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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. How did they know i wanted more Yuzu with glasses
  2. Requesting a disco EX . He can dress up as the Disco ball.
  3. Am i supposed to be scared. Fear is not what i am feeling.
  4. Same. She had an emergency surgery too. I hope he's well, they were pretty scary days for me
  5. Congrats everyone!!! It feels like a long time ๐Ÿ’– I had the chance to thank some of you at ACI but still... This wouldn't be the place it is without you. You guys thank the admin and mod team all the time but we only provided the space and guidance so everyone could participate. We feel like the planet now has a life of its own, and if there's a friendly atmosphere is because YOU make it that way it's a difficult season ahead but together we even managed to be literally at Yuzu's back, delivering our support to him and also supporting each other when we start to panic (last panic mode was observed after we knew he was going to repeat Chopin! We've survived two competitions now!) So, active satellites and lurkers alike, thank you I hope we can get even better! aah I'd love to touch the antenna...
  6. He was really determined to take gold from Russia...
  7. this Swan deserves all the happiness in the world
  8. The hashtags say halloween so i guess it is
  9. That was sallycinnamon's banner thank you @sallycinnamon and @robin, you got an amazing place for our banner ๐Ÿ’– I hope he feels happy that all of us satellites orbiting his planet are with him at every competition, even if it's just represented in a banner. Sadly we can't do it for Gpf and Nationals but hopefully the Notte Stellata Invasion will continue there...
  10. So jelly of the Xylitol things... Xylitol has the best merch hahaha
  11. I made a pic tutorial of how i fold my swans i had posted the Youtube video i used but i found it confusing at times, so i tried to take pics of relevant angles to help you Please excuse my dry hands and my fading Seimei mani. I've been too lazy and should change it already: https://imgur.com/a/zzRI3/
  12. His eyes are so soooooo SOOOOOO beautiful... Send help. I'm getting ACI victory ceremony flashbacks
  13. Well well well... (Source) We were right behind them during the birth of bb 4Lz
  14. There's a Pooh invasion going on at every competition with all the Poohs thrown into the ice, I don't think we need to contribute with origami hahaha. Must fill the world with swans so we have the Pooh and Notte Stellata Invasion muahahaha.
  15. Hmm, actually I made swans because, like I told Tracy, I feel like a Swan is an accurate representation of him when he's skating. Also, he said once that White Legend was his favorite program and Notte Stellata marks the second time he's skated as a swan. Of course it's also because I personally like that program a lot but my main motivation to make the swans was thinking of him rather than my own preferences
  16. If I had a way to know if our swans influenced that decision just a bit I think I would cry. And I think the golden swans are actually a pretty docile bunch. I mean, they DID arrive safely to their destination with no detours! And they're watching over the team ๐Ÿ’– No, the golden swans are different ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
  17. This is great news! I downloaded tv Asahi's SP AND I wanted to download the gala but I wasn't able to do it. (If anyone wants the SP link just tell me, I uploaded it to my gdrive ) Maybe this time I wont have any problems downloading it
  18. The goal is to distribute them among the fans. To be honest, at first I didn't really think about giving the golden ones to Team Yuzu. But i set them apart because they felt special, and I put a lot of care in folding the golden ones: listening to music that awakened certain feelings in me, I never folded the golden ones when I didn't feel good or I was feeling angry/upset, always thinking deeply about my wish to see him happy, visualizing him smiling in February... They carry a lot of feelings. I thought it would be impossible to give them to Team Yuzu but one week before going I decided I would do everything I could to reach them. And it worked! So my idea is to spread them among the fans, that way, everyone hosting a swan at home will send their good thoughts and energy to those golden swans in possession of Team Yuzu. I feel like they're all connected ๐Ÿ’– Please don't worry of you can't approach skaters or his team, the team already has their special golden swans, the leaders of the flock ๐Ÿ’– (Also iirc Misha has a swan too? ) I wish! Haha but no, he went eco friendly bc TAT was at CoR. We don't know if he's keeping it the whole season ๐Ÿ’” (if he does then my headcanon will be that he was inspired by the swans to keep on being the Swan Prince a bit longer. No one will be able to convince me that's not the case muahahaha)
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