much past being in the top six to get into the last group at Worlds.
  6. Honestly, assuming their aim was to keep bums in seats I think it's a masterpiece. (Though I guess they're assuming that Thursday and Friday afternoon will be doomed anyway) As someone who's going to be there I wish it was arranged very differently!
  7. They stay up and you can watch them again - it does take some time between the stream ending and the video reappearing in the video list though. (but if you have the URL you can watch it immediately) ETA: Unless they get hit by copyright notices that is. Then you can't watch them because they're blocked.
  8. But the likelihood (barring injury) that they'll both be seeded and can't meet is high. (And as we saw last year, even if they aren't both seeded the ISU will probably want to keep them apart.) However, because of Helsinki Yuzu can still get gold medals from 6 different GPs if he does IdF and CoC
  9. The English results page for Western Sectionals is up - https://www.jsfresults.com/non_responsive_toppage.htm?figure_top.htm%2CNational/2019-2020/fs_e/west/index.htm As much as I love Utana and Shingo I actually find it kind of depressing that they got the best score out of all all 5 dance teams competing at sectionals.
  10. Lauren Lecavelier has withdrawn from IdF: http://www.isuresults.com/results/season1920/gpfra2019/SEG003.htm
  11. Can they give Dai a pass to Nationals now he's withdrawn from sectionals?
  12. Daleman has withdrawn from CoC too. They're just doomed aren't they?
  13. Did this already get posted? The Olympic Channel have put up the entire Men's short from PC on YouTube:
  14. I have to admit I missed the GP live last year so I didn't follow the press coverage - all I've heard is the event commentary when I went back and caught up.
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