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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. They've proven themselves unendingly flexible in that regard in the past, however Evgenia's already gotten chances like that so for how long will they do it for her?
  2. At this rate, will she even be eligible for RusNats?
  3. Indeed! I've lost count of the number of times I've watched a skater and thought, "They have so much potential. I wonder what it'll be like if they reach it." With Yuzu, you never have to wonder about that because his skating is always dialled to 11, so to speak. Nothing he does ever leaves you thinking he could 'do better'...instead you think, 'How could it possibly get any better than this?!'
  4. Oh that's interesting. I thought he wasn't changing his SP from last year but I guess he decided to.
  5. Wow. That's only a short clip, but it looks like Boyang has really matured as a performer. I'm excited to see his programs.
  6. I would fly all the way to Haneda just to take my photo here, it's so lovely.
  7. I barely count 3 revolutions there. What 4A? Ay caramba! Es loco en la cabeza...
  8. This is utterly brilliant. I thought the hydroblade was a very nice touch.
  9. Check the settings for notifications on your account. If you go into 'account', 'account settings' , scroll down to 'Other settings' , click 'notificatiin settings' and there's a place where you can choose how often and what kind you get
  10. I'm so sorry to hear that about your grandfather. I hope a way can be found for your family to be with him at least a little bit. These are difficult times and you have my sympathy.
  11. If anyone is stuck for something watch right now, Battle of the Blades Episode 2 is on right now on CBC. Anyone with a VPN should be able to watch online.
  12. Battles of the Blades Episode 2 is on now on CBC if anyone is looking for something to watch!
  13. Those wildfires haven't let up all summer.
  14. Does she say where she found the fountain of youth that keeps her skating?
  15. I found some. But the ones I can't find and am looking for are the shots I took of the Origin opening pose at ACI and SCI...my phone is synced to Google, which is convenient until it does something like tell me my photos are already backed up, so please delete them to make more space...but they aren't backed up...:( Edit: Found the ACI stuff. Downloading to my actual computer now. Still don't know where the SCI ones went to.
  16. Do any satellites know much about Google Drive? I just discovered that the folder I had backed up my phone photos of Yuzu's ACI and SCI 2019 programs is now inexplicably blank, and the photos are no longer on my phone because of space constraints. Is there any way I can get these back from the depths of the cloud, or should I just be using a hard drive all the time....what am I saying, of course I should be using a hard drive all the time...or better, yet, printing things out... anyway, help. Some of these are photos I uploaded to Twitter or might have tried to upload here on the Planet, so if someone happens to have copies please send them back my way. desperately clutching at straws, also thankful tat I used my actual camera for some of those shots so I do have some photos still.
  17. ...now I'm sad again. If Worlds hadn't been cancelled, I would have been able to Han Yan's 3A with my own eyes...it truly is a thing of beauty. ry t That being said, Yan's 3A is a complete thing in itself. By that I mean, it's so right that there doesn't seem to be room to make it into a bigger jump. If Yan wanted to go that route, I think he'd have to treat 4A as an entirely new jump to learn. Like, he already has perfect balance of power, height, technique, everything, and makes a textbook 3A every time, but there's no extra room in there to leverage more power for a 4A. @QuadOllie To a point. I think a Keegan program with a 4A in it would be a bit like a volcano, tsunami, and landslide combined - all wild energy and force of nature crashing around the ice. Yuzu will probably 4A with finesse.
  18. ...but not streamed? Stingy of them not to share. Agree that if anyone else has landed 4A at this point, it would be most likely to be Keegan, he's the one with the highly overpowered 3As to begin with. @QuadOllie welcome!
  19. Huh? After all the times Nathan said he would never touch 4A? Come on!
  20. Both of those are things I distinctly remember being told not to do in skating lessons because we weren't supposed to dig holes in the ice! 😄
  21. I miss watching him skate, too. Looks like they're making a really big fuss for his birthday, whichever show that is. He seems flustered by the attention. He's so cute.
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