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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. I know, right? Wish I had clued in at the time...I thought I was talking to just another internet troll. Little did I know!!!
  2. For a country that supposedly doesn't care about outside opinion, they sure seem hungry to know what completely random strangers on the Internet think of them...and you never know
  3. so, Russian Maxim magagzine published their April/May edition featuring Zhenya. the pictures showed up in my Insta feed - and I really wish they hadn't. It's not that I have a problem, per se, with an athlete or a skater doing those types of shoots (which are comparatively tame next to Sport Illustrated swimsuit issue, sometimes), it's that in Zhenya's case, something about it feels off. Like, she isn't this personality at all...and you can see in her face that she's really not sure about it... I don't know. when Liza did Maxim, I thought "Good for her!", but with Zhenya I'm thinking "Jesus, I hope she's okay"... what a contrast.
  4. I'm really loving all the ideas for where Yuzu might go to find inspiration, that people have siggested so far. I especially like the human library thing...that's something I didn't know existed but it's a really cool idea.
  5. I was wondering why we didn't see you. Goodness, that's a lot! Watching competitions live makes for a busy day to begin with but add in work obligations and that's even worse!
  6. While I understand Max's enthusiasm to see this again, if Yuzu did bring it back, I hope he would do so only as an ex or an ice show piece. First of all, Romeo and Juliet were teenagers themselves so 'maturity' doesn't actually fit the theme of the piece, and second, Yuzu probably has other things he wants to say with his skating now, things that wouldn't fit his old programs. I want to know what the Yuzu of today has in his heart and mind that he wants to share with us on ice.
  7. This is more than 267 people! I want to add to my inspiration suggestions : I'd also advise Yuzu to take classes in a dance or artistic discipline he's not familiar with, such as sculpture, or modern dance.
  8. All of the things that have been mentioned so far are great, but I really like this one!
  9. Been a while since I've been on the main chat. I saw the Shae-Lynn interview, and it got me thinking about Yuzu and where he gets his inspiration, and more generally where artists get their inspiration from. For a lot of artists, pieces that they create can comes from multiple inspirations and turn out to be a kind of sum total of all their experiences, distilled and viewed through the lens of their particular medium. Because of this, there are artists who continually seek out new inspiration and new experiences that can then use to inspire their art. For example, a ballet dancer might take some classes in a different dance style, or a painter migh travel to a foreign land to see new landscapes. So, let's pretend: if you were one of Yuzu's 'people', such as a choreographer or a coach or so on, and one day he said to you " I think I need some inspiration - do you have any suggestions?" - what would you suggest? What interesting thing would you point out to Yuzu as a way to feed his artistic soul? I think I would suggest first spending time in nature, then going to a famous art museum to look at things he's never seen before. Anyone else?
  10. Jun's star is definitely rising! So much media. Can you imagine how it would be if he had won?
  11. I'm just...relieved reading all this. Relieved for Yuzu, that he wasn't trying to do this completely on his own with no support at all. And relieved for Ghislain, that even though he couldn't be rinkside, he was still able to do somethjng for Yuzu from a distance. It would be incredibly nerve-wracking to have a brilliant student like Yuzu and be stuck on the sidelines while watching him try something risky that no one has ever tried before.
  12. Ghislain is good people, though. Truly.
  13. You know, she's risking a lot just by saying this much. Even if it doesn't seem like she's saying much by Western standards. I admire her bravery. Don't worry, Zhenya. We know ordinary Russians didn't want this. It is a tragedy all around.
  14. Junnabauer! I love it! https://www.instagram.com/tv/CauqP3BI72f/?utm_medium=share_sheet
  15. I believe Yuzu's exact words in Beijing during one of his mixed zone interviews were "My coaches are watching over me properly, please don't worry." I took that to mean that they were doing exactly what Yuzu wanted them to do, so we fans shouldn't try to over- interpret the situation. And really, i know everyone is starting to act like COVID is over and travel restrictions are done and what, but that's not necessarily the case. Yuzu may well still not be interested in coming back to a city like Toronto, where Omicron is running rampant and public health restrictions are about to be lifted anyway, willy-nilly. If he decides he needs to be at TCC again, I'm sure he'll go back there. He hasn't burned any bridges with them or anything.
  16. Maybe we're all overthinking it, and Yuzu is simply enjoying the opportunity to practice with other actual people around, and have an appreciative audience as well. Let's not forget that for the past 2 years he's pretty much been not only solo on tge ice, but as far as we know, solo in the building at the times that he trains. For all his bravado about being able to do as many run-throughs as he likes with no interruption, that much solitude would get to anybody. He's having fun. His idea of fun. Just let him. There's no need to make it any more complicated than that.
  17. They'd probably already follow him anywhere 😁
  18. Has this been shared? Looks like Yuzu's practice today was all about being a rock star!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CaEtzgToaKE/?utm_medium=share_sheet
  19. I've witnessed him making grey-haired grannies scream like teenagers at a rock concert, so...
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