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Posts posted by Anzi

  1. 24 minutes ago, LourdesMoon said:

    I've never written on the General chat forum, only competition and ticket related ones so it feels weird to do it now, but I needed a space to release some of the sadness of this weekend. I don't mean to bring down anyone who sees this but is this honestly real? After 2ish days it still feels unreal. I was at home, working on an essay and refreshed my twitter page and saw that he had fallen. Knowing the magnitude of what happened last year, I didn't take the situation that seriously in the first 5 minutes (thinking at first that fans had overreacted), but then I read he left practice. Still, I decided to wait because apparently someone said he had done this before at ACI18. When he skated, I thought that meant it wasn't so bad but as every day passes I'm starting to get awful deja vu and its quite honestly depressing - I don't know how Yuzu deals with it. If I was him I'd be crying all the time at the unfairness of the world/ fate. His perseverance is why we all love him but the waiting is honestly so horrible (the worst part for me personally, and I'm usually a patient person by nature)...last year it nearly drove me insane. I don't know what else to say, but I guess thank to everyone here who understands and who is trying to infuse this forum with positivity! 

    It is totally OK to be emotional, grief and even pessimistic, cuz we are human beings and we invest too much emotion on this people whose condition will definitely influence our own personal life. 

    But after the initial heartbreaking, depression, and cracking down, we need to LEARN how to pull ourself together not by you own but we as a community. So we are here with you and what we can do, in addition to keeping faith to Zu, is to make you feel better.


  2. 57 minutes ago, holina said:

    I miss Yuzu too.


    If he was able to skate this well in the FS, then his injury can’t be that bad? (It should be much better than last year?).  If his ankle was severely busted than he probably wouldn’t be able to move his ankle at all, let alone skate and do quads with +5 GOEs?  The crutches must be him just learning to be cautious this time around?


    (someone please say “Yes” to all of the above).


    I was thinking about him today while driving home from work, thinking how much he has sacrificed for his love of skating.  Being away from his country and family for so many years.  I was wondering whether I would wish that he would just retire so that he can go back to live in Sendai with his family, perhaps fall in love with a nice girl, and do his own brand of skating shows around Japan, and not having to worry about getting injured by pushing his body so hard.  That would give him another type of happiness.  But now, the happiness he gets from competition, challenging his limits, and moving forward the sport of figure skating is bigger.  So whatever he wants to do, I just will fully support him.


    The next time we see him skating to “May Spring Come” we will all be such an emotional mess!!  It will have soooo much feels....

    Girl, you shouldn't drive the car while thinking about Yuzu's incident. That's not safe.

    Please avoid this as much as you could. :sign0009:

  3. 1 hour ago, freeyafanfan said:

    I am working while listening to hope and legacy and haru yo koi on a loop :tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg: It gets me teary eyed but giving hope as well.. I remember how many times have he gotten through such adversaries, and I believe he will this time too :tumblr_inline_n2pjd3guzE1qdlkyg:

    I just did what you did! That's what I call telepath among satellites!

  4. 5 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Not only that, he realized right away too. By the time he got up from that fall, he was already counting and thinking and marking out where he'd place the elements of an alternate FS layout. I was actually really impressed with that.

    Me too! That's exactly what my hindsight tells. I was so shocked as the moment he fell and the continue negative feeling was too overwhelming to let me rethink his aftermath managements. When I recall his reactions, all the decisions he made and his honest response on his injury condition, I am pretty much sure All things are under his control; all decisions are made based on his and his team's calculation. And he is experienced in injury recovery. So we should and must trust him. That's the only thing we can do.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Yoa said:

    My brain doesn't want to shut up and because of that I can't fall asleep. Maybe if I write some random thoughts here, it will clear my mind and help me sleep.

    -last season after nhk I didn't cry. Because I actually believed that he would be ready for nationals. This season I don't believe it so it is harder for me to process. Especially after we were so happy with SP results. But yesterday, for many hours I still didn't cry. I didn't watch FS live. I was waiting for updates. And I only watched it after a few hours because I was afraid to do that. I finally started crying after I read some tweet written by a lady journalist who tried to explain to someone what happened to Yuzuru. 

    -today I started crying again when I was watching VC and they showed a crying fan. And later again, after reading Mishin's comment about Yuzuru. Some of his past comments about Yuzu weren't so nice. He didn't say anything about Yuzuru after Pyeonchang. He was sitting beside me during ladies FS in Helsinki (2 group) and his facial expression was a little bit scary. And I was annoyed by his comments after NHK about Japanese ladies etc. So when I read his nice comment about Yuzuru I started crying really hard.

    -I am happy that Daniil talked with Yuzuru before VC. Even when there's a tension between Eteri's team and Brian's team. Maybe he congratulated him. Maybe he wished him to get well soon. Or maybe... he asked him if he can make a program some day for him. This thought makes me laugh. Imagine them working together, especially on music cuts :rofl2:

    -I am thankful to Misha. After that instagram drama during off season I am happy that he still decided to post a supportive massage. And this time he found a solution and turned off the comments under that post. 

    -I was surprised by NBC commentary. It's good that they informed viewers about Yuzuru's situation. 

    -I hope that fans won't try to bother TCC skaters on their social media to get some information about Yuzuru

    -I don't trust anything JSF says

    -You know what makes me feel better? That we will have more chances to get updates from Brian (and maybe even Tracy) than last season. Last year, after Yuzuru injured himself, Brian only went to one competition: France with Javi. This year, he will go to France with Evgenia and Jason, GPF with at least Stephen (and probably Zhenya and Jun) and assuming that Yuzuru won't go to nationals - Russian nationals with Zhenya. Brian will arrive in France on Wednesday. We don't know where Yuzuru has gone. To Canada or to Japan. He has to get his ankle checked, and to do that, it should stop swelling. So Brian probably won't know much this week. But by the time of GPF, Yuzuru's situation should be much clearer. 3 recommended weeks of rest will pass so hopefully Brian will share if Yuzuru needs more time of rest or is it enough. There's still rehabilitation, starting to train on the ice etc. so maybe we can get another update during Russian nationals. I will feel so much better getting information directly from his team and not from people who care about tickets and sponsors (aka JSF)


    I hope I can finally fall asleep...



    I am so glad you feel better and it makes me feel better too. I just rewatch the VC, and Sakura fairy on Helsinki EX. I am so moved, again. I did the rewatch of FS yesterday, but I won't watch his program videos in CoR probably until the further information on his treatment coming out. The review of FS is just to make sure his condition during the competition, but more times would definitely influence my recovering mental status.


    So I decide to rewatch 17 WC Hope and Legacy 100000+ during the waiting period. This one really helps me to settle down while giving me power to continue my life.

  6. 30 minutes ago, Paskud said:

    No. Nononono. We can't cry. Now is the most important moment, when we have to be strong and believe in him. He doesnt't need our worries, because when we are worried he is worried because of us and I don't want to be burden to him. In this hard time he doesn't need our tears but our prays and support, and love, and positive vibes. Because that gives him strength. He is experienced. He knows what to do. He will come back. He always comes back.

    Thanks a lot for this post. I will read them everyday for self-empowerment!!! 

  7. Just now, Pearlple said:

    Nah, I still haven’t rewatched Origin at CoR. I’m still trying to find the courage to watch it. At least NHK17 was past and he got through it. I was trying to find some solace on how PH survived all those months before PC. If anybody knows let me know. I had trouble sleeping last night. :sadPooh:

    I was in the same stage yesterday. But last night I rewatch the Origin with my full courage and found, to my surprise, it didn't hit me again, (except the 3A falling, I just hid my eyes in that moment ). But rather, it  really empowers me and I somehow got relieved. Cuz every step he made on the ice is such powerful, and that fighter spirit energizes me inside and out.


  8. About the ceremony:

    I am relieved by seeing his sunshine smile. Yuzu is really happy now and I know he will probably have a tough time going though the treatment and recovery.


    But the moment that he used crutches walking through the red carpet and jumping on to the podium really empowers me and gives me the courage to believe there must be a bright future for him and his skating.


    Now neither GPF or Nats matters to me. The only thing I am happy with is he is going to take a full TREATMENT of his body. I really wish he can get good rest after this exhausting competition.

  9. 1 hour ago, IULIANA said:



    WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about my language but IT IS TOTALLY UNEXPECTED!!!!

    And it's so WIERD! To be honest, I want to see him in China for ice show but never the show for spring festive cuz that's so IRRELEVANT!

  10. 7 hours ago, ICeleste said:

    One year ago today, I remember waking up and seeing the worst news... The Olympics were just a few months away and you were willing to give it all. You'd spent the off-season training for one of the hardest challenges: lady Lutz. You'd landed it for the first time at CoR- you'd fought so hard to stand on your feet on that first try, and your bright smile in the K&C after doing it was just priceless... But with every challenge comes a risk, and you never imagined that that double-edge sword would be potentially career-ending.
    That day -Nov. 9th-, I woke up with such a good mood, because I knew NHK was soon and I couldn't wait to watch you compete again. You woke up with a fever but your stubborn, dedicated self insisted on the 4Lz...  Moments after, the video of the fall and the news that you'd been crying as you had to withdraw from NHK were everywhere. That was the beginning of a seemingly eternal and dark couple of months. I'd held on to the hopes of seeing you again in December, but time went by and I still hadn't heard from you. I realized then how serious the situation was.
    Then came 2018 and my hopes of seeing the OGM around your neck were faltering... Until days before the Games, Brian assured us we had nothing to worry about since your ankle would be ready in time. My illussion led me to trust his words blindly. In February, you landed in South Korea with an unprecedented aura of calmness and confidence: no matter the result, you were glad to come back to what you're most passionate about. And the ice, as well, was so happy to have you back that it welcomed you like a king, allowing you to deliver a glorious, WR-worthy SP. For a few minutes, you entirely made us forget you weren't in your best condition. The next day, Seimei shined like a fighter and made you a double Olympic champion, displaying the epitome of perseverance and resilience.
    Looking back today, I can't help but feel incredibly ecstatic as I watch you triumph in this new season and, more importantly, although I may sound like a broken record, I'm thankful to be able to keep enjoying your sublime skating.

    Thank you, Yuzuru, for keeping on giving me joy:snpeace:

    Your monologue just touches the bottom of my heart. Reading this makes my heart bumping. I can almost feel you in that movement of eternal darkness, even back then I had no idea whom Hanyu Yuzuru is.

    I really appreciate on that morning of April 22. When I woke up and checked out my phone, I noticed a news which said a figure skater went back to his hometown with warmest greeting. And I googled him. I googled this guy and clicked that YouTube video and watched the program called Seimei.


    In that moment I was enlightened. 


    And later, during the hardest time of my graduate studies due to endless stress, I still hold myself from cracking down and keep going. That's because I meet Yuzu, i meet his beautiful and mesmerical performance. He is the light, the sunshine gives me comfort. And thus I know how to manage myself to invest on what I am passionated about.


  11. 3 hours ago, TallyT said:


    And he still has room to grow in Origin certainly, Otonal maybe, as he builds up....

    Otonal for sure too, cuz some chore steps and jumps still have rooms for refining. Maybe 115 or more.

  12. 4 hours ago, makebelieveup said:

    Woke up this morning and boy am I not ashamed to say Im happy to not see a new world record :xD:

    I literally checked the YouTube several times to make sure there is no possible for a new world record.

    Not Even A Thing! So Thank God. 


    Plus, we need to have more confidence on our boy since currently nobody can catch him up.

  13. 4 hours ago, Sammie said:


    OK...till next THURSDAY I will refrain myself from any distraction... I mean reduce my daily time on checking phone, only twice (morning and midnight) for Planet. I hope I could finish my listing agendas which include normal readings, homeworks and another 20-ish-page paper.


    As a hopeless OCD, I must be physically and mentally prepared for Yuzu's competition in Rus.


    ps: I will try not to overdose myself with too much caffein. But no guarantee.


    Good lucks to you guys!

  14. 1 hour ago, OonsieHui said:

    So, I know it's off topic, but I have a thought that may not go over well...


    I've felt really uncomfortable during Helsinki, and since, whenever people (commentators, journalists, other skaters) are like "that was the best of Hanyu" or "that was perfection" or "that was flawless", especially regarding his FS. Because, actually, no. That performance, while beautiful and amazing for a first competition for Yuzuru, was not his best, was not perfect, he still has stuff to work on, something that he very clearly knows and accepts. I wondered why I felt such a knee jerk negative response to said comments, and I realise it's because it feels like it cheapens his truly great outstanding performances, and makes it feel like people are saying that not because it's true but because he's Yuzuru Hanyu. 



    Don't worry. Because Yuzu know really well that that competition is not perfect and he knows how to improve himself.

  15. That's why I introduce Yuzu to my parents. I want to share my parents with Yuzu performance, his stories which embody the most beautiful mind and spirit of all beings in this universe. I want to share my joy with my parents and make them be joyed too

  16. 13 minutes ago, makebelieveup said:

    Okay, if we're going for the what ifs, then we have to apply it both ways. What if Yuzu never suffered an injury? What if he skated clean in both programs? Someone correct me if I'm wrong but at Worlds, Nathen skated both programs clean with 6 quads landed, right? and he received a total score of 321.40. This didn't even pass Yuzuru's total score at NHK Grand Prix Series, which he skated clean but wasn't at his GPF level. Given that both Nathan and Yuzuru had skated at max potential, so a perfect Nathan would have probably be around 320+ (overscored in PCs) while Yuzu would have be around 330-340 points (anything less would have been a scandal). Yuzu's layout for the free program has a higher based value than his free during GPF with 4 quads, 2 of them in combos, planned. So there's no way he wouldn't have gone over 330 total combination.

    I don't think there is One can dedicate so much to skating like yuzu. This is a long-term effort accumulation and does not depend on whether you have "talent" of jumping.

    Plus Yuzu is the most talented skater so far.

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