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Posts posted by Anzi

  1. 3 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

    I understand why people are mad at Johnny, but I really hope this doesn't degenerate. What he said wasn't THAT bad, even if it would have been much better if he hadn't mentioned Yuzu at all. It's not like the French commentators who speculated on much worse things and he didn't say anything that isn't essentially persona opinion. Which he's entitled to. I understand we all love Yuzu and want to protect him, but he's a grown man and he can protect himself. He would never condone cyber bullying - and we know Yuzu has plenty of vicious fans, as well - and he's actually already talked about that. About him and Johnny talking about how no matter what Johnny says, he'll get dragged for it. And we know how Yuzu felt about that. And I doubt he feels like that only if the subject isn't himself. Yuzu is the type of person who will even defend the right of someone talking trash about him, because that's the kind of person he is. So, yes, being disappointed and voicing that is natural. But let's not get carried away or resort to personal attacks (as I've already seen it happen on twitter). Even if it's to defend him, it won't make Yuzu happy.

    I agree, what he said in commment is understandable.

    but he shouldn't mention how much he loves Yuzu after his disputable comment, which drags him into trouble again.

    Not wise, man!

  2. 2 hours ago, ICeleste said:
    Yuzu checking up on Jason is the sweetest thing :sadPooh: I think Jason is the skater closest to his age (they were born like 8 days apart).
    On another note... 


    Lol on Twitter he "loves Yuzu-kun" yet on TV he drags him and his skating every chance he gets... Pick a side, Johnny (and Zu bring back LGC challenge)

    Ok I wasn't gonna complain what Johnny's comment on Yuzu right after Nathan's FS, because I simply thought he might just get too excited to make a rational comment. Because, afterall, witnessing a skater of your own country doing a great job in programs is a matter.


    But seeing this... this cover-up or whatever, makes him not that ingenuous...

  3. 32 minutes ago, LadyLou said:

    well, ok that Yuzuru is a YOLOking from TCC kingdom of YOLO, but let's try to have reasonable expectations:space:

    Yuzuru is recovering from injury.

    WC is in his homecountry, where he hasn't competed in almost two years already (and last one was WTT17, so some kuyashii in place, I guess:tumblr_inline_n2pjcykAXc1qdlkyg: 'cause...you know...that SP)

    He doesn't have much time to make up for the training he has missed.

    He has said the 4A issue he was having was time and energy consuming.

    He said for 4A he needs to be on top form.

    And sure as heck he won't want to take any chances to re-injury himself going for crazy elements this season. I mean, there is risk of re-injurying himself even doing his usual stuff, but why be reckless now?

    So IMO it's reeeeeeealy unlikely Yuzuru is gonna add any new source of uncertainty in his layouts. His plate is full as it is.


    He's probably got a nice plan in place and he's doing his best to stick to it. Focusing on the important things (being back healthy and recovered, patiently getting back everything, perfecting the choreo bringing back sittwizzles into spin:smiley-angelic001:) and blocking out all the unnecessary white noise (US media).

    He's one of the most analytic people out there. You can bet he knows scoring is crazy, though I doubt he's gonna address it directly, as Javi did. But, as for all skaters, he can only do his best. The rest isn't in his hands.


    At this point, in his career and his life, I think that for Yuzuru skates he can be proud of are more important than a gold with messy skates.

    Yes, I know he was ridiculously happy for his GP gold in Helsinki:tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg: but it was the ACI gold that made him kuyashii to begin with:68556365:

    Yes, he said there's no point if he doesn't win, but it's possible he thinks that his best is gonna get him the gold, even with some wonky judging in place, and I still think the same too even if judges are trying really hard to make me change my mind:gaah: well, I do think it will happen, one day. BUT NOT TODAY AND WITH TODAY I MEAN IN SAITAMA WC19 and lemme punctuate this with this post-4CC17 mad that was prophetic for WC17 :laughing:

    Of course, if, for Saitama, Yuzuru isn't gonna be recovered enough to try a 3 quads layout for FS, then I might think:

    "ah, he might not win even if clean":/ because then BV difference would likely be too big for even the highest PCS and GOE to compensate, if others go clean.

    But then I'd still be:tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw::tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw: for Yuzu, because "might not win even if clean" doesn't mean that one "won't win".

    I mean, skating while "can't win if skater xxxxxxxx is clean" is sort of what all male skaters but one have done in the last...four years... and yet Javi has won his two world titles, and Patrick his SC golds, and Nathan 4CC and COR


    tho negl, thinking that a clean Yuzu might win regardless of how other skaters do would certanly be helpful for my nerves LOL:tumblr_inline_n2pjd5WDu71qdlkyg::tumblr_inline_ncmifdw7151rpglid::xD:

    tho, again, it's not like this knowledge has prevented me from having my heart in my mouth whenever Yuzuru has competed. I mean... I was really shaking watching Helsinki GP. I mean.... yeah, it's not gonna be that helpful after all:1:

    Thank you so much for sharing this!

    I am not shame to say:  I feel a little bit shaking (a lot actually) when just think about Worlds will happen in 50 days.


  4. 10 minutes ago, Anony said:

    I wonder if Laurerus can be swayed by the display of his popularity :tumblr_inline_ncmifdw7151rpglid: honestly if it was up to me he'd be nominated for Sportsman of the year but :14066882:


    Ms. Katarina Witt pls help all these dudebros see the light

    Yes! And this is not just about his popularity. 

    It also matters in terms of setting a perfect example of being humble and diligent for every young and elder athletes. It's about how a great personality of an athelet can bring so much hope and postive engergy to societies. It's also about the representation of Asian as well as the representation of FS in a U.S/Euro-dominant sport field.

  5. OK, now I desperately hope Yuzu can gain the Laurerus Sports Award, because he f***** deserves the title for Comeback of the Year. 


    And I think the every member of the committee should do extensive researches on how splendid and magnificent he is.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Louitunes said:

    Just imagine:  " We are the Champions" ... "I consider it a challenge before the whole human race.  And I ain't gonna lose"


    Well that's sure him. :winner:


    Or the currently totally appropriate:  "I Want It All"

    "Listen all you people, come gather round
    I gotta get me a game plan, gotta shake you to the ground
    Just give me what I know is mine,
    People do you hear me, just give me the sign,
    It ain't much I'm asking, if you want the truth
    Here's to the future for the dreams of youth,
    I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now,
    I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now,

    I'm a man with a one track mind,
    So much to do in one life time (people do you hear me)
    Not a man for compromise and where's and why's and living lies. "


    Could be written for him....


    Would love for him to dance to "I was born to love you"... So upbeat or "Love of my life" so mournful.  How about "Tie your mother down"  Oh ok the lyrics to that one definitely rule it out.


    So much untapped choice!



    Queen mashup for sure! 

    And the second-half of Under Pressure with Bowie!!!

  7. Speaking of bringing back LGC, I think it's a BRILLIANT idea though seems unlikely.


    But seriously, can anyone imagine he do a short by using the similar Rock-ish music?!!!

    Like 70s Bohemia Rhapsody by Queen or 80s Oasis?!!!


    If he is lurking in this forum, please just listen to British rock!!!



  8. 6 hours ago, Sabrina said:

    found this video on Instagram a few moments ago !!! Yuzu and Yavi training together at TCC


    Why am i late?!!! The video was removed from Ins!!!!

    Can somebody tell me what happened?

  9. 15 hours ago, Louitunes said:

    This is the first time I've seen a camera go anywhere near the ultra twinkliness of his costumes.  Beautiful. Xxx


    16 hours ago, BWOZWaltz said:

    Not sure if Anzi was referring to this one but this is my fave :)



    22 hours ago, IceWings said:

    Can you post the link to the video? I just love the way the light bounces off the crystals in that costume when he moves. He totally steals the scene from all the other skaters on the ice in the warmup.



    The 4K fancam is here. Guys, please prepare a sunglasses in case of the glittering reflection of those thousands rhinestone hurts your eyes.



  10. 1 hour ago, Sabrina said:

    Yuzu is nominated for Male athlet of the Year

    Voted!but I found they didn't update his SP world record and didn't mention his FS record either?!!



    and they got KD instead of Lebron lol

    I want to see fanyus win over those dudebro!!!

  11. I just realized that less than 3 months later, we will see Mr. Hanyu not in TCC training, and not even the pre-compe practice but directly at Saitama Arena, the day of men's SP competition.


    I get trembling by just imaging that scene. My nerve begins now...


  12. 1 hour ago, sallycinnamon said:

    Brian posted a picture, too!


    Thank you Brian and Tracy for these pictures today :img_21: It's great to see Yuzu again!



    Off-topic observation:

    what happened to Jason's face lol

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