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Everything posted by quadaxelwin
Such as having to watch a movie so unbearably boring to the fault lol
Yeah I love Jeffrey for that! He also brought Yuzu Parisienne Walkaways & Chopin didn't he? As far as I know the music Yuzu himself brought by himself were: 1. Phantom of Opera - I heard he wanted to skate it during Sochi Olympics, but David Wilson said it's been done so many times before and Brian and Orser refused the proposal at first but after Yuzu won olympics, Brian finally said yes because Yuzu was so persistent with POTO (from orser's interview during 2014 season). 2. Seimei - apparently Yuzu was first looking into Japanese Dramas based on japanese history and considered their soundtrack at first, but then found seimei (info from his own mouth) 3. H&L - he mashed some joe hisaishi music together 4. origin / otonal - you all know why lol Now as far as Notre Dame Paris soundtrack, I don't know if that was David wilson's recommendation or not. Anyone know?
Yes true, but just concerning how he put marks on what songs he liked from fan CDs shows he at leasts listens and ponders on their music recommendations. It may influence his choices to a degree. I'm so sorry I forgot to multi quote. I will be more mindful next time.
This gives me hope, that maybe one day, I too can go see a Yuzuru ice show and leave a music CD in the gift box to the skaters. I have a whole list of music suggestions for him, but knowing that he won't lurk too much in PH, the only chance fans might be able to recommend him some new music is through ice shows! I always thought Yuzu would fit Axl Rosenberg's music pieces really well. I also heard Tarasova recommended him Notte Stellata, so I guess he is open to music recommendations from both professionals and fans. Which is a good thing!
Yes I thought alot of people in PH besides me and you knew also about this. That's why I didn't provide references. I thought most people knew. Or maybe it's the fans who read a bit of japanese? It went around twitter quite a long ago. If you have a link for us that would be great! As for the info that he got a song in the form of a CD from a fan during summer ice show before H&L season, it was many years ago, but some fans know about it. There is a photo of him receiving a fan music CD, and he reviewed on which ones he liked. And one of them was asian dream song. Now that I think about it, I think it mostly circulated around Japanese twitter and forums. I'm sorry I assumed many people knew about this and wrote it without links. If we find the photo, we will be sure to send it to you.
Well how I see it, I was saying whether it has an affect on him or not (you can't speak for him as well, because you haven't been inside his brain whether it has any affect on him or not), and I don't know whether it does either because I am NOT yuzu (obviously, it's foolish for a fan to think I can understand how his brain works). It has no effect anyways, because the responses as to him recycling are generally positive on JP twitter (like most other responses from that part of the fandom). And yes this is a circular discussion, as I am saying the same thing as you are in conclusion, just the way you understood it is different. There are no "Yuzu feels THIS way because I think so" answers, because we will never fully know what he thinks or how he receives fan opinions. Also he does take into fan opinion into account when choosing music because I heard a Japanese fan gave him some parts of the hope and legacy music as a present at an ice show.
I think you misunderstood me. What I was saying is that because the Japanese fans are so supportive, it doesn't have any effect whether he cares about it or not. I was refering to how the talk about his recycling mostly happens in PH and not JP twitter
He did say he reads fan opinions time to time, but probably mostly just japanese fs fan opinions (which are mostly nice anyway, except 2chan). I've rarely seen a japanese fanyu complain openly about any of Yuzu's career choices. They are usually more reserved.
I do have this feeling some big JP tv station already is filming him in secret. So they can reveal a suprise documentary later. TBS used to document the Honda sisters figure skating life for nearly a whole year and released it in a 1 hour documentary called "Watashitachi no level 4". So I'm hoping for something like that. A documentary that has been filming for a year or more are usually better quality. I feel the last documentary by NNN? Or NHN was it? It was so long ago. We need one after PC olympics. I'm hoping they are filming here and there until Beijing or until he retires. Or better they can release a documentaty every season.
He probably doesn't feel that much pressure to try new programs though. Japanese fanyus are very supportive of his choices to recycle and rarely make any objections to his choices. And I'm guessing Yuzu mostly reads Fanyu JP twitter, since that's the language he is most comfortable reading etc. What I'm looking forward to is a new spirit of the athletes documentary. I want to see the life of Yuzu after his 2nd olympic win. Preferably an hour documentary or even longer.
Anyone know if there are any interviews where Yuzu talks about Yuzu's mum's interest in figure skating before she sent Yuzu and his sister to figure skating lessons? A Japanese fan told me on twitter that Yuzu's mum was a "Suke Ota" even before Yuzu and his sister received FS lessons, which translates to figure skating stan, but I don't ever recall Yuzu saying this.... I thought Yuzu and his sister received fs lessons, because it was right after Nagano winter olympics, and because they saw figure skating olympics on tv or something and randomly wanted to try figure skating? Or because there was a figure skating rink close by.
Where did you get this info from? Interview link please I've never heard he wanted to recycle LGC before
I used to think Yuzu recycled his programs until he got a clean performance from each one of them. But I was wrong with 3 cases; 1 - Chopin = he already got a clean version from the first season he used it, but recycled it 3 times 2 - Seimei = he already got a clean version from the first season he used it, but recycled it 3 - Let's go Crazy = he never got a clean version, but he didn't recycle it (this is the only song I would have been okay if he recycled it) So, I think the motivation for him to recycle songs is more so because of something else than wanting to skate a clean program of each. Whatever "perfecting" a program is to him, I don't think it's leaving a clean performance of the music, but something else that we don't know about. This means that even if he skates both origin and otonal with a perfect clean performance, he might recycle them again next year. Who knows why he recycles his programs?
It will be great as long as he doesn't make recycling a reputation. There is only so much you can push the judges if you recycle a program for 3 seasons. I also think he should try new programs to increase his pcs as the judges might just be giving low pcs because recycled programs may become boring to them, less exciting.
I like origin as much as the next fanyu, but I wish Yuzu would know that 4A will fit well with other music besides origin. Yuzu is the type where he gets so pulled into 1 music piece, that it's like he forgets there is an abundance of different music and genres out there. I love his challenger spirit, but I wish he had the same enthusiasm for different types of music genre outside his comfort zone. I love him nonetheless, but both his PC olympic programs were recycles (chopin 3 times), and I was kind of disappointed that this season we will get no new programs. Nevertheless, fans might understand his recycle habits, but there may come a time when the judges aren't happy with it. It doesn't help that his rival Nathan always brings new music every season. I dislike TSL but their recent Skate Canada podcast also mentioned how the judges are gonna bring up the fact that he is repeating both his programs when push comes to shove (when Nathan and him are close this season). So it's ironic that whilst Yuzu might be repeating origin to win, it might also be a reason that pulls him down. And even outside the judges, regular skating fans, or casual watchers might get bored of seeing the same program over and over. If I was Brian I would advise Yuzu not to repeat origin anymore, but again I am not the coach. But from a pure entertainment perspective, average viewers want to see him try something new before he retires. He is a jewel and I don't know why he doesn't believe in himself to know that he is a rare skater that can express himself in so many different genres, music styles.
Yuzu said at a press conference after Skate Canada that he wants to jump 4A with the origin song..... Does that mean if he can't land 4A this season that he'll recyle origin again next year? I like origin but I don't want to see it for 3 seasons.......
I remember him saying verbally in an interview he chose to do idf and SC because he wanted practice competing with Patrick before Sochi, but who knows what the truth really is. As for the capacity of Mokdong, about 4500 ~ 4800 seats will be available to us depending on how many Japanese media fill up the seats if Yuzu comes to 4CC. That being said, I also heard competitions in Korea are more competitive to get tickets than japan as they are a purchase system rather than buy-then-lottery-win-system like comps in japan. Also korea is close to japan and china, and yuzu's 2 biggest fan bases are japan and china, so it would be very hard to get tickets if he goes! I hear you can only buy nhk trophy tickets if you have an address in Japan or by some travel agency but that's expensive. So going to korea to see Yuzu will be a lot easier and cheaper than going to japan to see yuzu compete. Hence I am expecting a full packed arena if Yuzu does compete in 4CC (for the men's). I just hope he goes to 4CC this season, because maybe I can fly to Korea because it will be a a lot cheaper than going to Japan, USA etc.
Yay World Standing Number 1 I missed you 👍👍👍 I don't think he cares too much about standings that much. Hopefully he will do 4CC for the record of winning 4CC before he retires.
Me too! I just googled how many seats Mokdong Ice rink has, and it said 5000 seats. (Although some of that will be taken by media crew + figure skating insiders) so about 4500 ~ 4700 seats will be available for fans considering Japan brings a large media crew with them (camera man + announcers + sound crew + news crew etc). That should be good enough I guess. Thanks for your opinion. Fingers crossed!
I would be glad if he did do it, the last time he did was 3 years ago. But isn't canada and korea far away? I would like if he did visit Seoul, since he's never been there before (although he probably can't tour around it, but still look outside from his hotel etc). I was thinking because montreal is in canada, he might want to stay only in canada before worlds to focus on his training. Anyways, fingers crossed he is fit enough to do both. I'm just worried about getting tickets to 4cc if he goes, since the stadium is a bit small. This is how small the rink is by the way. The seats are very limited in number, but closer view to the actual skaters. Thus, making the tickets sell out even faster. I think the rink is smaller than Skate Canada rinks by far.
As for Nathan, I was thinking how in Sochi Season 13/14 he chose 2 GP assignments idf and SC to compete with Patrick (he said so himself in an interview) so he could get used to competing him in Sochi. Yuzu is the type to get fired up when his competitors are there. Also I know he didn't say anything about small stadiums, but I couldn't recall him competing in stadiums the size of Mokdong after Sochi. (Except for ACI). Even if he is healthy he still might not go to 4CC because korea is far from Canada + other reasons etc. From what I've seen Yuzu only chooses to go to 4CC if it holds major benefits for him, rather than attending every year (like 2017 4cc because it was the olympic stadium etc).
So he doesn't mind competing in small stadiums the size of Mokdong? But add the factor that Korea is close to Japan and China and then what you get is an extra claustrophobic stadium with packed fanyus. No to mention that Korea is relatively cheap to go to... I want him to go, but then I don't for the reason that the stadium is too small for the likes of yuzu However I heard Nathan has exams during that period, so the likelihood of nathan going, and then hanyu following is very low
Hi guys, do you know if Yuzu has competed in relatively small ice rink stadiums post Sochi? I don't know the details, but if I remember correctly, he avoids small stadiums (except ACI) after Sochi because it will be too crowded and claustrophobic because he has huge following / fans. So that would mean he would avoid competing at 4CC this year, because I heard the Korean rink in Mokdong is reeeaaally small. I saw youtube videos of K nationals being held there and it would not be big enough to fill up Yuzu's japan and chinese fans who will flock to korea because of the close distance. I'm wondering if Yuzu will avoid going to 4CC for this very reason. What are your thoughts on this?
Anyone know who has the prediction thread as to who will go to GPF for men's?
Same. At least they fixed those plastic star awards. Hopefully they get more funding as figure skating gets more popular. Such a waste for a developed country like France to hold low quality comps. I do want Yuzu to go to Skate America because it's close to Canada (relatively). And also because I believe Yuzu can win against Nathan even in Skate America if Yuzu is in top form.