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Posts posted by Dara

  1. Shoma said at PIW ice show that his Turandot choreography will be completely new. He hadn't even learned it all yet. Not sure though if it'll also be a different musical cut.

    I wonder how new could it be, you can pretty much replace music from one program with another and it'd look just fine, cause he uses that same arm movements and same glares.


    Another piece of info from PIW - he was asked about his sleeping hours, and apparently he sleeps from 8 to 12 hours a day. Wow.

  2. @Dara


    I think SOI is kind of a frequent thing for David Wilson and Sandra bezic, no? So eventhough he did not choreograph all stop it is still kind of his "baby" haha.

    Idk, I don't follow North American ice shows at all.

    It interested me mainly because of previous discussion about DW working with / battling with Shae on Yuzuru's LP. It seems probable that David has other stuff to do in current window of time.

  3. In 2015 they announced Yuzuru 2 weeks before the show start. So there is still time until the end of next week. If they don't announce him until May 12 I think he will skip Faoi. In my opinion he will do either all Faoi or nothing at all.

    In 2015 they announced Yuzu in a month.

    Announcement was on April 27th (here, a blog entry with links) and Makuhari shows started May 29th.

  4. of topic, but remember when Tracy pointed someone out in the audience to Yuzu during the worlds lp kiss and cry? Here is a picture of the audience, and you can see Gabby and Kaetlyn there.

    I still feel like I heard her say your mom is there, but maybe she said Osmond?

    Yumi-san was quite close, to the right side of where Gabby and other guys from Cricket Club are.

    I don't think Tracy would point to girls, and pointing to mom makes sense.

  5. I do still think it'd be good to do some shows if only to test out his new programs with an audience, in a more low pressure environment, before the season begins. But I'm not counting on FaOI. After that, which other possibilities are left? DOI?


    http://soyouwanttowatchfs.tumblr.com/po ... ting-shows


    There're DOI and PIW (Kagoshima & Tokyo) in July.

    Still I can't believe he'd skip FaOI. Makuhari maybe. Kobe... Kobe shows are the half an hour longer that other stops by the way. But Niigata is in 1.5 months so plenty of time.

    There is also Mao's The ICE, and some paper about offer to Yuzu but somehow I don't believe in it.

  6. Thank you for the news on S/H!

    I haven't had enough of their programs too, but given they had perfect SP and almost perfect FS (shame about 3S!) performances, it's easier to let these programs go. Can't wait to see new ones.

    I'm not very well informed about usual order for Chinese skaters, would we have to wait for GP series or there'd be some show or national competition before GP where they could skate the programs?

  7. I don't want to sound rude, but maybe there should be put some limits to size of images in signatures?

    Some threads are getting bit hard to read, when people set as their signature 450px height drawings and such.

    I think it's usual to limit them to something like 500x200 or even less.

    I will bring it up and we'll try to find a solution. In the meantime, if you wish, you can deactivate the display of signatures in your profile:


    User Control Panel,

    Board preferences,

    Edit display options,

    Display signatures: no


    Thanks for the reply!

    Just as I posted I remembered that forums usually have such option and switched it to "no". At the same time it's sad to deactivate them at all because I really love many signatures. It's just the size of some which is bit overwhelming.

  8. I don't want to sound rude, but maybe there should be put some limits to size of images in signatures?

    Some threads are getting bit hard to read, when people set as their signature 450px height drawings and such.

    I think it's usual to limit them to something like 500x200 or even less.

  9. Too lazy to write reviews for separate magazines, so I'd just share my general impressions of different magazines.


    My favourite of favourites is Ice Jewels. Photos are amazing and unique, and they have special interviews that are insightful. About half on the magazine is Yuzu. Photos by Nobuaki Tanaka.

    Another favourite is Sportiva because of photos of Noto Sunao. Yuzuru's part of the magazine isn't too big, but quite substantial.

    Figure Skating Magazine (フィギュアスケート・マガジン B.B.MOOK) contains full scripts of Yuzu's press-conferences and interviews at competitions. Most part of the magazine is about Yuzu, but if you can't read Japanese maybe you'd find it kinda boring.


    If you want photos, I'd go for FIGURE SKATERS magazine. Don't let the title delude you. About 85% of pages filled with Yuzu, great and HUGE photos. Plus posters.

    Another safe choice is Figure Skate Fan Tsushin (フィギュアスケートファン通信). It should be called "Yuzuru Fan" honestly. About 150 photos, great sense. I have a feeling that editors are fans lol


    I also have a blacklist:

    - Ginban no Ojitachi (銀盤の王子たち). It's purely idol magazine, no appreciation of Yuzu as athlete. Publishing company is same with certain weekly magazine which printed gossips about Yuzu. Too bad this magazine usually has some really cute photos...

    - Magazines from Nikkan Sports Club (日刊スポーツグラフ). No. Never. Don't buy them. They belittle Yuzu in articles in that magazine.

    Also I'm not so fond of Figure Skate Life (フィギュアスケートLife) lately...

  10. About Miss Abe: I heard that she is more of a choreographer now after her marriage. Her husband still helps Yuzuru with his blades.


    Umm why do you mention "after her marriage"?

    She was married already when she was coaching Yuzu, and with two little kids (they are elementary school students now).

    I remember reading somewhere that she coaches less and less after her marriage and currently she does choreography more. Or someone said she wanted to do choreography more after Yuzuru moved to Brian.

    I think I read that she prefers being choreographer more.

  11. I heard a rumor that David Wilson may be choreographing Yuzuru's LP. Does anyone know if there's any truth to this? hmm...

    I'd say that source of that rumor is quite yellow, it's from women's weekly magazine of same kind that wrote about Yuzu's "girlfriend" in 2016.

  12. About Miss Abe: I heard that she is more of a choreographer now after her marriage. Her husband still helps Yuzuru with his blades.


    Umm why do you mention "after her marriage"?

    She was married already when she was coaching Yuzu, and with two little kids (they are elementary school students now).

  13. Even top skating coaches also take their students from somewhere else. Liza wasn't taught her basics from Mishin. Yuna learned her basics from Korean coaches, not Orser.

    Small Liza's leg wrap was awful

    Mishin said he took that girl because of her amazing huge jumps = natural talent.

  14. I do blame some of the coaches a little. Shoma is talented, but he wasn't taught properly, and now it will be a struggle for him to correct his technique. It's so much harder if you don't do it right the first time. Ignoring prerotation for the moment, who has corrected their takeoff edges? Yuzu and Joanie Rochette are the only ones I can think of. Let me know if there are more.

    Mao had flutz, Kana had flutz... seem certain coaching team doesn't pay enough attention to such details.

  15. Anyways, I've been meaning to ask something, not sure if it's the best place here for it. How many boots does Yuzu usually go through, do you guys know? Reading about how Nathan goes through a pair of boots every 1-2 months makes me wonder if this is normal or is it just because Nathan trains so many quads and/or seems to have heavier landings than Yuzu, Javi or Patrick?


    I think it's hard to tell how many, cause unlike most of skaters he doesn't wear one pair until it falls aparts, then next pair and so on. According to Yoshida Toshinobu, person who sharpens his blades, Yuzu chooses several pairs that fit the best from boots send to him by maker (Edea) and uses them during the season. Every few weeks Yuzu sends Yoshida boots by air, Yoshida sharpens blades and sends back.

    In article back in 2014 Yoshida said that each pair lasts for about 3 months for him, 4 pairs for one season.

  16. Unless you're Brian Boitano, I don't like the look of Tanos. Rippons look better for me, but it also depends on who is doing it.

    Same here.

    There are aestetically pleasing variations and not so pleasing.


    Btw Sima (Sakhanovich) said that once she started doing tano variations of jumps, usual version became more difficult to her.

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