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Posts posted by Anzi

  1. 39 minutes ago, icecreamy said:


    He said he won't retire, not until 4A. I do sympathize with a lot of what you wrote, especially the hard decisions Yuzu has to make in the coming days/months, yet I trust his words as always, and looking forward to what he would have become, against all obstacles and doubts. He will come back, and let's pray for our boy to come back healthy and wise. 

    Agree. He has his own agenda now and he has full passion and vision invested on his future skating career. That's his personal goal. And we shouldn't doubt his determination.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Frenchkiss70 said:

    Same here :sadPooh: I feel my heart clenching with every new bits translated. 

    Yuzu not being on top of the podium I’d just unthinkable after everything he went through.

    Where I can get the book? Amazon? I want to keep it and read it eveytime when I think I couldn't go through tough things. He is such a fighter!

  3. 2 hours ago, Tee said:


    "In order to prevent Yuzuru from attempting a quad as soon as I stop paying attention, I had to always watch him, and praise him for accomplishing his stages of success. This was very important...Yuzuru advanced along the path he set, and I gave help where I could. We will forever be beside Yuzuru Hanyu."

    Thank you Brian :cri:

    Mr.quad-Zu, Brain is watching you. So you'd better behave yourself not doing anything jeopardize your feet!!!

  4. 2 hours ago, Paskud said:

    Pray for Yuzu's future student, mr. quint axel. :59227c768286a__s:

    Feel sorry for Zuzu's future students for seconds



    And what you said just led me to picture the future coach Yuzu's face when he watching his students competing on the rink. Then, it must be the mix of....

    :knc_brian3: +:knc_tracy1: +:crazyshit:

  5. 6 hours ago, Salior said:


    Translation from Team Brian book 


    Damn I didn’t realise Yuzu’s obsession for 4Lo and 4Lz was so much worse than I thought... 😭 No wonder Brian said he is much more relaxed this season. 


    That being said, glad Orser is taking care of Yuzu. He always said that he sees his younger self in Yuzu, like a twin! So he understands how Yuzu feels - frustration, drive, and all. Brian knows when to advise him, and when to let him be his fiery self. 


    And Yuzu takes care of Brian too. One true father and son! 



    I just wanna appreciate the meet between Yuzu and Brian, the two are the most adorable people in the world. When you are able to develop a profound friendship with your mentor/student, then you have one more family member you could rely on. 

  6. 31 minutes ago, sophiang said:

    Is this one got post?

    Please watch 1:00, when the lyrics mention "Friend/Soulmate" and yuzu pick up Pooh's face........:sadPooh:

    I am so touched and strongly feel that he want to get some energy from the song  

    Some highlight of the Lyrics (i almost cried when i know the meaning so its so match yuzu situation)

    -keep running and light up for this moment

    -try your best for today, change of today is the hope for tomorrow

    -go with all strength

    -you are really a strong and tough person if you didn't escape


    and yes, Pooh will 100% be his truely listener and supporter!

    Ok this just breaks my tear 


  7. 28 minutes ago, MeowZu said:

    I'll be in Xiamen, Hangzhou, and Shanghai.

    OK then the change of your outerwear would be dramatic... Xiamen in Dec would still be warm, maybe a hoodie is enoug.

    But when you go to Shanghai and Hangzhou, that could be a total different world... cold+ humid...


    Keep warm and good luck to your trip!

  8. 4 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

    what a beautiful and mighty graph! :knc_brian1:

    Though my poor math doesn't help me to full understand this graph, my intrinsic tells me this means Yuzu made a huge accomplishment.


    But I guess if he personally saw this graph, his expression would still be like this...



  9. 11 minutes ago, MeowZu said:

    OT but speaking of China, is anyone here from there? I'll be there on Dec 17. How's the weather? 

    It depends on which part of China you are going to land. But during Dec, most part of China is freezing 

  10. 1 hour ago, Mithrilien said:

    With the current injury (though I utterly believe it´s neither remotely as severe as last year) I honestly don´t see 4A appearing or even being properly trained this season. It´s too high a risk and I think that adult Yuzuru is pragmatic enough to see that. Actually when I noticed how his normally gorgeous and stable execution of 3A started to suffer occasionally because of training 4A.. well for me 4A is totally not worth it. But Yuzuru clearly has another opinion on the matter, oh well.. ;)
    And I am quite surprised how many people say that GPF or Nats aren´t personally important to Yuzu. I think that especially missing another Nationals would be quite hard on him, he really wants to "prove" himself to the home crowd again and he needs to feel that he properly earned the place for WC in Saitama. Sure, he´ll get a ticket there anyway and he doesn´t need to prove anything ofc, but knowing this boy´s mindset and his nature a little, it would make him to question his worthiness again etc. I think he desperately wants to be there this year.

    Same, if the competition in this year are going to be withdrew than the Nessis thing should also be postponed for prioritizing his health.

  11. 35 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

    So, starting from tomorrow we are waiting for news :S ... Am I a bad fanyu bc I still have slight hopes? :smiley-sad021:

    I have to confess since this Thanksgiving I began to check my phone per hour and don't know why I do this... maybe bcuz the anxiety hidden in my subconsciousness.

  12. 4 hours ago, Salior said:

    I honestly do not want him to participate. This is speaking from someone who've sprained her ankles 3 times each, you need time to heal, and by time it means NO strenuous activities. Exerting it while it is not fully healed will make things much worse, and create even more long-term weakness in the area. And yet, you cannot just show up in a competition without adjusting your form and peaking, which would risk more falls and injuries if the ankle is not back at full strength yet. That's why once he heard that he needs 3 weeks rest, he knew that it would be difficult to even make it for the JNats.


    I had a bad sprain once, and if I took care of it, it shouldn't have taken more than 3 months to heal. Problem is, I walked a lot for months after the sprain, and it took 5 YEARS for it to go back to being remotely normal (no swelling, pain, stiffness, weakness or spraining again while exercising), and till today it's still not the same. And that's just light walking, I didn't even do anything that would require me to land on the sprained ankle with G force 8-10 times my body weight, which arguably is going to be more if he wants to land the 4A. He is 62 kg now too, not 52 kg at Sochi anymore. 


    Even if it's healed completely, old injuries can strike again when you least expect it. So there's really no point in (1) cutting the rest 1 week short to peak in time for GPF, and risk exponentially longer healing / another injury, or (2) rest for 3 weeks, show up underprepared and result in a spatfest, when JSF doesn't even care anymore and is fine with him just being there at Worlds. He really cannot have everything at once. Long-term ankle health, GPF title, 4A or Worlds, he must choose. 


    Personally I think him being so prone to spraining now is the result of many past injuries that was aggravated. It wasn't a new injury, and it wasn't the first time he skated on sprained ankle, other than the Olympics - here's an article describing him skating on sprained right ankle during Worlds 2012, also sustained from landing a UR 4T. There were plenty more examples throughout novice/juniors in Aoi Hono. As he himself said, the injury is of such a nature that even if it heals, you might not be able to skate the same as before. And personally I think today's situation is the result of multiple aggravation and neglect of full healing for his ankle in the past.


    I'm not blaming him for anything, but I think there's point in time when you will need to prioritise, he cannot keep putting off the health of his ankle if he wants to land the 4A this season. I can understand sacrificing the ankle for the Olympics, or Russia, but GPF?!?!?!? When he already has 4 titles, is not even the most important competition of the season, and it's not like it's hosted in Japan, US (for Johnny) or Russia (for Plush)?


    Tldr; Just heal your ankle properly for the 4A and Worlds. Please.

    Thank you for saying this. You just articulately express our feelings!

  13. 3 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    He's the only Canadian who's even close to being in the final and since they're funded by the Canadian government, part of their job is to make sure Canada's chances at sports events are mentioned...but they're doing this in a dumb way here. 


    Yeah I understand what you said and what they hope for, but this is  just..... emmmmmmmm.....not the right way.....

  14. 14 minutes ago, LeadenMyr said:

    😂😂😂 God dammit I had never seen this before it's great 

    I remember Zuzu said something in between "scared me" and "surprised me" after he signing his name to Rafa. He apparently unexpected Rafa's fan-ish behavior, which contrast so much to what he looks as normally calm.


    Rafa appeared to be really calm in that scene but I guess his inner must be: asdfghjklzxv!!!!!!



  15. 12 minutes ago, airi said:

    3 Dec is a deadline for all athletes for withdrawing.

    Lol CBC, they really want to get ahead of facts because Keegan is first alternate

    Ok I got it. That makes much more sense. If the ddl is Dec 3 then before this data, any name sheet is not determined.

  16. 3 hours ago, Yuazz said:

    Even tho its very unlikely that yuzu will go.. JSF doesn't even make an announcement about yuzu's withdrawal.. That is so disrespectful 

    Yes, that's what I also get troubled with.


    Later add: Keegan did not make it to the final, he is the first substitute. Why they put on the first alternate only in Man's but didn't do the same thing in other groups?! Could this be more subtle? 

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