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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. So in other words, this is Yuzu's 'give my fanyus what they want' era 😁
  2. Hey, satellites- Make sure you post the link for Yuzu's channel everywhere you can and share it abundantly. I just tried navigating to his channel by using the YouTube search bar, and I got everything but - including at least four fan channels that had re-uploaded his intro video to their own channel pages, with their subtitles added, and a link to his page in their descriptions. I know this is a thing that happens on Youtube, but I'm really, really not happy to see that happen to Yuzu less than a day after he started his own channel. That's not some footage from a big rich broadcaster they're stealing, it's Yuzu's own personal work. Unless the language they translate it to is so uncommon and rarely spoken that they're the only ones who could possibly do the translations, there's no excuse! So yeah, everyone, spread tge link to the real channel until Yuzu figures out what 'sesrch engine optimization' is, please. But don't re-upload.
  3. I'm thinking people watched it 3x, then subscribed, watched it 3 mores times and then remembered there's a 'like' button, too.
  4. You got unicorns? No one told me there'd be unicorns...*pout* Joking apart, I'm having a super cruddy day at work and everything is making me angry, but then I remember that YuzuTube is now a thing, and I can go on...
  5. This is an idea I can get behind! Original Origin 1.0, with the ACI '18 choreo, only at 4.5 minutes, skated in the Origin 1.0 costume. The 'god' program, where Yuzu looked like a primeval force rising from the Earth to create a new universe. Yes, I want that!
  6. There are cat breeds that are ok for allergic people because they don't produce dander, such as Maine Coons or Russian Blues...
  7. On that note, I hope Yuzu can finally get a cat. Now that he's not on the fly hither and yon for competitions grind, it's probably easier for him to have a pet.
  8. Agree with this. Just replay the video every time you sign on to YouTube, instead. Keep the views growing over time. Or, make a playlist with other videos interspersing between adding Yuzu's video to the list multiple times. Maybe use videos from other channels you want to support, like @Henni147's stuff (or your favorite band!) But, can anyone tell me how much difference high view counts will make for a channel like Yuzu's? For a music video, for example, the YT viewcount is sometimes included as part of the metrics for hit charts, which translates into awards, promotions, and radio play or music sales. But figure skating has none of these. What does Yuzu get out of his videos having high view counts?
  9. Not just any white wall. It's our own dear White Wall-kun, who's had Yuzu's back this whole pandemic... Yuzu's at 129000 subscribers now
  10. His spins and edges were already well above novice level there. His edges are so crisp. Wow
  11. Does anyone have the link for the GP assignments? They're out. Jun at Skate America.
  12. I've been reading everyone's posts and I want to say this: We all seem to be feeling a sense of loss that goes beyond not seeing Yuzu compete again. The Pooh rain, the wild queueing for a good seat in early practices, the meeting other fanyus, the travel...my dear fellow satellites of Planet Hanyu, we had amazing and joyful collective experiences thanks to watching Yuzu, that we probsbly will never have a chance to experience again. It's normal to mourn that. Not only are we losing our Yuzu competition experiences, but in a sense, we could lose each other as well. Let's not let that happen. Let's promise to keep the PH spirit going, and still meet up at competitions or ice shows or wherever we can. Our little community is something lovely, and if weren't for Yuzu we wouldn't have it, so let's hang on to it. I personally am looking forward to the first time we are able to have an ice show - related PH satellite meet up. Because Yuzu is still worth travelling for.
  13. This. We need to start praying early
  14. So right now all that's in my mind is 'if Yuzu's turning pro, does that mean we'll see more of him, or less?' On the one hand, ice shows are more frequent than competitions. On the other, he might not ever leave Japan again...he could probably build a career just on ice shows there! In any case, good luck and ganbatte, Yuzuru sweetie. It was an immense privilege to see you compete 3 times. God willing, we will all get a chance to watch you skate in person again. Now, what do I do with these SkAm and SCI tickets...
  15. Of course it will. Yuzu is prompt, ISU is not
  16. I've experienced 'the Yuzu effect' myself and watched it happen to all kinds of other people who encounter Yuzu, and I want to say this: I don't think it's something he is consciously doing (trying to inspire/empower people (well, mybe it is now, but not when he started)). I think it's something that happens to everyone around him simply because his own fire burns so bright. He's so positively convinced of his own abilty to make his goals happen, that it burns away all uncertainty. And when someone has that kind of light within them, it can't help but positively impact everyone who comes near. That effect makes it seem totally silly to doubt yourself. Like, if 4A is within Yuzu's reach, then one's own personal goals are surely also within reach if we put in our efforts too. He makes me think that way.
  17. Argh...a pox on the ISU and their 'always-keep-'em-waiting' attitude...
  18. This edit just absolutely rocks! https://twitter.com/yoongolie/status/1543248648753991681?s=20&t=5ASCYMwNrX5kwH8pSH4i2Q
  19. Yuzu's beautiful - let's admire that - but Pooh has the soft fuzzy tummy all stuffed with fluff. It's a toss-up.
  20. There's this: shirtless Pooh is the cutest.
  21. Is it just me, or did it look like Yuzu was having a bit of an asthma attack there at the end? Seemed like he was trying to catch his breath and could barely yell his Arigatou
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