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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. Oh that... I got scared for a minute lol.
  2. Yesterday before he skated. I didn't get a screenshot of the 100k but i have of the 100010
  3. Oh no, i will be awake for the SP >:) you're right muahahaha Also, I was thinking about telling you guys this or not, but since a lot of you were really happy when i was able to give the swans to Tracy, i wanted to share more happiness with you The stars aligned again and somehow, @robin and @sallycinnamon managed to talk to Brian a bit in the venue. And he confirmed that there is a golden swan chilling on his desk (probably watching over him and his hair) and that Yuzu also has one . I'm sure Tracy has hers too, as i gave them directly to her (the other one was for Mama Hanyu!) So the wish and the message reached him and his team. I hope he looks at them and he can feel all the support and love that those swans carry on their wings
  4. Since i'm most definitely going to be asleep to see that beautiful moment, i just want to tell you guys that today we will hit 100k posts! I am so so so happy and i hope we can continue growing If anyone catches that moment pls take a screenshot with the time because i want to remember it forever
  5. He was the cutest little mushroom ever 💖
  6. tagging @ralucutzagy I can help too muahahahaha
  7. #teamShaeLynn ofc! For so many reasons but mainly... HYDROBLADE
  8. They did IIRC it will be like this for all the GP events
  9. This is the most beautiful baby ever and I don't like babies 💖💖💖💖
  10. Sí, yo supongo que si van a reunirse ahí van a entregar algunos cisnes así que espero que obtengas el tuyo. Ojalá que te sientas mejor pero si no... seguro cuando veas a Yuzu se te va a pasar Honestamente hay momentos en los que aún no puedo creer que estuve ahí, viéndolo de verdad que los videos no le hacen justicia...
  11. Bringing this over from the fluff thread, new badge!
  12. Yay! Hahaha yo no escribí nada aquí mientras estuve en Montreal. Actualicé el twitter del sitio y si hice algunos posts en la discusión de la competencia y el General Chat pero la verdad es que estaba tan concentrada en que estaba en la misma ciudad que Yuzuru Hanyu y lo tenía súper cerca, que la verdad no sabía ni que escribir. Además que había muchas personas del foro ahí y pues ahi platicamos bastante. Si puedes busca a liha y Fay, no sé en que vayan a traerlos pero van a estar dando cisnes de origami, no sé si sabes acerca de ese proyecto pero por si las dudas, aquí lo pongo: ¡Espero que puedas obtener uno de los cisnes :D!
  13. I'm back and less squishy. Good to see him happy again 💖 I hope we can see that smile many times this week
  14. Holaaa que bueno que decidiste unirte ¿Dónde están los demás hablantes de español? De repente una se siente sola aqui jajaja debe haber más de nosotros que amemos a nuestro bebé bonito y queramos hablar sobre él </3
  15. Nononononononononononono 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
  16. Iirc they said they had all of his appearances on TV... I would love to watch them all hahaha
  17. Ask the Overlord, not me I'm just another victim
  18. RIP Me. I came home to the calendars and Sportiva and i just want to tell you that my squishiness made it impossible to look at all the pics....
  19. Copy Yuzu's bio from the ISU site, list his WR, put some pictures and there you have it: a perfect summary of the beauty of FS
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