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Posts posted by Dara

  1. 23 minutes ago, Anya said:


    :offtopic:For Japanese/jpop fans, can someone tell us if there's a name to this moves???:biggrin:  I've seen this done a lot by Team Japan and also by some Jpop band (Exile? Hey Say Jump?).  

    These movements are from Choo Choo Train by Exile (I posted link to the video just below your comment).


    But originally this song (music) was written by Keizo Nakanishi who will be at the show. His version of the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MbXU-IJYXo You can see that movements are not there.

    Here you can hear him singing at the rehearsal https://www.instagram.com/p/BUdmhj3Fhtv/?taken-by=arizakarian



  2. 52 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

    Planning on going to GPF if I can't get to the Olympics, or both if I suddenly get rich. No tips on hotels and I've never been to an ice skating event before but I'd probably be willing to take the bullet train in every day if accommodation in Nagoya is a problem. 

    Taking shinkansen can be problematic, depending on schedule. FS events usually finish about 20:30-21:30, sometimes 22:30.

    I've been to venue of GPF for a concert few years ago. It's 5-10 minutes on feet from Kasadera station which is in 13 minutes by local train to Nagoya station - the one where you can get on shinkansen. But it took much longer after my concert, because it was so crowded.

    The last shinkansen in Kyoto & Osaka direction leaves Nagoya at 22:58, but that's Nozomi type which you can't take if you use JR Pass (which is great way of saving money). The last Kodama (which is OK with JR Pass) leaves Nagoya at 22:17.

    The last Kodama in Tokyo direction leaves at 22:14.


    So my advice is - do not rely on shinkansen if possible. Last time I had to find some accommodation for my friend who wanted to spend two weekend days in Nagoya, but all hotels were booked. After some searching I found a hotel in Toyohashi - it's 50-90 minutes ride (depending which train you take, local or rapid) from Kasadera station. There is also another town near Nagoya called Gifu, which is in 40 minutes, and also has direct connection with Kasadera.

    But Gifu and Toyohashi are in opposite directions, and after my concert Gifu direction was way more crowded.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Altie said:


    Yes !

    I also remember that he said in an interview that if he had to play kabuki, he would be the onnagata (a man playing a female roles), and not the bold, masculine actor.


    I found an exact quote.


    (Do you think the character of “Onmyoji” fits you?)
    ”Well, yes, I am relatively that type of person, I’d think…”
    “I am thin and am definitely not a “samurai”, well, I might be able to play a female role, though (laughter).  But I do have the “samurai” spirit in terms of challenging fights, so I think I might be able to express that Japanese-like strength within delicateness.”

    from: https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/121644535977/yuzurus-interview-by-nhk-on-15-june

  4. 8 minutes ago, the50person said:

    I rmb Yuzu mentioned something about how he felt that he was similar to the description of Abe no Seimei in the novel, being a tall, fair-skinned and androgynous man. Can't seem to find the original translation though. But I think Shae also mentioned smth like that: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/nliomd

    Yes, he said that in interview in Katei Gahou magazine (one where he was dressed in hakama).

    I don't have translation either, only scan of the magazine.

  5. 2 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

    I wish Yuzu was wearing what the guy on the right is wearing! we all know he looks gorgeous in kimono:girlsigh:

    That guy on the right is kabuki actor Hayato Nakamura.

    I believe they wear different clothes according to their profession.

  6. 1 hour ago, Seimei06 said:

    HI! So anyone knows what this is about? (something about xylitol's 20th and apparently him designing one of the packagings??)


    OKAY EDIT: Xylitol is releasing limited edition gum designs worldwide! With only 2 million pcs in the world. Yuzu's design was inspired by figure skating costumes and gold medals with an underlying meaning of flapping wings into the future (ah Yuzu, you creative boy) 


    translation was from google translate so it isn't really accurate. the article can be found here: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000013.000007664.html


    It's not worldwide - it says 全国, so nation-wide, all over Japan.

  7. Parts of site interface are now being displayed in Russian.

    I guess it's because it checks my IP address. The thing is I usually prefer interface to be the same with main language used on the site, but I can't change it now.


    When I click on "English" I go to the blank page with url https://planethanyu.com/language/?csrfKey=xxxxxxxx and when I open main page again I see that nothing changed.

    I tried to the same on phone, but mobile version seems to have the same problem.


    (Hydro edit: The url you posted contains some info about your account, i edited it so no one can misuse it, sorry!)

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