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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I just saw the new SP banner...looks great! Also, love the gold feathers everywhere!
  2. It's absolutely the right, inspiring choice for our times right now. I've read that chewing gum is supposed to enhance alertness but how that translates into the ice I have no idea. Made me feel better about how poorly I did when I tried to follow him with my camera at the comps I've been to, if even the pros can't keep up! Just makes me all the more aware of what we're missing out on... Maybe a dumb question, but is he any relation to Keiji? Just wondering. What a wonderful day! Fresh Yuzu on offer!
  3. Yeah, it's in some FaOI footage somewhere. He's joking around with Nobu, who comments on his 'gap', and Yuzu replies that it's his selling/charm point.
  4. As he himself has said, it's his selling point.
  5. That made me shout with laughter. But I think he'd be more likely to ask his mom to cut his hair.
  6. For me this is the best one! He looks so happy and relaxed.
  7. There's a name for it? This concept of having one's life changed by someone is really a thing in Japanese culture, as far as I can tell. It's always talked about in anime and manga, and the four wonderful Japanese ladies standing in front of me in the queue at ACI '19 seemed extremely delighted when I told them I started learning Japanese because of Yuzu, and they declared "Oh, he changed your life!!" with such joyfulness that it made me wonder. Does anyone know why this is so significant there? I'd love to understand it better...
  8. I don't know if it would be an exact translation, but the way you're describing it, I think an English speaker would choose the words 'composed', or maybe 'relaxed'...as in, his face is in a relaxed expression, not all scrunched up with effort. Or even, perhaps 'natural' ? that might be giving a different flavor to the translation though. "Serene" is another one you could use, perhaps - serene as in at peace, unbothered, unruffled by this cruel world...
  9. I daresay it would be like that even if both of them had the same native language. I think Yuzu's just a complex thinker with a lot to say. it must be frustrating as heck for him when he isn't able to express exactly what he wants to say because of lack of fluency in English.
  10. I thought Yuzu did throw Sekkisei a bone at one point, saying that he used one of their products a little bit when his skin was dry after practice and found it refreshing... can't recall where he said that, though. In any case, does it matter? He gets the job done and makes the product sell purely because he's on the packaging....and expecting a 25 year old man whose wardrobe is mainly training gear to have a full-on skincare routine is a bit much, no?
  11. Why not both? The book will need a front and a back cover, after all...
  12. Let's be honest, we're not buying it for the skincare anyway.
  13. Postponed, huh? That's a choice...wonder if that's how all the senior international events are going to go. I guess they're not ready to cancel it outright.
  14. I thought Itsuki was the older brother? In which case, Shoma's the one doing the labour.
  15. He has a dog now though...he does have to get up to walk the dog at least...otherwise, good point.
  16. Dean Fujioka is #1 - understandable, I guess. #2 is some teeny-bop kid I'm not familiar with. The list is pretty heavy with singers/pop stars...so I'm thinking the voting audience was more music-oriented.
  17. Surprised that there's no sign of either Yuzu or Shoma at the training camp. Yet. I mean, since for once they're both in Japan and all...
  18. Yes! I would love to see her do it live...wonder if I'll get the chance at all...
  19. Aljona is seriously making a point here. I love how she does it with her actions, not her words. She's rapidly becoming one of my heroes...her and Chrystia Freeland...
  20. Yeah, she'll have that mastered in no time. Wonder if she and Bruno are planning side-by-side 3As? Does Bruno have a 3A? It'd be pretty crazy if they came back to competition to defend their Olympic gold in Beijing
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