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Posts posted by Dara

  1. Emerges from the depths

    I definitely think in english and japanese when i'm speaking either of those languages though... So it is doable...

    I think Japanese if speak it for days, BUT it's only to certain level. When conception is too complex I still switch to my native language. And Yuzu certainly tends to explain quite complex feelings at press-conferences. I don't believe that thinking 100% in foreign language in possible.

  2. All the talk about English made me wonder if he'll ever be able to do a full after competition press conference without a translator. Now that's something I'd like to see. As wonderful as all the people who translate his Japanese answers are, still, a lot of things get lost in translation nevertheless, so I wish he could convey his thoughts in English easily so that I could understand him without thinking that something might have gotten lost in translation.

    (then I realize he might _do_the_thing_ earlier than reach such a level of fluency in English and well excuse me while I cry in the corner ok)

    I think in that case something would be lost in his internal translation :xD:

    Even when you know foreign language at very high level, you still think in your native language. And sometimes foreign language just doesn't have exact expressions or nuances your native language has.

  3. IMO problem with Kolyada's programs is that he works with that choreographer from their rink, person he was working with for years. Seems he'd love to try programs done by someone else but doesn't want to hurt her feelings.

    And he got new SP last year but was told throw it away and return to the old one by people in Fed.


    Well, I do surely hope some men will emerge who can deliver the content to be competitive enough. Aliev's very good, but not very consistent sometimes. Lazukin could prove to be quite good. Samarin... hasn't impressed me much so far, but sounds promising.

    Petrov might learn some more quads, though I don't believe that.

    The trouble with Kovtun... he's consistent at Russian Nationals! LOL


    Well, no one believed that Petrov would actually show us a quad after all those unfulfilled promises, but he actually delivered! Don't write him off. Though tbh I don't believe he'll emerge with a 4Lz or 4F (I think Mishin was saying something of that sort after Petrov landed a rotated 4T for the 1st time?).


    Lol, 'the trouble with Kovtun' is so on point.


    I hope Lazukin will find consistency and rise to the top among Russian men. He even tried a 4Lo at a local competition, but his strongest points are his balletic lines and quite nice skating overall, I think.


    Don't you ever believe what Mishin says :rofl2:

    He told before that Petrov doesn't add a quad because they don't want to show unfinished product, 4T should be perfect to be added at competition etc. That quad I see from Petrov now it hardly perfect.

  5. Учитывая концепцию FaOI, скорее всего Юзу будет катать по два номера на шоу.

    Один - совместный номер под пение кого-то из артистов, участвующих в шоу. Причем они разные в Макухари и в Кобе с Ниигатой, так что таких номеров может быть два, один в первом городе, и другой во втором.

    И второй - показалка или новая соревновательная программа.

  6. ISU World Standings has been updated today. http://www.isuresults.com/ws/ws/wsmen.htm


    Fun Fact: (Although it doesn't mean too much) Yuzu has been #1 in the World Standing since 2013-2014 :yes:


    Shiro - is there a listing somewhere of World Standings by year? I do remember that Yuzuru hit #1 by end of 13/14 season But is there a way to look that up?

    Wayback Machine is for your service http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www ... /wsmen.htm

  7. I think we could make a Team Event Thread... but who'd come there! So we OT here to our hearts' content...


    haha i'd talk about it -- i do want pchiddy to get his gold medal, but i'm not too hung out on it

    This is my eternal doubt as a new fs viewer. But why everyone calls Chan chiddy? Is there a story?

    It's Patrick's nickname given by Scott Moir. I think it's play on Pdiddy's name?

  8. Помню только как он полностью запорол ПП на SA в 2012 после первого уверенного лидерства в КП, но Юзу у нас впечатлительный, так что этот момент можно понять))

    Орсер это объяснял не впечатлительностью, а тем, что Юзу надо было выступать последним, и он так наразминался на полу, ожидая своего выхода, что на прокат сил уже не осталось.

  9. Yeah, definitely Kana and Chris are more likely to qualify. So if Sumire and Francis don't qualify for the individual event but go to the Team Event because Team Japan qualifies for it due to its three other disciplines, they do still need to have tech minimums as well?

    Sumire and Francis won't be able to compete at Olympics anyway due to his citizenship

  10. i heard from others in the forum that apparently some tv stations in japan broadcast the ice shows?

    and if there is then maybe there is a livestream???


    Asahi TV should broadcast Kobe, IIRC, in which case yes, there'll be one as there are regular ls for that tv station anyway.


    I think both Makuhari and Kobe are affiliated with Asahi, only Niigata with Fuji Network.

  11. Кто знает, трансляция всего этого Фентези он айс будет?

    Всего - точно нет.

    Обычно по одному из шоу в каждом городов попадает в эфир. Как правило одно (Макухари) идет в прямом эфире, другие в записи.

    Но пока что нет анонсов ни на одну из трансляций.

  12. Any news on who the guest artists/singers will be? Can we get an official Yuzu x Kotaro Fukuma collaboration now? :love: Too bad we still haven't seen a vid of their Chopin impromptu collaboration. Maybe they'll show a fluff of it this time.

    No Kotaro Fukuma this year.

    From official site: http://www.fantasy-on-ice.com/artists.html


    Makuhari: Maki OHGURO, Keizo NAKANISHI, Shinya KIYOZUKA

    Kobe, Niigata: ANRI, Norimasa FUJISAWA, Kohshi KISHITA

  13. Two questions; thanks in advance to anyone who answers:

    1. How many shows did he do before 2013-2014 season?

    2. How many shows would he do if he were to do DOI this summer?


    1. 9 IIRR. Art on Ice x 2, Dreams on Ice x 4, Fantasy on Ice x 3

    2. There are 4 DOI shows planned, so with 9 FaOI it'd made total of 13 shows.

    Art on Ice consisted of 4 shows, so in 2013, he participated 11 shows in total.

    Thanks for correction. Then it were 2 shows per day? I just remember that there're 2 days.

    This makes number even closer.

  14. Two questions; thanks in advance to anyone who answers:

    1. How many shows did he do before 2013-2014 season?

    2. How many shows would he do if he were to do DOI this summer?


    1. 9 IIRR. Art on Ice x 2, Dreams on Ice x 4, Fantasy on Ice x 3

    2. There are 4 DOI shows planned, so with 9 FaOI it'd made total of 13 shows.

  15. I'm not concerned about him doing 9 ice shows I mean this is the guy that did 60 in one summer...


    I don't think we will see new programs it's too early...but well probably hear about him doing some crazy jumps or something haha

    Like 4Lz at finale?

    I still have my notes on consistency of 4Lo attempts back in 2015, it was about 15-16%


    Probably not. It's usually debuted during DOI and he doesn't do DOI, then we'll likely have to suffer till the challenger series. :sadPooh:


    Is it confirmed that he won't do DOI this year? When is it by the way? I also think that if we're going to have a glimpse of his programs it will be in DOI since most Japanese skaters debut one of their programs in DOI.

    July 7-9.

    It's after all FaOI this time.

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