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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. He's definitely high risk. I wish him a speedy recovery.
  2. This virtually guarantees Team Canada won't be going to Worlds either. What would be the point? Most if the team have barely been able to compete in even one competition this year.
  3. At least the app finally got it right with the LMEY photo. How many hundreds or thousands of times has Yuzu's photo been uploaded into that thing and this is the very first time it's gotten both the age and the gender right.
  4. 100% agree, especially after what I saw a certain pairs-skater-turned-coach-turned-judge post on Twitter one time about Yuzu's StSeqs sometimes being 'messy'.... It dawned on me after watching him live a few times that the judges must be mistaking Yuzu's high complexity of skating as something else. So I personally think it's very much to Yuzu's advantage to pull back a little. But it grinds my gears that his full brilliance doesn't get appreciated...
  5. As regards the content of H&E: on first watch, I also thought that Yuzu wasn't doing as much in the program as we're used to seeing him do. I don't want to use the term 'empty' , but there is definitely space in it. Breathing room. After reading what others have said about this and reflecting on it, I think the reason why it looks kind of sparse might be because, for the last umpteen seasons, Yuzu has been using programs that are absolutely packed to the brim with SO MUCH stuff that they're literally breathless. Origin had him doing something literally every beat of the music. 4CC Seimei was a jam-packed 4min 30sec program condensed down to an even more dense 4min. Even H&L is full. Yuzu hasn't done a free skate program with breathing room in it for a long, long time. It doesn't mean the program is lacking in any way. It just means there's space in it.
  6. Seems like no one's noticed this? There's a Skate Canada competition going on this weekend and next using pre-recorded skates but live judging: https://skatecanada.ca/events/2021-skate-canada-challenge/ It's the competition that Roman was filming for
  7. Somehow today this verse seems especially apropos.
  8. I wasn't the one who first suggested it... @Umebachi was opining that he'd have more mobility in a tighter but stretchier and shinier pair ... and my brain just went there after the fact.
  9. ....trying to imagine the Gleaming Pants of Ascension any tighter than they already are and...
  10. He's more of a fool than he seems, then. How can anyone predict a 'favorite' for Beijing in the middle of a non-season such as this one? We don't even know if there will be an Olympics then
  11. Considering how all his male competitors either say they find him intimidating or refer to him as 'king', I'm not at all surprised.
  12. My understanding is that in almost all cases 'omae' is so casual as to be nearly rude and only to be used with those who you are most familiar with. Pooh must be close to Yuzu's heart indeed
  13. There's still 4 and a half hours to go til midnight where I am, but I'll send my wishes now: Happy New Year! My wish is for health, happiness, and peace in all our hearts, no matter what tribulations come our way. Let's keep keeping on, until the miseries are over and happier days have come. Love you all but especially Yuzu.
  14. Thanks for the reminder to buy some soba! The Dutch (I'm half-Dutch on my dad's side) New Year's tradition is oliebollen, which are a kind of currant donut made at home. Although they're delicious, soba is LOT easier to make so soba it is! I think it's great that Hanyuconomy has come to Nagano. And has anyone else noticed that Yuzu always seems to inspire a lot of shrine visits, too?
  15. In the first image in your photoshop, the one you made into your avatar, he could possibly be performing a rising uppercut (similar to #3 here, but these are badly done examples ) , which is done with the tsuka at the top and the hands in a similar position to the one here. But he could just as easily be imagining another weapon in use. Samurai were by no means limited to only using the sword. Tbh, I didn't get an image of a battle from that step sequence - at least not like a hand-to-hand one. More like a commander directing the troops with arm gestures, or the overall impression of two armies colliding on the battlefield
  16. I've studied kenjutsu a very tiny amount, and the katana is a blade where both hands grip the tsuka (i.e. the handle) most of the time. If you think about that, Yuzu's 'battle' moves might become clearer to see in that StpSeq.
  17. I probably read a poorly-translated piece, because it literally said they were in the same program, but the writer could easily have meant just the distance-learning aspect is the same, not the subject matter. In any case, I have been well corrected for my misconception now, thank you.
  18. had me laughing in the first 10 seconds with '...and I used to be straight until I laid eyes on Yuzuru Hanyu" but some of those comments sound mighty familiar...like the guy was reading our event thread out loud LOL! I guess we all have the same reaction to Yuzu.
  19. Too bad. I was hoping Yuzu was recruiting reinforcements for his revolution against biased judging.
  20. This sounds like what they're saying is that the rule is that there must be at least 2 revolutions in a basic position on each foot, in the spin, before variations can be added. In other words, they're dinging Yuzu's score because he didn't use a basic position for at least 2 revolutions on the second foot? I don't get it. And the English grammar of this rule is atrocious and almost malignantly ambiguous.
  21. The article I read said it was the same online program of Human Information Sciences that Yuzu did.
  22. Okay that instantly made me think of this performance, especially the first 30 seconds: but I honestly can't picture Yuzu skating to something like this. He could probably do a really good job but at some level it's an energy mismatch. Yuzu's energy is a lot brighter and higher, not languid.
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