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Posts posted by Anzi

  1. Sorry I got so confused... this is only the qualifier cheat sheet but whether Yuzu would come is still uncertain right?! I see a lot fan on Instagram get so excited for this, but they seem don't know it's not yet decided...


  2. Has anyone posted this fan-cam Otonal before?

    If someone did, sorry for repeat post...

    I just want to highlight the end of the video, Ghislain pulled out a GIANT pooh-san. It is so funny to see that HUGE pooh-san popped out from nowhere.


  3. 1 hour ago, Sammie said:

    Yeah tend to miss him after another men’s competition. You can’t help but compare how godly Yuzuru is compared to a lot of the men ... by a lot I mean all :acceptable:

    Just check the man's sp in GP France.......emmmmmmm.......(except Jason, he did a really good job )


    Let me just rewatch the Otonal again


  4. 37 minutes ago, LeadenMyr said:

    I wanna hear him gush over rostelecom's otoñal. Dear gods, the sheer beauty of it. The passion, the feeling. Agh.

    This is literally my exclaimation in my daily rewatch of rostelecom's Otonal. It's just breathtakingly beautiful. And every time when I finish the stepseq, I get goose bumps. 


  5. 1 hour ago, Ashley2162018 said:

    Looks like he ninja-ed (is there such a term) his way back to Japan.

    Its good that JFed is taking this seriously too.

    Ganbatte Yuzu, we are praying the best for you.


    And Pooh goes back to his forest.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! I will send  my greatest gratitude to my family, to my friends, to Yuzu and to all satellites! I am so happy to meet you on the Planet!

    Wish zuzu has his good rest, healthy body and wonderful birthday in Japan! 


  7. 13 minutes ago, Paskud said:

    I don't envy Brian his situation now. Maybe his student will come back in a few days. Or maybe not. Maybe he will need help to prepare to big competitions in next weeks. Or maybe not. Maybe he will need special treatment because of his hurted leg. Or maybe not. I hope he knows something more and he simply doesn't want/isn't allowed to say anything.


  8. 6 hours ago, kaeryth said:


    One weakness..... I wonder what it is...


    I actually really appreaciate Plushenko said that, because receiving the idol's sincere wisdom word is different from receiving a mere compliment. For Yuzu, I believe he expects to know what his weakness is from his idol/mentor. Plush's words is really encouraging.

  9. 39 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Hmm...I wonder what this means for his ankle.... 

    Same confuse...what does that news means...


    But at least, he is in home and probably with his family! Take your time for resting!

  10. 6 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Apology accepted, and please understand I wasn't trying to single you out. I just thought that perhaps folks didn't realize, and wanted to let them know. 

    Yes I totally understand. And I know I didn't do right.

    Thank you for the forgiving :headdesk:

    hope zuzu's meme brings you happiness!:10742289:

  11. 1 hour ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    About the CBC. There's something, I , as a Canadian, have been really surprised by since I became a Yuzu fan on the internet, and that is the level of sheer anger and hatred directed by non-English-speaking fans towards the CBC. I watch the CBC for sports all the time, and their coverage, while often held back by their lack of money (because they are government-funded), has always been positive, honest, straightforward, and as complete as they can make it. They're doing a really big, really difficult job with not enough money, staff or resources. And they don't just cover sports; they're a full network with  many, many responsibilities. They cover everything from local village news in the remote North to international wars and everything in between. 


    They may not be perfect in their coverage of Yuzuru, but they are doing their best. They do not hate him; in fact he gets remarkably positive coverage from them (probably due to Kurt being a fan), and they do not try to diss him or put him down. I have seen so many posts by foreign fans knocking the CBC down because they didn't like the coverage, but not one of those people ever stops to consider that maybe their translation is bad, and that they are not correctly understanding what the CBC has said. Or they fail to realize that the CBC is, first and foremost, a news organization - they have to report the truth, even when said truth may be inconvenient for some. 


     It profoundly hurts me that the CBC, a gem of Canadian life, part of the fabric of Canada, gets ripped to shreds over nothing, when they don't deserve it. 


    As for this piece about Yuzu's fans, and the retweet thing: the CBC was being complimentary. They didn't have to do a piece on Yuzu's fans at all, they could have ignored their existence. But instead, they noticed that Yuzu's fans are an interesting news story on their own, and decided to interview some of them. There was no insult or mockery in any of the coverage; it was a gentle and kindly-worded article that I found sweet and interesting. Because it was intended to be sweet and interesting. 


    Those who are offended by this, that is your choice,  but there is nothing in this coverage to take offense at. It was NOT meant that way. 


    AS for the twitter post/ retweet: Either RT or don't, your choice. But don't think it was some cynical cheap trick to take advantage of fans for fame. The CBC has far better things to do, than that.


    As a Canadian Yuzu fan, I'm very offended by how many non-Canadians hate my beloved CBC over nothing.


    Please stop bashing them. 


    Thank you. 



    Sorry about my previous comment and my judgement is merely subjective. Already got rid off them. I don't mean to offend you. I am so sorry!

  12. 5 hours ago, LadySnowblood said:


    Telling fans to retweet this is tacky, and the cynic in me thinks they are even exploiting non-English-speaking fans... Getting them to engage with the nice sounding, simply worded tweet, while the clip is lazy and inaccurate. Really feels like PC Olympics content that was barely refreshed with new photos. 


    I finally remembered why this part was familiar... The questionable comment doesn't belong to that Twitter user, the tweet was actually protesting it:




  13. 37 minutes ago, ICeleste said:

    :offtopic2:when I first watched this video I thought "he makes that single jump look like it's the easiest thing in the world" so I tried to do it but (silly me) I could never land it as smoothly as he does, I lost my balance every time lmao. I'm amazed at how easy and chill he makes everything look... I'd love to do a triple or quad with a harness on just to truly grasp the idea of how difficult figure skating actually is

    That big hahahaha laugh made my day:devilYuzu:

    zuzu we miss you so much and we all wish you happy mood everyday!

  14. Folks, I just began my rewatch of Hope and Legacy, and I found the one in his 2016 NHK trophy is as amazing as what he did in 2017WC. I mean although the technique was not that perfect, he lost two jump elements. But in terms of performance, it was even better than WC. The body movement is really relax and contains a lot details which makes the aesthetics of the program so much impressive. I recommend it as one in "the programs you definitely need rewatch" list

  15. 2 hours ago, BWOZWaltz said:


    I know...it's really a disgrace especially when you think about the dollars they make by acting up like this. They might as well be Hollywood actors. 




    Oh Kazu-kun!! He's such a cutie...:img_21: 





    I'm still processing the whole situation since Sat. Watched sp and fs over and over. Otonal's pure beauty hits me every time I watch. It's so beautiful it hurts me so much and reduces me to tears. Re-watching fs is harder but Yuzu and his beautiful spirit emerging through the program grips me every time. Just think about his poor ankle literally gives me pains in the stomach...


    I have some thoughts that I need to get it off the chest and because it's sensitive topics, I will put it under spoiler so those who do not wish to be down or in emotionally fragile state, please do not read.


      Reveal hidden contents

    I feel I'm powerless in the situation. All I can do is pray for his quick recovery and for his happiness. Whatever he chooses to do, as long as he's happy with the decision, I will accept it. I know it was not wise to have skated with the injured ankle but Yuzu had thought through what's his priorities. His love for Russia and desire to skate in front of them had outweighed his own health unfortunately. He couldn't see when he could skate Origin in Russia next so he had to do it. His ankle condition since the last year means he has to do things there and then all the time. At TCC media day, he mentioned about 4A and the time limit to achieve that in competition is getting closer. He must have been thinking about his ankle as well. In the interview after the fs, he explained that his ankle got not much ligament left to damage in the first place. This doesn't sound good at all. He's prone to injuries more than before because of the injury sustained last year. 


    I personally think he should WD from GPF and JNats. He can forget about 4CC too. But I think he wants to go WC as that's held in Japan. JSF would be a laughing stock if they didn't pick him for WC because of the WD from JNats. I don't think they're that stupid but we'll see. If Shoma wins GPF, it could add some complications so I really want someone else to be on the top of the GPF podium if Yuzu can't be there. I just don't trust JSF because of the past and ongoing issues.


    I wish someone'd slap me so I can snap out of this gloomy loop of "what if" and "can't do" kind of state of mind :snapoutofit:

    Don't get me wrong. I believe in Yuzu 100% that he will do everything he possibly can to over come obstacles but physical conditions are beyond one's control sometimes and that's what I'm talking about. Like today I was googling about stem cell injections and wondering if that could work for Yuzu's ankle. I really wish a brand new set of ankles for his birthday present...I really do.


    Anyway, I've checked my biorhythm and today I'm in the negative emotional zone...probably monthly visitor from the moon is on its way too:13877886:


    Those who has read this section, sorry about the negativity but I just couldn't stop these negative voices in my head today.


    Thank you.



    You just raise the most "violent" group healing project. 

    I hope I can give you a physical hug and tell you everything would finally turn to good result. We are here with you.:10742289:

  16. 5 hours ago, xeyra said:


    Warning for toxic masculinity and author asshole-ish-ness. As much as I admire Yuzuru and understand his choice to skate at Rostelecom and think him courageous, skating while injured is NOT something to be encouraged and Jack is out there basically calling everyone a coward for not doing so because men should be manly tough men and brave through pain...

    That's totally misleading while may causing more unnecessary antagonist toward Yuzu. Hope Jake can change his tone in this article and stop talking shit.

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