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Posts posted by Dara

  1. omg guys you think we'll have glimpses of any the new programs?!


    Probably not. It's usually debuted during DOI and if he doesn't do DOI, then we'll likely have to suffer till the challenger series. :sadPooh:

    But he did partial SEIMEI on FaOI 2015, didn't he?

    Later stops, not Makuhari and Shizuoka.


    ETA: I checked 2015 schedule and got it. In 2015 he did SEIMEI only after debut at DOI.

  2. В теме общего чата постили эту ссылку с расписанием забронированных льдов на катке http://www.sportsvillage.ca/ice-rental/

    Можно погадать, например, что 8-11 с 4 до 5 вечера забито как раз под Юзу с Ше. И угадать. Или нет.

    Осенью если дадут видео с постановочного процесса, то можно будет проверить предположение. Или нет :sadPooh:

  3. mcq said:
    Dara said:
    meoima said:
    Shae? Do we have any news about Shae?

    Scheduled to do Radionova's LP May 2-7.


    Lol all the (possible) choreographers are busy then? But Jeff is doing SOI in toronto right? And if he goes for DW I don't think DW would spend all day/the entire day with Marin Honda? Is Elena going to Toronto then?

    Yup, Lena should be in Toronto now.

    Last year she posted photo with Shae:



    I'm not sure, but I think it was taken at the same rink Shae does choreo with Yuzu?  

  4. So Rika's FS was choreographed by Buttle (source).

    Very interesting, considering Jeffrey own story with this music (he heard it somewhere and LOVED it, but had no idea what it is and where to get it (in was late 90's - early 00's). And when he found "La Strada" mp3 he wanted to get a program to it straight away).


    Top Jr. boy was Mitsuki Sumoto who fell on his 3A but rotated it.

    He also did 3Lz+1Lo+3F (flip marked as !).

    2A as a first and 3Lz+3T as his last jumping passes tho :space:


    He was on the JGP circuit last season if I remember well, came in 3rd at one of the events. Germany maybe? He's 16 I think.

    Last season was his second in JGP, but first to medal there, yup.

    He's choreographed by Nanami Abe which brought my attention to him in the first place.

  5. I remember Riko from Japanese nationals. Interesting that she's trying 3A.

    I don't think that's Rika final plan tho, she wanted to go for 2 3A, so...I guess that was a first layout to try. I don't like tanos but I think it's right for her to try, she knows that she needs to step up her game to win (and I like that she tries to xD)...La Strada tho :acceptable:

    Yup I think too that layout is not final.

    I wonder who choreographed that program... Dickson? Apparently Rika wanted her program to tell a story and Hamada-sensei suggested "La Strada".

    And also wonder about costume, she performed in yellow dress today, but that's her old one. Oh and she'd just changed her boots 1 week ago.


    Source of photo: yahoo

  6. Today at some Osaka competition TWO girls tried 3A!


    One of them of course was Rika Kihira, who presented new FS to "La Strada" with oh so many tanos

    3A (fall), 3Lz-tano+2T+2Lo, 3F-tano // 3F-tano+3T, 3Lo-tano (stepout), 2A+3T-tano (hand), 3S



    Reports 1, 2


    And another one was Takino Riko with her old "Les Mis"

    3A (fall), 3F+3T, 3Lo // 2A+3T 3F+2T+2Lo, 3Lz, 3S



    Reports 1, 2

  7. meoima said:
    liha said:
    beki said:
    I feel like if we keep saying "Yuzuru will never do a 4F," it will only make him determined to try ;)

    Wasn't there reports that he tried it along with the 4Lz attempts at WTT?

    I highly doubt that those reporters at WTT actually can tell the different of Flip and Lutz entry though. I don't think Yuzuru ever tried a 4F at all.

    Several long-time fans who always post practice reports tweeted about those 4F attempts.

    He popped all though, but I doubt that multiple knowledgeable fans could make same mistakes.

  8. There you go - Eteri's interview has been translated.

    https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/index. ... ne.101210/


    Yuzu's mentioned in this part

    AS: It's typical for our country. It's quite different abroad.

    ET: It differs. Take Hanuy - everything is done for him, even someone carries his bag. Not because he is so spoiled, but because he does not need to think of anything outside the rink. He is only focused on warming up and skating.


    Another mention:

    AS: So why there were no successful Japanese skaters in the past? It all started with Takeshi honda in the end of 90s.

    ET: The process began then, the results came later. They put more money in the skating and the skaters, including Yuzuru Hanuy got a chance to practice abroad. They also realized they should not close within the country. Or in Asia in general. Almost all the Asian skaters left their countries at some point and continued their career abroad.


    Kinda ot: why "Hanuy"?! It bugs me every single time!

  9. There are
    videos, maybe they would be helpful.

    Daisuke has a flutz and Jason has a flat edge in the lutz. The lutz video maker was wrong to include Daisuke and Jason.

    These videos are called "various flips/lutzes" and I think their point was to show different entries with different steps (I love Jason's with walley. Too bad Yuzu had to discard walley before 3Lz+3T in Chopin)

  10. You mean they would call him stricter and therefor he wouldn't attempt something like the 4F? More TR to get the PCS? Or even more crazy jumps because low PCS anyway?

    I think they'd call stricter, give him less GOE love and 4F wouldn't even be ratified in the first place. PCS wouldn't be that generous too imo.

  11. I have difficulties differenciating left and right so the jumps I struggled to differentiate the most were the flips and toeloops. Now I can identify them all right but sometimes I still get confused...

    Same here!

    Especially with skaters who rotate in opposite direction, ie Carolina Kostner.

  12. Спасибо за помощь в добавлении авы! Я выбрала это фото с кошкой, потому что Юзу в одном из интервью на вопрос, каким бы животным он хотел родиться, ответил "кошкой". И ещё он очень милый на этом фото. Впрочем, как всегда). Но мне интересно, закончил ли он университет в этом году? Получается, если он поступил туда в 2013 и проучился 4 года, то как раз должен закончить или вот-вот закончил.

    Насколько известно, еще не закончил. 4 года - это минимальный срок обучения, но для выпуска надо набрать определенное количество кредитов. В этом как раз плюс такого дистанционного обучения - есть возможность подстраивать темп учебы под свою занятость. На специальности Юзу учеба может длиться до 8 лет, так что у него есть еще достаточно времени чтобы, например, отложить написание выпускной работы на после ОИ.

  13. I would like to take a peek into AU where Shoma belongs not to team Japan but to team "we're fewer but still good". His program layouts would be different for sure.



    (If you get a 4Lz with a 4F and vice vers for free now, then please someone tell Boyang. His 4Lip would at least still be a great jump, and he has the 4Lo too. All quad + 3A layout here we come :cool: )

    :rofl2: :goe:

  14. Honestly I don't see 4Lz coming yet.

    It took him over 2 years to introduce 4Lo (he started doing it on shows spring 2014 - I still remember so clear first footage of 4Lo (fall) in Sapporo). And he told that next season he needs to be clean. It takes some time for him to get used to new jump in competitions, and not sure it's good idea to add completely new jump in Olympic season (remember how Brian said that Yuzu said him that he has to make mistakes now, in pre-Olympic season?)

    So I think he'd train 4Lz in off-season, but won't include it in programs. Yet I'm 100% sure he'd upgrade his layout in some way just not that drastic.

  15. I also get confused between the lutz and flip, especially if the skater's edge is unclear, but some posters on the old FF were explaining to me that skaters usually go into them from different entries. Like the flip will be from a 3-turn? Hopefully more knowledgeable people can explain this again.

    Yeah, techpanel identifies Lz/F by entry.

    They were going to change that and identify by actual takeoff edge, but gave up that idea I think...

    There are

    videos, maybe they would be helpful.
  16. There is long (very long) interview with Eteri http://rsport.ru/interview/20170505/1120015384.html

    She mentions Yuzu couple of times, but mostly it's about her own coaching methods, students who left her etc.

    IMO from this interview she comes across as insecure, and she basically says "There are two opinions - mine and wrong". Still an interesting read (sorry, I can't translate it, my English in not that good). And even if she mentioned recently Yuzu as a skater who'd she love to work with, it would never work for him. He is a man of strong character, she calls her students 'work material' and 'products'.

  17. My main issue is the amount of prerotation. I also dislike the fact that if you address it you're labeled as a hater, while people talk about it for Satoko for example, without any problems...but that's another story.


    I also think he should get an edge call for that lutz, the fact that he's trying 4lz (which is both prerotated and has a wrong edge) is very... :roll:

    Same thoughts. Satoko and Shoma have same issues (both being tiny) with jumps but somehow you can say anything about her and nothing about him without being stigmatized?

    I quite liked Shoma as junior, when he was doing just triples. Even his 4T wasn't too bad at his first year of doing it.


    Btw reports from PIW mention him trying 4Lz at the shows. Seriously :ohno:

  18. My favorites (they're kinda old, mind you)


    Close to Yuzu by YzRIKO

    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2pllf ... yuzu_sport

    It's about Yuzuru and Brian


    Yuzuru Hanyu-Routines by Layla Hong


    Triple Axel Revolution ~20th Hanyu Edition by YMAKIZO

    https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2bz4 ... tion_sport


    YzRIKO's Recollections series

    2014-15 -GPS Chapter- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x38g2o ... pter_sport

    2014-15 ーFinal Chapterー http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ntl95

    2015-16 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x40ab1 ... ions_sport

    2015-16 ―Final Chapter― http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4968r ... pter_sport

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