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    swanyu ❤️

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Sparkly Ruffle

Sparkly Ruffle (5/67)

  1. He cook his meal himself while living in Canada. Last season he cooked for a Spanish feast for PChan and etc. He can make homemade sushis too afaik
  2. Calling all Javi stans for Javi's last competition ;A;
  3. WTF I'M SILVER?!! I didn't even fix my warm-up predictions lmao thank you @Joey as always. i need to collect more golds instead #kuyashii
  4. haha NHK is my worst points so far I guess for CoR I'll go rise or down with yuzu again!!
  5. basically almost all of my predictions flopped except for yuzu if this what it takes for him to undo all the curses, i'm willingly sacrifices my scores
  6. okay, i decided to be a loyal fanyu and will rise or go down along with yuzu (i hope i won't jinx him) my scores here and in fantasy skating have been progressing, so i hope i have enough kuyashii for my witchery this time
  7. @Joey i'm the 23/10/2018 03:51:47 submission. i really didn't realized i didn't fill in the name
  8. lmao i wasn't anywhere near podium for SkAm. i hope it will get better for me
  9. Finally submitted my predictions. Predicting ladies in GPF scared the heck out of me
  10. Can't wait to start this game again. I think I can help in managing the scores and announce it just in case @Joey finds herself busy if only we have badge system here, it'll be fun to have badges for the medalists. It will make the game more fun
  11. Mungkin bisa titip di kinokuniya, atau gak pakai layanan Titip Jepang. Gue udah pake jasa itu 3-4 kali gak pernah bermasalah
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