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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Something very cute if you scroll down the thread - Alexa and Chris Knierim both replied individually, and each listed the other as the best athlete they'd ever seen live. Aww! married people goals...
  2. Now I'm sad that we're none of us able to be in the audience for that first big reveal of the year. That is really one of the best parts of ACI every year. On the other hand, it's nice that the privilege will go to a Japanese audience this year.
  3. Somebody please tell me why NBC did this to themselves https://twitter.com/NBCSports/status/1339998333578960896?s=20
  4. But I wanna see programs live! *pout* Nah, actually you're correct. I'm not as stressy as I was watching the 2018 CoR long program, knowing that Yuzu was deliberately skating on a badly injured ankle, but I am a little stressy just because it's been so long. Like, what if it's a messy first pancake?
  5. And I have just realized that the SP takes place during/just after Midnight Mass, my time...so I will also be waiting until later to watch. I hope the pharmacy isn't super busy over Christmas. The radiation department I work in is going to be. some truly amazing individual scheduled 20 new patients to start on Dec 29 which means the week before is going to be madly busy for me.
  6. Not surprising when Russia's official position on doping in sports is "Why are you picking on us? Everyone else is doing it anyway, why can't we?" They do their good athletes a massive disservice. they have so many good athletes who don't need doping to win, so why wreck it for them by routinely doping?
  7. I'm going to go with cautious optimism that we will see Yuzu skate at Nationals and that all will be well, from COVID safety to ankle integrity, all manner of things will be well. Hoping for a beautiful red costume that makes Yuzu look like a living flame.
  8. This just went up on YouTube, so I'm sharing for the general merriment of all. Note that Yuzu features prominently...but i think my favorite is Guillaume Cizeron as Minnie Mouse Okay, so if Yuzu has new programs and new costumes, anyone care to hazard a guess what it'll be? I think Jeff said in that interview that what he choreo'd for Yuzu was 'high-energy', but I can't remember anything else he said.
  9. So basically nothing's going to change from now until the Olympics unless Worlds gets held in March
  10. I also think it's unlikely given Yuzu's personal sense of style and good taste when it comes to his costumes! I was in fact suggesting it as a joke. Personally I think Yuzu would rather die than wear some of the blah-office-worker outfits his competitors put on. But in event that he might not have been able to get new costumes, I wonder what he would do. Personally, I'd be very delighted to see the Origin 2.0 costume being re-deployed for another program. For example, it would work for LGC.
  11. Yeah I know that. What I want to know is why it was suddenly decided to make it the final opportunity to qualify for Olympics when it's six months away and there's a whole GP season in between
  12. Nebelhorn? Why so far out (early Sept to qualify for a Feb competition)? makes no sense. Also, way to crowd a small mountain village in September....:(
  13. So does anyone want to play the 'let's speculate about Yuzu's new costumes" game? TBH, I'm half-expecting him to not have all new costumes. I can't imagine he'd have felt comfortable going around to Satomi Ito's studio to get a costume fitted during lockdown/pandemic restrictions. I mean, this may...just may...be the year when Yuzu takes his 'honourary Canadian' status seriously and shows up in the Canadian men's team uniform of grey sweater and black trousers basically pulled from the back of his closet
  14. He's sincere in his admiration, anyway. I wonder how many extra hours of practice he's put in, trying to emulate Yuzu? Because it really looks like he worked hard.
  15. To me, this sounds like a reputational assessment, not based on reality. As was seen at SCI'19, when Yuzu has judges who are prepared to actually LOOK at what he's doing on the ice, instead of ASSUME THEY KNOW what he's doing on the ice, he gets scored correctly with high technical score. I personally think the overarching issue in figure skating judging is that a skater's early reputation follows them around and leads to judges making up their minds what score they're going to give, long before they ever see the performance.
  16. at this rate, Worlds can't be far behind. Someone posted an article on Twitter saying the rink set to host Europeans just got converted into a COVID morgue...eesh. I'm about done with this pandemic.
  17. at least Patrick got his at an internationally ratified event...not just from home crowd judges.
  18. You can say that again. Just from observing her, I feel like she's been getting bad advice all year.
  19. Didn't RusFed put out a statement about that? Zhenya was paying her own expenses in Canada out of her endorsement deals etc.
  20. Makes more sense than the SafeSport 'investigation'. I never expected that to go anywhere.
  21. To be fair, we don't know if her initial decision to leave for Japan was as wrong as it seemed, because we don't know what factored into her making that choice. But in hindsight, yeah. On the other hand, it's not like Toronto was/is COVID-free. She could have stayed right there and still got injured, still got sick, etc. There's no point in second-guessing.
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