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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I feel like we should all be volunteering at it this year. Lord knows we put all those sweet little old ladies who run it through a lot the last two years
  2. He's taking lessons from Nam, maybe? Not going to lie, Nam's programs at SCI this year left me wondering whether he was trying to make love to the audience. Anyway, he's 25 now... A man grown...why not have some innocent(ish) fun with the audience? He's just enjoying his effect on people, is my guess
  3. His audience interaction skills are second to none, seriously.
  4. When he spotted my crappy little 'Canada loves Yuzu' poster at the ACI medal ceremony and cracked up laughing. The jury's still out as to whether he thought it was genuinely funny or not, or whether he was simply reacting to the poster beside mine ( which had Tokyo Ghoul and YowaPedal on it), but I feel like I made him laugh with joy, and I was walking on Air the rest of the day. Second most favorite moment: during the skaters' final lap at the SCI Gala, I called out 'Arigato Yuzuru' to him, and he turned and made the heart shape with his hands in my general direction. There was no way he could see who it was that had called out to him, but he wanted whoever it was to know they were heard. This beautiful man....
  5. You know what I miss the most about 4 min 30 programs? All the time skaters had to do beautiful spins. Etude just reminded me of that. Even though it's a SP.
  6. Same! But maybe he was just flying around the rink for cardio. He moves so darn fast.
  7. I'm thinking it'll be Seimei vs R&J 1.0 aka grown up Yuzu vs baby Yuzu...
  8. Some of those match-ups are pure EVIL! How the heck am I supposed to pick!?
  9. Yes but guess what? He's already practicing it anyway... which means that behind closed doors, he's repeatedly jumping it and trying to land it... already. Terror is relative
  10. We might still. It's not like the CBC to waste an interesting story.
  11. You're saying that like it's a bad thing...
  12. I still want to see it! Would be great if CBC could air it somehow
  13. PW vs LGC....just kill me whydontcha... can't ....choose...
  14. I saw a news release of Shoma's comments as released by JSF on a Korean website already. In true Shoma form, he didn't have much to say
  15. The Bizarro thought occurs to me that they might try to do it in lieu of SCI.
  16. This year, in "Beauty Tips from Center Ice", our mysterious blogger reveals that lip-syncing to J-rock is good for the complexion! Stay tuned as he confesses his love for video games! Ya gotta laugh. It's better than crying.
  17. Wild speculation about our boy's next program layout, general sympathy for the state of Brian's hair or lack thereof, making up skits and songs, looking at Yutiful pictures, more wild speculation about costumes, watching bootleg YouTube of FaOI, and assorted merriment. It's going to be difficult this year because the drought will be long, but hey! -> no damaged ankles to worry about this time! Silver lining. Also wild speculation about Nessie & co. Like, it's been ages since he said at ACI he tried quints in harness. Wonder if he's tried to land them out of harness.
  18. Cold and stunning beauty - like the woods in winter on a bluebird day
  19. Stay safe yourself! I hope the virus subsides in Italy quickly, and everywhere else too.
  20. It's pretty simple - they haven't ruled out asking for it to be cancelled, but right now they still think the risk is low enough not to. Stay tuned for more developments, basically.
  21. Oh, you must watch Roman. His spins are literally perfect.
  22. Actually, by scores, it's Roman Sadovsky. Someone posted a link with the data after NHK Cup. Roman tops everybody with his scores on spins.
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