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Posts posted by Anzi

  1. Hi guys!


    Just saw this on tweet. Cuz I don't know how to post tweet so I just quote:


    "Ghishlain is with Cha , Brian  in Saransk... they know who they need to leave with Yuzu when he is under rehab"

               ----Hope and Hope @ tikudzi


    It seems mama Tracy is with Yuzu now and hahaha here is one of response " BOrser and Ghislain can be sweet talked/puppy eyed, Mama Tracy cannot."



  2. 2 hours ago, BWOZWaltz said:



    When I see what Yuzu does for figure skating at not just on the surface level or the pointy end of the sport but at deeper and longer term like the foundation of its future - the younger generation, it makes me realise that it is already happening that his legacy is carried on through these young skaters into the future. Antis or gossips that had created commotion lately will not even make a dent on Yuzu's achievements or who he is and the legacy. These young skaters are the answers to all those people who refuse to see the true value of Yuzu's contribution to the sport. Nobody can deny the history that have been created and the future that are being created by Yuzu's skating.


    We should not react to things with emotions that could create embarrassment for Yuzu or for ourselves. We really need to be wise and more level headed. Just laugh at antis but don't try to fight with them. Don't attack an innocent poster who happened to have captured the cave boy footage. Get reality check some time to see if your feet are still firmly on the ground. If you see 10 bad posts, create 10 good ones and ask your fellow fanyus to do the same. A bad cause will create a bad result so make a good cause. We don't need to be Yuzu's protector but just admire him even more! I'll choose to fight that way :angrypooh:


  3. 2 hours ago, kaeryth said:




    He is an angel!!!




    Btw I rewatched his Etude in both 2012 WC and Continues with Wings. I finally know the profound meaning of this program and even that of the costume design. And I was crying when seeing him skating this in his 17 year-old 

  4. 6 hours ago, daisyjune said:



    Has Yuzu started rehabilitation on ice? I'm not sure if it's the latest video, but if so,

    I really really hope his rehabilitation will go well. :smiley-angelic001::smiley-angelic001::smiley-angelic001:

    I know last year he had pain after going back to ice in December and rested again.:tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow:

    He seems really careful and I hope he can get it STEP by STEP 


    This made my day!:68556365:

  5. 32 minutes ago, ZuCritter said:

    His WD from JNats hit me hard -- which is ridiculous, since it's a) what I expected, and b) what I hoped he'd do (to ensure the fullest possible recovery). Like so many satellites, and Yuzu himself, I suspect, I'm grappling with a whole raft of uncertainties that loom far beyond this particular injury. Warning: What follows is long and may strike some as downbeat, so I'll hide it for the sake of those who want to pass on to lighter fare. 


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    It is heartbreaking, and feels unfair, that his career has been so often interrupted by injuries. I'm wretched for him, watching the same scenario play out for the second year in a row (although I do trust Brian's comment that this injury is less serious than last year's). What I don't want to lose, though, is the larger truth that Yuzu is among the most fortunate beings on the planet. He was gifted with a talent that sets him apart not just from any living person but any in history. That talent was recognized, nurtured and rewarded, especially by his family, who gave him a strong moral grounding as well as reordering their lives to support his skating. He knows and appreciates all this, which keeps him from falling into the entitlement and self-indulgence that destroy so many elite athletes.


    Don't get me wrong: Yuzu deserves every bit of fame, fortune and love that flow his way. He has earned it, and I hope he gets to enjoy it for many years to come. But when the gods were passing out beauty, brains, personality and talent, he got an extra helping of each. The miracle is that he feels a responsibility toward his own talent and the sport itself as well as his family, coaches and millions of fans. He wants to push himself to the very edge of the possible, to take the sport into unknown realms, just because he knows he alone can do it. That's thrilling. 


    Now, however, he's face to face with the great enemy, time. As the injuries -- and just the "normal" wear and tear -- take their toll on his body, his famous calculations must eventually come to include not just what layout will win a given competition but how long his body will allow him to compete. Among all the rivals he has faced, time is the one that eventually will win. That doesn't make him a tragic figure. But it does make him even more compelling, because it's something we all confront, sooner or later. I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to wonder if I had enough time left to tame Nessie, but I know exactly what it feels like to wonder if I have enough time left to accomplish my own dreams.


    So in a sense, what Yuzu calls his weakness is among his greatest gifts. If every performance were clean, if he won every gold, if he never faced injury, he would be so remote we couldn't connect with him. Because he's hurt, because he's vulnerable, because he won't always be there, pushing the boundaries of what it means to be human, he is taking us with him on a profound journey. Sometimes it sucks, but more often it feels like an incalculable privilege. 


    I'm not crying, no, I'm not. 




    By reading your beautiful writing, I resonate with you from the bottom of my heart. Since I know Yuzu after my birthday during April, I sometimes sigh that I am deeply grateful to born in this age in which we have Yuzu who has one of the greatest humanity in the universe. When I struggling for getting ride of those negative depressing mentalities 3 weeks ago, I alway told myself repetitively  what Yuzu said after OG, weakness consists in mightiness and only the one who digest and accept his weakness can find the path to the happiness. We now are going through a hard time and I certainly cannot imagine what it would be for him. But he gets strong faith and he acknowledges his weakness. I think that's enough for us to believe he will come back with his full passion and love for skating.

  6. 1 hour ago, SuperMin said:

    Can I suggest that we all think about how we can survive through this three months drought til Worlds. I am confident this forum can do it.


    @LadyLouI appreciate and like where you were going with thinking about what we love about Yuzu and focusing on that. Your posts are very insightful.


     Maybe everybody can post their favorite fan video or their favorite gif.  I would appreciate all and any positive energy in Yuzu’s direction.  

     Maybe if we only think about the positive that “push” Yuzu forward with strength,  just like he said about his supporters during the Olympics in 2018, we will see something amazing in the future. 


    Just sayin.

    I am going to do:

    1. Chat with you guys. The Planet and satellites complete my life;

    2. Work work work to divert my attention;

    3. Rewatch rewatch rewatch 


    Ps: I hope I can meet you guys in future. And give each of you a big hug!


  7. 13 minutes ago, SuperMin said:

    I personally don't really care whether he adds the 4A (I know he wants it and if it happens great, but I'd prefer him healthier and continuing to skate).  I do hope he gets the 4Loop back so he can add back the 4Toe-3A.  I would imagine it burns a little that he got a negative GOE for one of his signature EX jumps- although it was a thing of beauty in an actual competition.

    We need shrine 4loop, 4lutz and 4Axel up and make daily worship to these jump kamis. Begging them to behave well if Yuzu want to practice them.

  8. Remember what Brain said:

    4A for Yuzu is moon, is star, is everything.

    If Yuzu want to achieve this long-term goal, he must be more cautious about the current injury. I know some of you really concern about his direct announcement of  his painful bodily feeling. Me too. This indeed never happened before. But we also need keep in mind that now he learns how to speak of his situation rather than concealing it. Also claiming his pain makes his WD reasonable for those Japanese media, who tend to focus exclusively on his WD rather than the reason behind that.


    Although my heart is...sigh...


    So till the time he goes back, I will just keep my active posting on this thread. Because interacting with you guys makes me feel better.


    love you guys!!! 



  9. 53 minutes ago, Tee said:
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    I'm just thinking about the rumours about him getting married before Boston and how upset that made him. I hope this doesn't make him too upset esp considering he's not recovered yet and had to WD from JNats. Also that guy should stop using his name tbh bc a lot of people will immediately think of Yuzu at seeing 羽生 at first glance



    It says that around four weeks for a severe sprain can be expected? He said he felt pain while skating at the Olympics which was months after NHK but Brian did say it wasn't as bad so it should be normal for him

    He also said after months of rehab, his right ankle back then only reduced 20-30% pain so he is able to hold up during the Olympic competition.


    So I guess right now he is trying to get on ice rink that's why he went back to Toronto as soon as possible even just a day after his Bday. 


    Yuzu must feel frustrated, I could directly feel that from in his announcement. But the good thing is that he know how to manage and process the aftermath rehab and there are teams, coaches and friends be there with him.


  10. 12 minutes ago, Legacy and Hope said:


    Thank you for this.  My soul, too, has been elevated just watching Yuzu's expressions listening to Chopin... :xD:

    His expression is somewhere in between Zanface and murderface

  11. OMG!!!!! Can someone post the Olympic Channel latest released Brian's interview clip!!!!

    Brian talked about Yuzu and Javi!!!! He said: Yuzu standing in front of Spanish country flag in TCC ice rink and said I miss Javi 


  12. I made some response to those salty tweet on why a figure skater can dominate Lebron:


    I said, there might be several "Lebron" in the basketball field, and you certainly cannot say, Kobe and him who is greater. 

    But there is only one Hanyu Yuzuru who have continually improved figure skating this sport in the past 8 years. 

  13. 2 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    You never know! There are therapy horse-riding programs for autistic people where I'm from, maybe that horse does tons of volunteer work! 


    I realize there are problems with making sweeping generalizations but...your average figure skater is far more likely to be an upstanding citizen in other areas of life, than the average major league athlete. But figure skaters are also usually younger and make less money, so they probably encounter fewer temptations to go off the rails, as well. 

    Best satellite post ever.

    That program sounds fantastic!!! I'd like to work in if I was a trained staff~

  14. 10 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Of course they work hard to get where they are. However, they don't have the character and integrity, honesty and general overall goodness Yuzu does, so to my mind he's head and shoulders above them. 


    Plus, I just hate basketball in general (and NFL football, and soccer. I can tolerate baseball and enjoy hockey but most of the major league sports leave me cold). So I'm not inclined to be impressed by the sport's athletes. IMO rugby has far better role models and is way more entertaining to watch. 



    You know what... all balls seem dangerous to me :embSwan:


  15. 21 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    All LeBron ever did was bounce some balls. Any fool can do that. Let's see him did a 3A going up for a dunk and then we'll talk. :hachimaki:



    Lol, we'd better keep this only in this thread.


    tbh, the basketball players also pay amounts of effots to achieve their goals. Like Lebron, Curry and Kobe these are the very athletes we should pay homage to.   


    But certainly there is no such a sport can combine strength and aesthetic together as figure skate does and what makes FS so attractive maybe still attributed to Yuzu's achievements.


    What I am surprised by this rank is in launched by an AMERICAN sport TV program. In this context, a non-western athlete can win over a insanely popular American sport star is unexpected. (Lebron is really what A people called legend)


    Also, given the sport culture in US....the popular sports tend to be aggressive and masculine, like football and basketball. Yuzu in this rank is the only existence of the integration of softness and strength. Gymnastic can be taken into account but no so much as FS. Yuzu is just so prominent, and I'd like to see him in a higher place. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, Ashley2162018 said:

    So it is confirmed.

    Thank YOu Kikuchi-san for being with Yuzu and helping him to become the Champion he is.

    For some reason I felt that Yuzu is always cared for whenever Kikuchi-san is around.

    I know he still is but there bond is special.


    I hope after his retirement, Kikuchi-Ojisan has plenty of time to enjoy his life with his family, traveling to places he want to go. And most importantly, Yuzu probably with Brain can visit him during the off season time!

  17. 43 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Some wishful thinking there, making Yuzu front and center. Also, did Daisuke qualify for Nats? I've lost track. 

    murmuring wishful thinking too...

    Anyway, I hope his rehab is going well!

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