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Posts posted by Anzi

  1. 7 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Minoru Sano just recently said in an interview that Yuzuru gets injured because he's always pushing his limits, and honestly i think that's true not just for Yuzu but in any sport. The best ones try the hardest things which means they have the greatest risk. 


  2. 1 hour ago, LadyLou said:

    so, this is quite sudden but I was rewatching Yuzu Spirit of Athletes documentary from post SA2012 (x) let's hope the channel will be spared from the current purge:smiley-scared003: and well, I already knew at some point in the doc they showed Yuzu training alone in Sendai ice rink and that he kinda hurt himself, but watching him limping away with a sprained right ankle was still so painful I had to stop the video  :sadPooh:  what can I do to give Yuzu my ankles? (tho they aren't that good, I randomly lose balance without reason :facepalm: )

    sorry I didn't want to bring back the gloom and doom but the feels hit me hard :tumblr_inline_n2pje3s3EO1qdlkyg: (well, I've also started his second bio so the feels are doubled)

    Also, he's really come so far... watching documentaries of when he was still just the promise of a bright future, only a challenger among many, and thinking that now he ihas not only fullfilled those promises but also gone beyond... and  his spirit is still the same wild, unyelding one of his earlier years :tumblr_inline_mzx8t1Yuvn1r8msi5::tumblr_inline_mzx8t1Yuvn1r8msi5::tumblr_inline_mzx8t1Yuvn1r8msi5:

    I really enjoy your sharing. I am thinking a question, it seems Yuzu got more frequently injured than other skaters...I wanna know why...is that because he push himself too much? Or because his injuries are accumulated... I think might be both 

  3. Just now, BWOZWaltz said:


    I'm not sure about if PH UA library exist (if not, we should make one!) but if you search on internet with Yuzu in UA or Yuzu practice, I'm sure you can find quite a few videos exist. 

    Thanks a lot! And yes, that's what I usually did on YT... but a lot of time I don't know which one I want to look for. So I rewatch certain videos like the H&L OP in ACI for a long time, and forget to search OP in like PC or other competitions.




  4. 13 hours ago, BWOZWaltz said:



    My Yuzu UA folder is going to end up in quite large volume I can see:68468287:

    Hi! I wanna ask do we have a particular archive or the similar thread that includes most of Yuzu's practice video tapes from competitions? What you just said makes me deadly eager for watching Yuzu's open practices in UA...



  5. Guys if you can not watch Yuzu's skating on YT, you have alternative solution. Go to Chinese web Bilibili, and search key words 羽生结弦, the first page popped out have items include all his popular  programs.


    You can close the danmu if you want

  6. 57 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

    I would like to share this with fellow satellites. My student sensed my distress and drew this for me! :softYuzu:

      Hide contents




    Omg!!!! That's just sooooooo sweat!!!! I am glad you have these kids. You must be a wonderful teacher so you students treat you like a family! 


    I wish my future students are as cute as they are



  7. 1 hour ago, Paskud said:

    Like... for me it's so weird. I had extremly bad feeling before CoR. I KNEW something will happen. My heart stopped when we got this rumours about flu in TCC (lol, stupid flu... omg...). And I was obviously sad (and even cried, a little bit >_<) when we got today confirmation. But... I'm so calm about overall future. I don't understand it, but it will be okay.

    I think we are to much scared because until now he usually didn't WD, but still competed and pushed his body to the limits. Because he had to be perfect. But after PC he is free from expectations and he can allow himself to rest and heal. Isn't it great?

    You are not the only one...I also got weird feeling before CoR. I got really anxious which never happen before both ACI and Helsinki. As he arrived Moscow, I don't feel good, which was ignored by me becuz the joy of his fantastic SP. However, before watching the stream of OP on the morning of FS, my instinct just... you know I felt so differently... 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Paskud said:

    We are freaking out now because one mention from one source. I doubt Brian knew anything new at IDF. It was too soon. If they not called him today after anouncement (tho it is possible), it's probably from CoR. Nothing new.

    Wait a few weeks. Zu has not even started rehabilitation yet. He is strong. Stronger than we all here together. He will overcome it. He always finds ways to do it.

    Thank you for saying this! I think things would change during his rehabitation. I still keep faith in his condition might be more manageable than we thought. 

  9. At least, there won't be any mentally cracking down during my f**king tense final...sorry about my language, but I do have at least 10 ddl in next two weeks.


    I will keep dedicating to my mission while praying for ZuZu's health. And also wish he has a wonderful birthday party! 

  10. 52 minutes ago, Pammi said:

    Oh I agree so much, none of us want to see Yuzu having repeated injury to this now very vulnerable joint - if he continues competitive skating later in the season I am hoping he sticks only with 4T and 4S.  We want to see him skating for years ahead and reach his full artistic and creative potential, and I want him to really protect that ankle from now on.  However, even Brian mentioned 4A the other day didn't he? saying Yuzu will jump this, so it seems that his plans/goal haven't changed (I think this was in a post-injury interview but I may be wrong??)......this injury may well delay his plan to jump 4A this season, which might lead to another competitive season, though he could do a Javi and semi retire with maybe a few (of his own?) ice shows to keep him busy .  Whatever, I feel this injury is truly significant despite being "less serious" than last year.  Yuzuru will know he needs to think of the long term here, both as a duty towards himself and his plans to skate for a long time with the sense of enjoyment and fun that he has spoken about, and as a duty towards his loyal and loving fans to whom he will want to show gratitude for these years and years of support around the world.  Yuzuru, whatever you decide, you have our respect, love, and support - pleeeease look after yourself and that precious body of yours though!! 

    There is an old saying in Chinese called "only by throwing a long line, you can catch a big fish " which means the huge agenda should be put into a long-term plan. I totally agree with what you said, for Yuzu a smart way to achieve his dream is first to get recovery and then go back to practice STEP BY STEP. And I believe he knows how to manage his plan to accord with his condition. But it would still be better if Brian is there with him and to KEEP EYES on him.

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